HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 03-08-1965I , ` ' ' J •I it i - A 3 V.' i • F;; ti Mareb, 1965 Pursuant to due call and notice thered, •.a regul;:r meeti%- 4f the Village Coupci? cif tris Village of Plymouth, Minnc&)t;., wnn d1il',r held at the Vil,laae'hall on the 9th day of Parch, 1965, at 1':?0 ofel.ock F. id, Present: YAyor Staples, Trustees Curti. rtr.k Humphrey, the Villagi Z"Ierk, Erwrineer and #4horne:y. . Absent: Trusteres. Of Fal'1on artd Seviourw Mayor Staple• 5 called V: a meeting to order. In thq absence of a c? eryymun to ;rive an :+mv+aeata;rr prayer, Mayor Staples r4 ,ucsted tact ta:e Cauncil and audierct -ris: f a moment of silent'. prayer, Iotloft =de toy TmsL••e Curtib thiiL the t..WuLe:as ur Life •e:&ul:Lr meeting of March 1, 1945 as mailed to e -ch Z aun n 5f% at:pruvad, Motion sec:nded by Mayor vterles. After discussion, the following tmendme;nt was m -..1e filo this troti.an.: notion made by 1 iat;,aar Staples that the approval #)f te:e p1!%.t§41grLph relating to con4ruction plans ror Couwlty State Olid higha;•;y- 15 et the inter:trretion of Interstate 494., on. Paye 4 of trete minutes .if NArctrr 1, 1965, be held iM abeyance until t.e* meeting of Wx.rch 15 for tltrtrer consideration. Motion sesn:vIed b;,p- ir.:otee Curtis and passed lily all aurMil members preae: t votinL a;re. Upon vote heitlF taken upon the origina! motinn, sU vnted in f:*vir thereof, 4uhject to the a4rendment'. Several Girl gcauts ,frrm Troop 785 twere in attendawty and Trustee Curtis extended a hearty we'corae t,: that Whi•;h wa; sr.•onded by h yyor Staples, and it ova_ atrtrd titat is" they tl:rl Sca:ta had tatty ques- tions they would like to n_6 the . lluncil memhers, thoy wittld be glad to hatre Lhim: do so after wrie !.wetin_;. Trustee Qurt; s present -ed the fa11owir4; wilLita ice and moved v1:.. C-%tCstruc• tort 1:lars,, F,xy. 55-Irtarstate C Postponed to Srit:t, Trop 715 in Att;en-P its adoption: nrdin, ;CA 654_ fir . .•+t1,c : ?,at.t•;Vid OR PI :;:Cl+ ham. 65-8 cher., .ewer de rvice; AN' 1aTA A: IS799 : VLA S, i%tT1NS M%qr, FOR S1i:+IG.A Y SCV,:C'.:.' I. T11 N PLYMOUTH N1r1 INEFIN vary, inw11;i:WTA Tt.it VI:.l 4GF 0011 is "114 Or ' e , r V IT..: lit r • .1.11, :'u : y-uni ` , Hi•' :• Y, 011DAIN .43 Section 1. D rinitiOnSL Unlers the 1.t:kwua,;e alavirlZv irdiantea G::at a different mt!unin ; is intended, the f4-11o•e rk- terror wid Fhraces small be ;riven the inevninsept out below Lir tiles pit-rcatr ct'' thle ortlinance: 1.01 "Narratl ;6 rvvnhc" is wnbernecarried w ;:etc pr odu; t n from residence R, p -i ioli%• to1efr7:iiter.., huaine:Vs or indu::tr1@41 establ lsltatctlts S4; %silo, n; atV Cather :'ui;.diij,ves or ztrttcturc;s,i::':: u.