HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 04-12-19650 I 4pril lit 1965 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Village CounW. of the Village of Plymouth, Minnesota, was daily held' at the Village Hall on the 12th day of April, 1965t at TOO o'clock P.K. ' Present: Mayor Staples, Trustees Curt .s, O' Fallon. Humphropl and Sevicur, the Village Clerk, Engineer and Attorney, Mayor Staples called the meeting to'order. In the absence of a clergyman to !live an invocatory pra;rsr5 Rkwor Staples :requested the Council and audience to rise Por a narimt of etlent prayer. Coldes of the Minutes of the regular =)sting of Arril 5. 1965, as mailed •to ' each Councilman, were approved. A pablic hearing was held in accordance with afficial pui).:i- cation to consider the vacation of a part of Pineview fano located in the SEJ of the S41, Section 22, and the SW} of the SWJ, Section 233 118-22. The Mayor called for any objections anyone may have for tlat vacation of the street, and upon no response, than Mayor declared 'the hearing closed, after which the following resolution was presentod: trustee O'Fa31on introduced the following resol4tion and Mo»eid its ad,iptions FMOIE.ION We 65_ 30 RESOLUTION r P]Ny» I 4pril lit 1965 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Village CounW. of the Village of Plymouth, Minnesota, was daily held' at the Village Hall on the 12th day of April, 1965t at TOO o'clock P.K. ' Present: Mayor Staples, Trustees Curt .s, O' Fallon. Humphropl and Sevicur, the Village Clerk, Engineer and Attorney, Mayor Staples called the meeting to'order. In the absence of a clergyman to !live an invocatory pra;rsr5 Rkwor Staples :requested the Council and audience to rise Por a narimt of etlent prayer. Coldes of the Minutes of the regular =)sting of Arril 5. 1965, as mailed •to ' each Councilman, were approved. A pablic hearing was held in accordance with afficial pui).:i- cation to consider the vacation of a part of Pineview fano located in the SEJ of the S41, Section 22, and the SW} of the SWJ, Section 233 118-22. The Mayor called for any objections anyone may have for tlat vacation of the street, and upon no response, than Mayor declared 'the hearing closed, after which the following resolution was presentod: trustee O'Fa31on introduced the following resol4tion and Mo»eid its ad,iptions FMOIE.ION We 65_ 30 RESOLUTION RE. VACATING PART ar P]Ny» VIEW LANE IN S:st SE4, SSC. 22 SK 4'50, Resolution A -30 Re. Vacating Pt. of Pit_ view Ln. in SEt SA Sea:, 22 & SWJ 54 ' 3ec . 230 ik{WJWS. irarouzr t. to due. and pr op:r, notice accordl..% tq lair, a public hearbig was held by the Village Council at the Village hall in the V!.11a ge t f F lymouth on the 1 Zth day of April, 1965, at '*(&.30 o' clock P. M. to consider the vacation of the following street: All that pArt of Pineview Lane teiag ir. the SE 1/1 of the SE 1/4 if Section 22, Township 118, ,Fango 22 &.nd the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 23, IY)wnship 118, Range 22, and lying between 28th Avenue North A,:rd the North line of Creekwood he:.Ehts let Addition,, i and, WHEd ' `', at such hearing all persons desirity to be heard were given such opportunity, after which said pun? is nearbig Has denlared clo9ed by the Mayor, NOW THEREFORE, BE IS RESOWLI) ff THY' UVAGE WUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF PLYMOUTH: That all that part of Pineview Lane being in the SE 3/4 of the SE 1/4 of St t.Aon 22, `township 118, Renge 22 and the SW 1/4 of the bV 10/4 of Section 23, Township 1113, Range 22, and lying between 28th A%er:ue North una, the North line of Creekwooli heights 1•.t Addition,, ma) be and hereby is declared to be vacated." 