#tt;. the ext:retrenGitikaus oto ©tl;etr rti a- chare,t. frvlh !:ur,><tr; hetiq; :?r nuimalna UogeWtnr v.Ul su.%h grouni waMolr infiltration as =4 he rresent. 1.012 "Pidustrial 4astel' is vqy liquid, F91senuu or s-ilid waste subst;+nce r-+waltina 16ror. uny rnicese of tr,:luctrlr, tranurac- turing, trate, i us{.neno, the devela mrid. tit :utiw n:;,t trRl re*aur%;e nib 1%ngr simV.. &r iketivit;•. Section 2. A.ateno 2.01 Tile al:tur3 riled charges ,for tuor and uervit:M of the sanitrtry sews % nyutett, etre here'Ln,,t tahvd suoh cnarg;era rind rates to to wade nt;:al,n:et Tach 3 of p !%ur cel of Vend, unit r premises w;:'&h tmW have a cstvirction direet,ry or indil-t4w.tly into the villa;;r r.nnittatsy sewnr L_vs;,am lana whtch di•ittrir,;ei; 151rtly nortral, nese+ 1de into) :such sya herat lfarch 8, 1965 - ,'yn4Id.' A Comrutation of :*uarterly barges 1 1 a) Jklarges for uie of CrAderi Valley Sewer Systew. shall be computed quarterly based upon ttte vaoc and vvirgers as established. in the cGrt,ract between the Village of Plymouth and V'3llk,c of Golden Valley. o) Charges for haulir;! sewage ferm r-imit xrrjf sewer holding taake to point of dAsposrl into the Golden Valley saki- tary sewer n;vstem shaD. be cm.r.uted quarterly based , upon contract cc'a%t f.)r haulizy; sewn; e. c) Tne quarterly fir sar.it-wry sewer service shril be made on the f64) +r M basis: 1) The sewer ;.Qnt,&L &m. , ge ir.:rosrd by the Villace of Golden Valley shall be billed to the bsr e.fit ed properties provided with e=!. dry sewer +ite'uls at the rate of 9,45 per a^re. 2) Individwal users of the sanitarT sewer serv;ae will be c',par,-vad on the; basis of actual use, A rate charge per 1000 (N±) E.allons of sewage shat: be determinl:d by nddigr the rates churyed by thq `lilla,-e of Galt:en Vvilry pluJ the total contrurt cast of hr.:.liq; sevege *1us 1,45 of the toad, Of brUl araaunts v.nd dividiM t::e fi:ure su o4tained by the total water meter rc.idikc; . rvdivJ.du%A char, -es will there— after be determined by 1r.ultill6j t;G Cie g7aarterly- witter ixt er .•a', i?g of the WAvA.Auil user by the q%wrt1mL* 8. 1y rate chareip per 1WO (A:) gallons. SLiction Koty- in::..at,ctrrjuiy, tv A. meter recir;liv,k rise or water ahall be arta'1vtt tin -,tv rlatirc ar-Ldet:t:'•:. 1.0., rlrce!, t+rf. ,;e: •,r llnib erun:e!r k.ai in Section 2 of t ;ia o:axtivat.ce, , rid tGpi e::ftpr tap r.:c.a% etas in .%-011 be bared upin such use .il* t-:: ter. Sect -ion IrzjtlllaL can of Meter. Aily water fill eve ',!::A1 Ile+d I:+t' use o:' used ks ;t. ov,,.all s fit t,x trnrut,abi•?n of :s n wer rat,oij evN.J 1 x yin; tal ltd kruidmaintuinei In ,, araA aprratlrk-; eand-.tion ,,k n11 Umci, nuch itut,111,vitian and s`,:intewr:nae to r taithout, r: +v'n; a to t v v Any au: h netter :....13 vr of -,k tyro nppraved by the UOUncil, alta W.01 1 a .:c:t:1:tt C?q- till water rece#ved an the. nreav%:er. Int1t,,lation or .-tnd ln-tin;.o,nnnne oe' ot;vh ixi1er .4:.4il' bc rr.Ac, in nc- 1+,?:snsr ,hitt %Itc plumbik• rev,-.ut;it"In:l of this' :+il --k- e Section ii.1. '%y% .1` +f, tr.A ntig.no, `..:ewes. J,%t.n1y, If Uict l.oL, Parcel of nds J 1 11 I2 .. . 1 • - . c.p. c tr•,,{.... <.,. M: o,.0 yrs} i a t ar:•, 1F.'ew.((**t,- Ft:, k.r"1 t:.•:;t, '•.t.}t. *:plc „, t,; t.a1r l.er.11ia I'\ no}!1't, trf•.er cxi"1?thly o%t% '.l t • 1rM ;,, l'I.Ff i. +ll. i \Se i7•.1lll•. tµ ti.e S,61.k;:3Not loll is the vi i3.r 1::. utlo! l G. %Ut 1t o ' M. , vite±r measured by t ho w:1' e r 1:0 vt C:les n !t:• tt:.4, t:"• -%t (nt er ale' :;1 •*' 1,! ' ' uotuverk.--e P,°3teA, ClAn, duel i~. th'at, evrut, t0he V 11.11.!! %kni is fl nW pt rett .•r ••eouire t•Ite inat:tllation at-Ner or addlt,iurrl. note 'in nue.-1 a I1 inner 1,111vi%, U-' o +avvt,jty of when whith actuA1;! you l€I rtiWis t.:;t+ ;ewcer rtf'otit-mm iwv N, d ete ,ani htl•.t. In su, h ea: a the r.Ftrllt•:t +ii,- ritl-.t'•;- t1hall, Ear h.tsed ut Ch f,.1r1 t1m-itint .+t' ;: kc*a• crl,.i,erh can cttt,+r the Sec tit l• u++t,7s int:: Yn',,t. pito ohl-tF"'•, vio-e t". -tit•, tar pt-;a,:,tt in of t!• l+i e:;t;:1s:e shalt, Dur -1111 t.l1,' t:?l;! 'i• teit.11 '.1kwh tv r,.:•t o'n eta t1le+ r11'., mis t•:t:,al, r<t•t;. i ti,;tl, t d 1'1.+ tt t• A' alt,tvr, 1t: 1+ ,I" la(v rs or :30we+ll 1••itell. .IIlAtl 4•lure t:,+ rimv.htr ru+st ttl'':v•;tt t:tart tit. w,11 -N1 t'.'.:.d•?.II'1z+A:.1,+•t nr :•uc:l: 40iarr.v:1.14an 0 n tom:...: " . / r: ,. '. • •- ' , r - - - - i Harch 9, 190 - cntid. shall constitute a violation of t.U3 ordirmncM, as airill villin failure t0) comply w th . any requirement or order issued pursui":tt to thi:: otri:.r.-rlce. Section 7. `;6s i: cd iii r u a N 262t, 12t larch, 13, 1965 ' Coat Id ° 1 a. a'{. .1, is " f V'. ' , t 0k°?i 6 Parcel x!p-. 161it was 8 a eed is not' * astnt seful. 1 . `I •SF 1 cf 4 •, ' ' 143733;; Parcel N . 1; 10, bein`; ti (%V part of, vt • lot ,3 in the N Sec. 3.3-1111-22 conte. :tka 72/tW a 4ke.resS and lyi.4 northerly of Ut 1, .'