1 Motion for %doption of the foregoing resolution by Trustee humphrey and upor. vote being taken thereon the favor thereof: hayor Staples, Trustees Curtis, 4' Fallon, Saviour, Against: Nene, W43 duly seconded following voted in W mph.rey and Whereupon acid resol.Qtiwi was declared duly passed and adopted. Uautkl April 12, 1x165. Attest% Village Clct r Page 1. F on A 11, 246 i a 1 Z.1*1 "l. Cont 11 Rpt, Seller & Water Bryce Johnson a Wsared to discuss th i prinodure be erviee, Mes0-awlawn should follow for the purpose of attempting to, .ebtain ,haver and Acres 3rd Addse eater service in cohzecti6n rites his proposed Aevelo of Bryce Johnson). Neadowlawn Acres 3rd. Addition, which lies directly we of the proAned Metro U: S. `devdhopaent. It was stated it. do Zd have ben to his advan;age if hrequest had Ionian made ar f aisble a couple of months agcy so that it could have been includ a request made to the Village of Now Hops bl the VillagoliflIpbuth for water and serer sery $ce. It was suggested ghats Mr. 4*hrtson attempt to discuss the firoblm with Mtj. U. S„ t see if the ars 4 k o. ale ft Voto doter Svc. id Accepted for bawling A Disposirb of San* Savage. 1 Re 4 iter A Probleow & pUmt . of weed tnsFect)r ( Ira KcRewn)„ Re. Deed Prom United :and Coveri ug R/W for Atmess rv al 55 (Vil. 44&11). Re. lapirements for Final Plat. App '1., Imperial Hale Addn. lyaklund & 1wedlund) . Page 2, willing to,inc3ade his muss in tthl;r requent for ater and saver connection with tb4 village of Nt agpe. A reeo=wmdat ion vas raQ*' Vy the Villsg4 Engineer that the bid of Roto Rooter Soler Serviea CoApargr which wasi reeiadved April 5, 1965 be accepted,, after which the foll.- Wlg motion we prosenteds hfotion made by igaryor Staples that the Ud of Roto Rooter Sever Service Ccapanyr for the hauling and 4ispvafag 'of sanitary sewage from the Kintiotpolas Industrial Nrk prgperty at a unit price of $9.50 par 1000 gallons be accepted. Motion secorded by Truates Saviour and passed by all Gourwi,1 members voting aye. Ira MCKown, County Weed Inspector, appeared, to discuss the weed problems of the V111%ge of Plymouth acrd also the coployaw went of a weed Inspector f:r the year 1965. &-e Kti%'Qvn stated that, he knew of no one available at the present time, but if hkt is able to locate anyone, he would be pletsed to discuss it with the Council. It was suggested that any further disc u3cion of this matter is held in abeyance until .::e ads which have boo plow in the local pap(rs have .run their course et,d it If., seen if &W, tipplications have been reanived for the position. A dead from United Lend, Inc. waa presented covering right -of -wary for an access from State Highwaky 55 to the property abutting the Vil.lagw Kdll property on the easi m Notion mode by Trustee HUmphrrj that the deed from United Land, Inc. covering access h%om State Highway 55 to tho land abutting the Village hall property on troy east aide be filed for lLAure consideration until such time as UaiLed Lkitt Inc. presirnte a plat of the proposed layout a;** the area, aad it is accertable to t!;e Council, at which t1ite the r4 jht--of-wad deed will be executed. !lotion seconded by Truotea, 33viour and passed by all Council me.abere voting aye. Mr. Swedlund, of Sdklund & Swedlund, levelopers of Imperial Hills Addition, appeared with a recpesll, .for approval of the geometric Layout of the proposed Addition, in order that they may proceed with the preparation of the firwl plat. Myr. Kinder of Minder Engineering Cmgxu q was also prese tit, representing the Ecklund & Swedlund ;oiQpatbr. Mr. Bob Korris) an owner of property an !!coney Lake and abutting the proposed deyvelce-aent, ' was ,,also present. Considerable discussion took place vi',h .reference to this drainage for the area as wall as the propos 4 installation of a water system. Motion made by Trustee Humphrey that gNproval be granted for the proposed layout in accordance with the 14%tinoer's r4cosm- mentatione, and subject to percolation testes an ttie' neceesary stones sewer installation for tho area. Notion 1 sounAed by Trustee Ot Fallon and the following votitq in favor theroof % Trusteen Humphrey and O' Ftalon. Opposei Mayor Staples, Trustees Curtis and Seviour. Motion died for luck of a quorum. 0 4 porn 122 ,1!965 - horit Ida Motion made by Mayor Staples that approval of the proposol plat be postponed until an overall dra in;.ge layout is prepared 'and submitted by the Village Engineer for the disposition of the dritnat•e from the proposed plat as well as the area in which the surplus',drai.