.lock 1, ParkoaYe Jam' 1' 1 . • 01. J• •' \I 1 It wfs feAN that thin timet should be acquired as it could a used far ;etu;:'e p;r•kurrloabs if it 3s J. Possible to i so acqui,Me lot 1; Alock.1 in the sane A%ddition,41 1 j' •' f:; j #437.35, Parcel x;a. 500, tLe. o 5+*tivn'35•11-22 . Zt •w::s o,**reed; trifid WAS patcel. erou].tt We of no r v4lue to the ill.&, s, ', ' ' , 1 #4430, Parcol +%o. 500, bein;* i the 1, $ectMon 23-118-22 f ti, `fir• r 1: f• raid described. as !.ro# 10, Ple)ck 2, Maywond Park ddition6 , f i1..I• u fhis t::tct yr i5 totwide'rcd av• aaf no value to the Villft a nR it i m •t 3A%1.1 An, area ' l qont,ez c It w{ th . tt lu irrJ.4J • 1 + •1l •, a•.i • J. 1 . 15. A. Interptate 1194 44554, Parcel No. MO, beirU in tie 3 , flection 3 I.-1842j taty ft*z+,,kier doscrite4 as 1 raet '2a". H:7..$. #627• 1 It was felt. thalff trt ia tract, zefaoua•d be sceeaired for future pob Bible 1 fr•eet p. q*6ses, It :arae aexezd thlo.t the Villpzq ..ttgrnoy p epkrc. a. rcoo'lQUan. for tons iderati.or. by ti`•e 'run.il on N4reh 151%: 16 mith reference to the a'"vc, descrabe:d tax delinz-%raent lands. Motion made by 'rt4 st:ee humlahre t1;at: lie arreiaratent cover irk*. Fire protocti•on hetwe©n the h=el, Volunteer Iftre Depaetmitnt, Inc. d the Will tk:ia of Plymc Ah be etpprovnd -. red that the i tt ror and 411 e Q.L r he auth_or`f: ,fd ' -a execute said ount.ra*t. Motion seawided by Trustee G'urtia ' and pass id by ill Uourci• members present v# ingfa U,%der tho ti.r ns of rhe cantmet it was tagreM that 'the H+ mel Volunteer P•im OeprL tment, Ina. -would give fire dvptartraeat ser- vice to repidenaes on hath sid.eri of Vi.Ash.urC Lane and '-i'at the Flynouth Y.alunteer• Tiro 0enarzment Mould give fire prote•4ion to rprldents -'on. lath 4idee of .County 'Kiad 241 as shorn on the way attached hey the coatmet • A ezoloitiolf w. -.-,a i:ntraduced by iikgo, atap1Qa and seccanded, by 11'ruatuo !iuml+h.rry v&th reference U% rceivmpnd.ation for,improvaient JAat•'wounty hood 1j bq tine County at IntcraLat,e +a•.4; ald during; a dis- u. ken ct>t 1 priejr to 41vp zs%dopt,on o!" the repaltxttott Wie Ro'llrwing motic`t mg intraduepd: A:+.'ZiF:r 'ude br Algc r dt.-WI on Neat Lhe resulut lon aetiia'kt yut rea%-1wvnd ,?,t4%= f +r tmpwvr•rierFt o" V,,,% 1t,q ulnad 15 tw the County* at Inkret"t.j 4:14 b• delayed one *ook in n.n&r that the r1annif4w, Grika-Ansior grid. E. to. gri —hi. 1 s,rla, `1ti: a..iaraaal t i]fl#iti;W •40mi•t their r..1 Iclidr.Gi nll l. F:Aiorz aqua%,AQtA by TrAtatce humph r y and runeed by. a vatjik- Tj%1tL%k? jjWaphja+j`r intr;,duorti the% ',•11a;itrl' r`eu-01%itiGn, IAd 1. f•L1'Za b F 1 11 Y Y'1 r `r}i,..aS AJJ Flrl'! r i l•tfl 1 p;Ci. F . a,r illl"• •-11 1 elly r•'!. 