- age will be disposed ;+f. Motion seconded by Trustee Curtis and!pxssed by all Council members voting aye. Notion made by Trustee Humphrey that approval tit gra,#.i for the approximate one-third middle area ; of the plat from which the' drai&* age would definitely drain into Mooned/ Ince. Motion ,seconded by Trustee OlFallon. An amendment to the preceding notion was introduced by Hayor Staples that it be subject to percolation tests. Motion seconded, by Trustee 0' Fallon, , all Council ambers voting "aye' on the amendment. A vote being taken upon the original motion was as fo4.ia t Trustees Huw*agy and O'Fallons in favor of the motion. Opposed!; Mayor Staples, Trustees Curtis and Saviour. Motion died for lacl,,of a quorm., ` 1. It was agreed that the ,matter be placed on the April, 1%h agenda and that the village lagineer attempt to submit further i0orma- tion on the drainage for the entire area. Mr. Cons representing the Minneapolis Industrial Park, appeared Re. Add11. Sewn to discuss the iastelation of additional sewer lateraLz in the a#,ea. 1atoralss M.Y.P.r Motion made by Trustee Curtis that approval be granted for the iaatalla- by YcMilliams tion of sanitary sewer lat.•erals on Industrial Park Boulevard, reel of Coust;r. Co. lodum Lane in the Minneapolis Industrial Parks and that the infitallation of the sanitary surer laterals be done by S. G. McWilliams Constrv.etion Company, the contractor presently installing sewer laterals in tht areas said additional work to to done at the same unit price as in the +original contract; also, that Mr. Cox direct a letter to the Village petitioning that the work ' be done. Motion seconded by Trustee Saviour and pas -sed by all Council members voting aye. Sheldon Tart, representing the Plymouth Lions Clubs appeared Lions Club Desire= to discuss their desire to use some of their funis to assist in develop• to Divert. Flu,ds ing a public parts in the Village, He stated that they have some funds to Public Park available at the present tine a`.0 Lint they would like to use theme funds Development. for the development of a park area and that this would also be a i,orth- while incentive fog their organization. It was agreed that Mayor Staples and Trustee Curtis would muet with possibly, two of the Lions Club members on April at 8:00 o'clock P. M. to study plans for their proposed program, Motion made by Trustee O' Fallon that the following Sign Permits Thres Sign form be approved for Lhe Hollydale Golfs Inc. s (1) 8x12' sign at NE Lerner mi.t9 AppvId,. 'ot it loway 55 and D.ankirk lane, (2) 4x81 sig,y South side County HoO 9 and Hollykiale Goll s Holly lane, (3) ;2x6' sign, 3outhoaast corner County Road 9 and Duhtirk Inc. Lane. Motion seconded by Nyor Staples and passed by the fIllewing Nvting in favor thereof.: Mayor Staples, Trusteee O'Fallon, Humphrey ani Seviour. Abstained: Trustee Curtis. Motion wade by Trustee Humphrebr, that checks listed on the April Gen. Fhnc1 Dido 129 1965 Disbursement Stattment covering Omeral Find in the amount of ursement ChWai 5#046.51 be approved. Motion seconded by Trustee Sevicur and passed by Approved. all Council marchers voting a;Q•e. Motion mads by Trustee Curtis that checks listed on the April Police Fund Die" 12, 1Q65 Disbursement Statemont covertng Police Fund in the amount of bursement Chkiaks 90462 be approved. Motion seconded by Mayor Staples and passu' by all Approved. Councils members voting aye. Pose 3. 48 AvQ 12. 1265 - Costa. Fire Dept. Fmi Dirbursment 4'ks. Approved. . Road do Bridge 1 tad Disbursement Cks. Ippy'de (1 eacep• tion, #4678). e Poor Fwd Diabursw- lent Cks, APpv'd, Public Park Fund ftvc bursement Cka. Appv1d. Debt Service Fund Disbursement Cks, Approved. Regular Cks, 4622 Thru 4714 Appv'de Motion made bk Trustee Humphray that checks listed on the April 12, 1965 Disbursement Statadent covering Fire' Department Fund in the amount of $601.00 be approved. Notion seconded by Trustee Curtis and passed by all Council nenberd voting aye. Motion ode by Trustee DI Fallon that checks listed or the f pri,l 12, 1905 Disbursement Statement covering Road & Bridge Fund in ;the aniourr. of $2,9 9.67 be approved, with the &m eption that Check No. 4678 in the amount of $105.36 be withheli for fur- ther investigation. Notion seconded by Trustee Hurphrey &ad passed by a'1 Council .nenbers noting aye. 11otior rade by, Trustee Saviour that checks listed on the April 1,2, 1965 Disbursement, Statement covering Poor Fund in, the amount of $2,397.82 be approved. Motion seconded by Kayor Staples and -passel by all Council moubers voting aye. Notion made by Timatae Humphrey that checks listed on the April 12, 19651 Disbursement Statement. Covering Public ,Park Fund in the amount of $i71.X be approved. Notion ,seconded by Trustee Curtis and ,passed by all Council s, %bora voting aye. Notion mace by Trustee Humphrgy' :teat checks listed on the April 12, 1965 Btsbursavent Statement coireringg Debt Service Fund in the amount oV $249959.04 be approvdde Motion seconded by Mayor Staples and passed by all Council &(."bore voting aye. Payment of regair checks as of 'prig . 12, 1965 for the above accounts are numbered 4622 through k114 suid total $37,123.6(,. Trustee O'F&.lon introduced the 'ollaving resolution and moved its adoption: Resolution 65-31 RFSOUITIJN NO, 6e ! 11 Receiving Report & Calling for Public RESOLUTION RXMING REPP)RT AND CALLIND FOR Hearing, 1965 Street PUBLIC HEARIN]p+STRiiI,J:„tOVEiT FROCRAM Laprovemert Programs. i HERFAS a report has been given by o ».e Village Engineer to he Village Council )n April 5, 1965, recommending thv grading, base work and bituminous slLrfacing of tho.following streets, to -wit: w STME FROM TO Zachary Lane 15 Ft . Sough of 18th 50 1/2 Ave. North Ave. Northr Yorktown &ane 8th Ave. No:•th Zachary Lane Wellington Las.id 48th Ave. Noith 49th Ave. North 48th Ave. North Zachary Lane 90 ft. East of Welling= ton Lane 49th Ave. North Zachary Lane Wellington Lane Trent an Lane 14M ft, South of 140 ft, North of 4131 413t Ave. North Ave. North 41st Ave. North Tren-.on Lane Revere Lane Revere Lane 178' So. of Vth Ave. North County Road Noe 9 Jonquil Lane Northeast Line of Lot 1' , Sout4l'iwest Line of Block 81, Lot 28, Block 8, , Maywood Park Haywood Park sycamore Lane 26th Ave. North 28th Ave. North Pineview lane 26th Ave. North 28th Ave, North 27th Ave. North Sycamore lane Pineview Lane 17 1/2 Ave. North Sycamoro "lane Pineview Large nth Ave. Noel h Sycamore "Lane Pine•riew :ane Page 4. 249April12 -1965 C ' STRW FROM TO mod Lana 2 th Ave,, North 28th Ave. North Nathan Lane 26th Ave. North 28th Ave. North Kilmer Lane 27Th hvp, Nortt 28th Ave. North 27th Ave. North 28;h Ave. 'Norte. Rilmer 'Iane 28th Ave. North Nathan Lane , Kilmer I•ane 17th Ave. North SoutJ chore Drive County Road 18 Oakview Lane State highway 55 55 f+.. South nt 24th Ave. North 24th Ave. North West line Lot 16, B1. 6 Magnolia Lane Aijlmhuri3t G,:rdene Pineview Lane Ridgemount Ave. County Road No. 15 Troy Lane 30 1/2 Ave. North 374 ft a South to cul-de-sac 26th Ave. ltorth Tiny Lane State Highway 101 Forntain Lane South Line of 'rot 3, 190 Ave, North Hl. 1, Kreatz high - view Acres, 6.h Aidition Garland Lane 13th Ava. North County Head ho. 6 Everest Lace 13th Ave North 14th Ame, North 14th Ave. North Iat % Kreat z K ighv_.ow Everest Lane 2nd Addition. Zanzibar Lane 13th Avehort.)I 114th Ave. North 13th Ave. North Zanzibar Lane 155 ft. West of Zanzibar Lane 13th Ave. Nc rth st dte ai$hwAy 101 Fast Line of Lot 10 41. 1, City View Acres Ranchview Lane 3rd Ave. North 9th Ave. North Quantico Lane 3rd Ave. North 7th Ave. North - Orchid Lane 3rd Ave. North H'th Ave. Norah 3rd Ave. Nortts Ranch•tiew Lane Niagara Lane ath Ave. North E nchvfew Laine Niagara Lane 8th Ave. North Orchid Lane Niagara Lane Niagara la:,e ilitZg+unt Ave. County Road No. 15 Kardum Lane County hand No. 15 County mid No. 6 Weut MediciAo Lake Drive County Road No. 9 4th Ave. North 13th Avenue Garland Lane Everest Lane Shadyview Lane Intersection of Shad;n- Smith L.ne of NW 1/4 of view laiie & Queens',.anl NE 1/,41 Section 30, Town - Lane ship 1182 1ange 241. 