11aF R G.'t •[.1'll••r_ a r. 11 ll.I dV1 1 , 1 - 1 I I J r UU. y•,FV e• I1 6 ij' Y, Ii: °yn lj'C' ''' " 4 ; y . ^ ' o t'arCh tla 196161 'I— dont :C . -' y r PT ry.M IJ , '1' "•''i Q , i7 M.Mi • i {+tv rlili Vii LWt V 101A I3Pr GyFLGA:f! E, AS,.f r r, - i .n . 1C' 11• ' i 1 ' •1 ' 1. ; „ { ..' ., , Gikaunc:i finds riffs:+L in 4 ncys have o cNirzO in. the pQstry ',^ 'ra r 1 ' iiV\ al i Via; ,.' ' ' ,r. and aicgn'...be }u tici "t i:I tz occur Ji the future Vkheriein there :s'. r `` ;; d rai t9hm fife v 'boUrd, casa:k1 : an other en r. c hu;3+v tea t; :' ,i.' ga ' Ii1'r j' u b, it's, res;iCrderit4t)and -the putli%: rener—&Usr within...and P41 hi it If i'i; Fire,. i:•ci, ca4ualtsx or other ccurreuca ts c!iN t P' 9G . . y •', a;.ao-wrrin, dut.sa 'the `err. pry;. ].faits tP e Y;,llr,e of i]„frmiolatl>`; r z r ; .a •cti ^11 for the3•'...:4/+r':,'.:`ri tt+j vim.`•i ,$1.'+'t`x•.@ 61 .r9 r a.yy-yy- n11ati,. li"sor the vivar;'c of t' l$wi,L`th t', mee{;'A,d dii0io riZ t. r tcn .iz- ,. t;' ut ;,; y f i re da •rt nt equi pmext and ni. nor. nen It.: comaa such fire, Ji, f ., .' '+E:sr+ualtq or Qhs#• .1+" Qcur%iit r'QJ ' 1 It ' ^. J. '-:r'Y 1' 111; ift 'Tore oii>rc .i#' rda it is deaf:„ab?a and necessar7, th•erePnre,, toiJ, :tM , ,#err f i"',sal a o ".+fie rhe' Fire ^filer of the fire Ue-Par ;.stent aP the Vili off_' e utl', srt 'iii his at, entro,.o•r um.v,ailAbility, the. ss3ata t ti ioi', or , V Z;,n CharGei to &qt in 5 uch r a.1.._.gion, esccord .ly, each o- the above 1V 17fil ck,,..*t'4evs is herokir: dirwited and authorii 460 exati his own die- t ie- ' ay,: r'f r'`;;'` L , cinsidexIi::; at ail times wnd in pi i c,-.ne the i:t]. i al ne dl3 Qf t!. ecrioz. 4 ' ' 7 i ' P ; r ! '1 r 1-1. ' ;; .';i i.1. a of '%l;irntakth and .6ts intta eo.nt., 1.0 d ea tah ..- u3sJ fire cieg, rtm.,yh1 and yyer'sortttssl o t"a Villare of ' .PI uth .in such ce jand To'r out t'',;, I x;..1'1 4, . • a1.i tihas 6e .he -deem necessary -to caribat such , fire, ha.zard;. - U asualty or i6the , q A aim l]. 6— o' to z.ee interests of tha' trillagss or p1,Qmouth, whe.lrier i1ch' r iiiii hamV. casualty- or after sa;nuilar occurrence takes p1aae. witY,tf.ji. ''r vrlcW, taut` :+1} a erritow`'i L'`d.ts 7P -the1r-j11;P n' '. irsnut.} kc—Ai it is hev`e b 4a" T a rs; 4l.W. that such dRiap armh and uue .ac dirnctm. by nui orfiser shill 'be hili tl r" t t eT. r. • • . t.tYworisaed:.. i}r; an 3ct T the '.ltln ssa a. I iymoi*tlh, and all pr vissions for cam—. y Pensation ar peers-iii'i,Ilai1, rental w- i; uis meat, li :bi•iity insurance coi er e', Wor0nent,a c;: en!wta on. insur-aciwe or t1he Vf:i c; Plymouth and Ival other s rig- ' uairdr ` tld ta;e ' pert.ini ; to the f: a Department.. ita egldwr ent land , 16 6.11 Fa:c p11>" ill evach ••:a1 B everi 's!ualt case us 41” zp scif 4saIi a y author. - a '.: 1, i's d turd' d: {4•tre;. i. F h l -`v. U"eju]",kti't. :rt *ti Ural, vdaNther i nut t:. in C,averairt; sev-, br :aukhar,i or- .i pt"co it% whish w4ub ;biro, h-aukrd, casur:lty or othi aQoait•rc:+, , tt;a: prev 1Y iac ,'tested xad " rovicicd ,for t'.rr yroiteettion nd 6 n+e we 4 t' k Mea dwn%a tr.iF f4 wh . x pikx?nt aid pe r:;a rmc:l of t ti? il" .Iiiv k ut t lar',ei*' a Is:ltl +il4i,: ,+_-OILL1:-tron tr:keemcnt o a -t'"xr ty;o fairs 4 n • 1 a- a 1 ` 1 a;t es nt ril.th Pr. V , -•.:k ;'IA I:tia,]. a 'tlr..ne11 ru;:l o f',csr ,3h 111 LL•c:cc:.1; order taro), tetrAnato till: u o:Ii .--ALii c-pi','s!iicat nail pcv'i'i` Xrom such p.Aii at 61i4 4 tLikii:, ;ii l:ii: lli:%N f.i . 1 i it `,`l hist- do. oe r. Its ;+ i, c•'ar in Uie ot`.:ir 1.titerci its of ';:QIP Vil1 t.• 4;e a 16jlVrV;lth Vial-' a hQ is -ii w 1 r 0 1'• Y r K)t'iai1 fQr i`Ld-'}!1it.01a :a '.1+kms r y?raE• w•!il'l viicTninAut.'nn weiv dull " :1oufmided hy' 1`4 4yt .1' ` i 4 ;' ;, iE 11!4+tiI] M t!f'.liii' 1. {yen i.:. `.' 1 M b: i v r..li W?IYa i],., vdt d I.- yv as br4r. 1• . .0 a b .+r a 'jNliiyiriw w ' Z ' i' 1 a + •Il a IS, .1 }'il,.a ii •lai Yb i f 1i., I..wra Q,a 1 +•l r` • ai1..alp 1.'• w ..a:v• bei T 1 f +,,a Rte. * %SIR .T , Rpp ' h 4 . 1 84i (<.}t14`rlia r).!. ••1 w . m.,•,, , c .'L { `. 1 w] Ir {-. • •j 6.1. . ,.4 av, ( w ,,,,{ r . qqfP' J•r •. .11 RT' 4E • Dated Y"cwril R's 1i w as .r, rev. a— r.a ..r •a..ra+ • s..•s v s . _w•." ate.— tr .. a,a r..c,o.a^ .r•a r .-s..e.w—V.r.1-. • .1 fr• J r J 0 1'• Y r r. ir,aw . r_ a. - ..r •.asp— •:w s•>• - _r .s. .w. . Tar. . a. +. w as .r, rev. a— r.a ..r •a..ra+ • s..•s v s . _w•." ate.— tr .. a,a r..c,o.a^ .r•a r .-s..e.w—V.r.1-. • .1 fr• J r T yV i\ vie — - e flr•fe'• ... - V,yL• l'Wi• 11=: _ _ _ _ u. Yi Y . r Iii IIIIIIII Y ii MEd WAR 1i !i 1 I 1•, ° Q { I •, • Y a r e a•',. On ° ° ° O . C 0 eyi` /Y al O qCq U ;S, : C °„ ,0 •i.Wi,7 1,965 — C iiY'>wS. ' .A a•, • qJ' t D q J,1 a d. ° .yrr nl — i 1. :! r a • F Tiustee Ct,tlt3s intra'at:oec t t;a „follo .' rsoluton aid a o a ti y a °,; ^ . moved, its adoptipx :.. Resoluv J, ' 3 ; fan 65-21IMOUR I:X jou hvr ; ,n Inv s ert OX. 1 7 ' Sti6rplusi Fwuid3! on 'x_62. ' 1 :' J , • J ,_„ ° . ° M,DIX ...?