19th Avenue Noc•th. Peony lane ?.?5 it. West of l'r,)tty Line pursuant to 141..8.A. See. 429.011 to :42901 1 (laws 1953,. Ch. 398). The area proposed to gin: aoseased for sudi improvewenty is the property aoutting such streets except as follows: STRE61 Revere lane 26th Avenue North PA' V4 of r -he Sb 1,14 c -f :it -c . 13, Twp. 118, Range 22 and NE 1/4 of SW114, Wec. 1,, Twp. A.18, Rarigii 2:' except; head'ow lawn Estates Ist d11L 4dditlo 79. Greentre+e rereat 2nd AddlL.on; fir)., 1/14 of 91 1/4 of r , ?.C, Tvp.. 118, hang t0 22; the, Borth 300 f% -et of cavi. heat 8, sees. 3o, 'rwp. 68, Nuqu c2. Pu; e 54 250 Za 12a 1965 = Ci M' d. P,LT m Oi . PiTs=,Aw mubi1st, 1. The Council, w..'ill consider the aforesaid improvement, in accordance with the report and the assessment of property abutting or within said boundaries frr all or a portion lof the cost of tht: iaproveiee,. pursuant to M.S.A. 3uc. 429.011 to 429.111, at an estimated total cosh of ttie improvement as shown. 20, A public hearing shall be held on such proposed im- pr ovement on the 11th di,y of May, 19652 at Vis,lage Hall in the village of Plymouth at ?:30 o'clock . M. The illa;ge Louncil shall g1 Je published notics Q1' such hear. ng and improvccent as required by law," Resolution. 65-32 Notion for adoption of the foregoing resolution was fdu17 seconded by Trustee Humphrey ana upon vote being taken thAreon, the follouing voted in favor thereof: Mayor Staple3, Trustaes Curtis, O'rallon, Humphrey and Seviour. Against= None. The following were abient or abstained from voting: None. Whereupon said resonation wRs declared duly passed and adopted. Dated April 12, 1965. It z a Village Clerk Kvc,r StaNles introdi:s ed the following resolution ,and miyved its adoptiont Commending Road Crew, P.D., Q F.D., Civil Defense Agency, Mo. for Combatting Recent Flood 4;onditi one. d. ego o. RESOLUTION Nu. 65-32 MOUTION COMENDING THE ROAD OBts POLICE DEPART- MENT, FIRE DEPARTMENT, CIVIL MFENU AGENCY AND ALL OTHERS INVOWED FOR COMBATTING RECENT FLOOD COMITIOAB IN. THE VILLAGE (P PLYMOUTH WHEREAS, the severe winter of 196445 andresultant unusual ouan- ties of snow brought about alarming flooding conditions throughout the Village, and actual dangerous flooding in certain areas, necessitating prompt, effective action, NOW THF}t TORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VI UAGYj CO3UNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF PLYMOUTH AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Road Crew, Police Department, Fire Department, Civil Defense Agency and all others involved in combatting the floodirA conditions durirul the winter of 1964-65 be heartily and gratetLlly commended for the efforts they expended in alleviating the, situation brought about by the flooding. 2. That the Council as a body, and each member thereof indivi- dually, wishes to extend :heir thanks to :he Road Crew, Police Department, Fire Department, Avil Defense Agency, and all others involved for all they have done to rid the Village of the flooding conditions. P p 122 1. - ContId. Notion for adoption of the foregoing resolution was -duly secon- dedI gTrustee Curtis and upon vote being taken thereon the followivg voted in favor thereof: 'Mayor Staples, Trustees Curtis, 0' Fallon, numphray and Saviour. Against: None, thereupon said resolution was declared duly passed -and adopted. Dated April 12, 1965. Attest: E age lurk Motion made by Trustee Curtis that Mr. Stageberg, Superin- tendent of the Minneapolis Workhouse, be permitted to t ranspor.: saterials rroio County Road 6 upon Shenandoah lane to the Workhouse property in excess of the posted road limit, upon receipt by the Village of a letter from Mr. Stageberil agreeing to assume arW lia- bility for dunage to the road by the x use during the spring breakup. Motion seconded by Kgyor Staples -and passeC by all. Council members voting aye. On notion the meeting adjourned A 12:00 o'clocl A. M. A 7} MX Fe T. Johnson, Village Clerk. 2 51. Road Restriction Regmnt. Waived for Mple. Workhouse fr Caw ty Road 6 on Lane (with'provi- sion). Poge ?.