# AtjIt..t,X,U` EQJ.1,RIVES'..tli1~"rr..pX' ,hYrPE iJ` 5f I S't+n.:.1 62 St-rert• ,,Ap t . ymm pt. 1llIn I. WASIR,,it ,`gprenrs gnat there 3'.8, a surplus, in the°r31062 Street c Ii pmveolent fond' h1 ,#td,,, r .: ;IIS d , I AS, it woulo'kl:pRar,:that a :subs tantial`ta6i on of,,%suich :.,';' sUrpIni' will. not be it .t.ired. in -the arm3 diate future fd debt service purposes, : u 1 S O'I, ya00 TR-V, us ITaEakmmm ay,'om 1: f Y.IJ.t:•.AGE OF T arrK r{/liSH. AS ['d I•ilcY-1.5i'rj 1. 'l'1.Mt tht Treasurer shall forthwith= Purchase.`? 1000 in 1-80 drr U . S. Gbve+ ntneft obli4gdona and said. 'purchate ° shall be =1 from the '19fa2 Street Ymgovement 3Sond P•-ind., 2.Said U , S . G-6Virtusent dkaligatia a#i Y1'e d eposit.ed. four' sa keepir; in th.e° G a. YaZ1.er, :S,tAe , Goycten yall-ey, Minnrtt- f` ; so'ta, the: drhe.1 1, d.$positoxy of-1%.Wit of tt.e 'tl]mo, of P,. • uth. 3 • ;is id U. d. Govtrrtin tY obli,;atio'na shill b e danside..r"ed s perti. e• I`:.•\ of U.N 1962 Street rovement Sl. d i`und,, Ca M,AAon fur •etoptida of the fare;;oin ; rwIlutian was dt1w, It A a' seaoo-rded by Trust00%Humphrey 4aO upon vate hetIn • taken. thategn .b+hi fa7 Jlt loch{ ; vated in favor thereof: `rmywr ititples T.rutteeb Ourtis 'and •, humrhrt• Agpi,nst,: Nan. Absent: Tru#.:tves b' YsUon and Sevidur. 1!liemipon a ;W res;?lut'I-wi w ze de larod duly pas;.L anki. Qlaorted 31 -ch '3, 1965. 1 I J t 111 ;,;r '-leirV , RV4r St:w:Irs intinduoed the resolution d-ntl w-vrd As adoptiftat i t1ut•1lc ri i:`<<, tin 1 ur. T•'•11 CiLlj" 1c tl ilt Z.t1'flil ,f+Itt?i _ y:' ii',Llaw/ ;"It44b:1 Cahn illki.il•`} 63 rtrt . „ Iqr mmt ':;. th.t Band 1''und kilt ; it a RIcc Y a t,n°:t thgr n r u:l,u;t n tl: 1963Arcot J lbtprovaAant 4 and fuhd %%,t1d t .l:ir•>: FAS pit i.r wild aprvar till',$ a .wbotintdal porblan of such uarriuui ,'. Ant; he rwIldred tit 't w AI-xiedivM& Ntu-re f lir debt 00vtge.. a y ,p r { NA T r!.', 'T\I ,1 a, 1''• ow6 P }.:.i, i• if T ry1.. gf j' An a,a 7 R 1i' •,7 11...:0.-J I DW, (rY ! I:ua'vi.: A. 4caxL:,Mtt •.! 4{r. Vyd•N AW .11:r,Ji a \ Ya .a.r w •{S. y..1 r 7.l L . O- 1 9 1 .. r.ai-e.a {- . a ...o. s r aor- e - re• .n.r.e . aes.ee +v+v awe r ....a w.. , ....r . w. -wt+• •+•c+ . r.ae .,.s arra L _moi- Y i 0 6 J 13 4 r OO I. ?sa0 11 f,1 . t ' — OCo=. i 01' `',, • r' y ° J o , (} , The. #ilia`@ TI'e urer ;,S}t,,!' i'v;=t!f'xith!' =x'c',5' `C; •Y, :, , , i • ,.e in 180 dw U, S. S ay.ext f v1I. gstiiv',h a, said urch'aae Jv .' + ° c n shall be rrAadp rc% the _ I INkV SO,C.ect`" ro v.kent, dofid U. Vqd..00 J Y Sald U. S. l.14- 10', amM-z t OWIL f t!ina, y al ..1 `ef a deeps-Ak or ti vCen VP-° iioy „aJ,, w G tt7e'Lde. .3114 .'ii J ° I'>S.nnes•1,.,' It:rF ui :'L de,asrts r - EX"dds of vte_l:,age 5 r p P i 1' Yr iFu't. : 34AI Said U.. r.Iv .aM' ent otrl:lcl•' c ar t )n ,z aU' ;S a gonsiderisld a;s part of t , E 1 I Citareet lip ,*o emer.: nj! Fund. f ; Motion fo;h redo ' :6r,of the forP, it .r Ablution iv%s du se,rond.ed. by"'truste` : Humphz"ry nth g on va : e b ein -en 'therein tt! e ° following voted in. : v nr tt e.c Witor! St. ;n1eq,j TruoteC* rti s a i hezm`i r,p AL Mat 6no. - Absegtt.s Tr Rp eeaj ID, l:.ou, Arid Sevtoor. d Mereupo uvai:d resaUAi ion WA O ec red duly pastaed and; egapted... Oat ed xw- j ch 82 19650. I Attest : .\ .I • ' 6 •"(I t' rr • it 9e 16ler-k. gppointees,; Dog Trustee Humphrey appointed .Philipj c-kea '11 ?5 Fernbrovk Lane ger sh. ?r l . Stjsdy it. , A els . , anal tf-s . ,1 e ne K mm.°n, 12613-8 un&uY road. 15, 'kc -12 . ad' mea- G it ,se . bars d thn Doi; LcasbjA. Ordin :nce Study Com ittee, waich arpointnents were ddy acnepted by the `council -a FAVor Staples stated that ha wag appdinti r• Philip, Loxes as P;. Eckes, Temp. Tempo•rctry Chairman of the Om -1, fve :shin,; Ord n.:res "study Uam.iEtee t'or Chmn, Doo 4eat;hstheirfirstmoeti.ng, and the cenmittee will thou ae' ect its panwenb Study Cn n: Chairman at that tirnr.. .-, Trustree Runghrey,submitsed the name ofHarold 'if. rood, K.w.Reed Appoin--, 16025-C Z h Ave. I ., :tai*sat , t a-•e;i t'ri.T. as a member ' the Parc res to Park Cara. neapeation oldvisory Uamiasion, said appointment beim unanimously accepbed by the Ubuncil. ' Mayor suples appointed Mans nc%e[n, 130.15-r X- Awe Was Hans haven, Ap_ 4ay%i,aL4, as 4ird- mia of M.e Ftrk & ilecreation Advisory Cowadq.,A on for pointee (auvi.3 the Year 1965. t- Poi k=::-;...' lotion oado by Trurtico Curtis that an inirajoe fr= Orr-Schel.aa.- l L'aron & AssaciAtes, Ina. in tho amount of be approved and Orr-Suhelcn4lay-- cavering preliminary reporto and enainea.rinZ services for Sanitary Sewer. Bron. Invoices Syatem, suvh serv[ceo tmi.ng rendered in the years 14.61, 1962 r-1101 1963, AP -proved. btion saLonded by Trt;stae HumItirey and puseed by all Council -maabera, present voting aye, Mq6r Staples str4trd lie wished to carmen t the Raab Craw for Ole Road Crew su.nexeb jda they have dart+ during our la -et sttovmstarm which lasted four dNrs Commendation am inrolv ed a coneidoxxiblr• a,!°nor.Ot.,Or snow and ice, Trustee Humph -211y stOW Lite Wished to s cimind the ut.criant key say.i-n . that a nurnbar of peQp.l.e have utAted ho him hhat a Goond Job of snrw place r- had. i von flan t*p the A. Road :Grew. c Ot1 motion thie mwting adjourned rpt 9 . of clalatk 'P. X. A • • u }ltlli.?1°t Mine 1ork. r R a...,r.A.i r e .-r rsa s . e wr ra • ew r n..r - eu _ 11 s v+r.u... rt ....r.e w. e r -. • raee...- a°J r e..tis AY