HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 03-01-19651 Parch 1. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a rerd_jr meetlN of the Village Council of the 4.11age of Pl. mouth, rU=. sisota, was duly held at the Village Hall on the .1st day of March, 1965 at 7:30 o'clock P. M. Present: Mayor Staples, Trustees O'Fallon and Seviour, the Village Clerk, 44;ineer and Attorney. Absent.: Trustees uurtfs and Humphrey. (Trustee Curtis arrived at 8:30 Pe M.). Mayor Staples called the meeting to order. In the a bsence of a clergyman to give an Invocatory prayer, Mayor Staples requested the Coaxac;il and audience to rise tfor a moment of silent prayer. Mayor .Staples introduifed the following resalut.ion and moved its adoption: Resolution 65-18 RESOLCTION NO, 65-18 Intervention in Filing of Demand By G. Vzaley with City of RESOLUTION AUTh3?_1ZI?1G INP0tVEIa'TIOP: IN :, NG OF Mpls. Re. New Rates & Chgs. DEXAM 6Y TftE VIUkGE JF. ,140IDEN VA.LIEY WITH CITY For Sewage Disposal Service. OF MINNEAPOLJS riQR DETEr'I ZATION DF MI ,RATES AND CHARGES FOP SI VAGE DISPOSAL , SE'RV=____.__._ 1R 11•' 3, the VUlav of Golden V%ileti, has a contract with the City of Minneapolis providing for sewage disposal service, and the Village of Plymouth has , a contract with the Vllla6e of Golden Val- ley for such service, and AL IF;Z, Unneauta Laws 1963, Chapter 874, Section 11, Sultsm division 6 provides with reference to such contracts azo follors: 1111 rates and charges shall he re;lsonable and shall bit outficient t:) compensate far all costs o ° devoting the sewage disposal plant, Rquipment, Its collector sys,,em, ,and personnel to the accompl sh- ment cf the purpose of the service to be rez:dered but shall not include, pruflt. "olhen the sewer system of ;uW municipality cr any part thereof is dev<ted to ti.e use of another municipal,,,ty, all cho,rges for sui:h shall he reasonable and shall be sufficie,zt to compensate .for all costa of such use, but shall not include profit", and LtiHEITIFAS, this municipality, in cooperation with other municipal- ities having sanitary sewers which aix%ctltiyr or indirectly inter- ccnnect with the sewer 3y,;t= Or the City of Minneapolis, has become a party to an intermaanicipeal joint and cooperative ngreeuent under which the Suhurban Sanitary Sewer Cozzzmission has beea crenteti to study and other -wise deial with problwr s related to sanitary sf-wage dlsp s;al rates and ct:; rges, and V di Iwltir Ue Suburban aanitary Sewer Canunission engaged the czit;ineerir4; fit. mi of I lack and Veatch of htan:i:iy City, M;.ssouri, to in estat,,ate rates a;.d eh.,irges made by the City of Minneapolia a;ainst thin muniApialit>y for sPwnk;e disposol 3ervi.ce under it s c,)rxtr:act with M;Inneaapolin, and 101E , t Lack brad ilvateh have mode auoh inventig ation And have .-TV,,)-ted t)hiaL in their opinion tho rates c{nd ohargen being made by the City of Mi uae."'polti ,are execssive in relation to the Ziotucil, c-ont.ti of servic( 3nJ have ro!xonucuded th..t the members of the 'atibu.*urian 11;an;itiary Stmior C(Armjnnjon suck to obt:atn revised mites nd 0aiir4en frrvl the City of A a+n,i pcaltn, ;utd la•e-scalempr.vcznE nt: t4 t.Fi ram: n iaclitj-St. Raul• 3 ,Mtt kriry Ulotrir, t wor•kr have been undartk krzi and a re, now in the proaeo i of beizll f,za t,t u atc c;, and L U i March 1, 1965 - Cont' d . WHEREAS, such improvements would permit an increase in sirviage disposal rates and charges made by Minneapolis ae;ains . this municipality under the existing contracts and WHEREAS, the prospect of increased ctarges resulting from such sani- tary district improvements makes it evert more important that the sewage disposal rates and charges be confined to the actual costs of rendering sewage disposal service to this municipality; NOW TrU&F0iEj' BE IT ALSLVM BY rHL V1LLLJ11.j 0,103UNu;IL OF THS F=ZE OF PLYHOUTH AS F-1JLIAWS: 1. The attornf,,, P:,)r this municipality is hereeby authorized and directed t1 intervene in any proceed rg wherein the VillaEe of Golden Valley makes demes: d for the City of Ri.nneapolis to fix new sewage di3p03al rates and cha.r;e:s, by filing with the Cit; of Minnea- polis z notice of intervention in substantially the folloLdng forr.: In the matter of the Determination of Pmper Rates and 'O'harges by the City of xtir,neapolis Against the Village of Golden Valley for oewage diaposal service. a TO: t ITY OF MINN,jAVOLIS, MIA'WSJTA, ANI) W)NA90 A J?HN50N, I',%S CITY CLL'tK;, WOTICE is hereby given that the Villa;,e of Ply=.nuths acting pursuant to, the previsions of Hiniesota Laws 1963s Chapter871+, hertwith inter^r;nes iri thih ptloceuc'in; in which the Vill &! of C•alden VallsU makes demand ti .at the City of M.iawapolis fix new rates ani charc;cs ft -n- `ervlce p p rf-1rmrd ander the sewa6,e diapr sal cant root now in effect tetweon the City of Minnet polis and the Vil,l.ugs, of ;;olden V lley. Mimiesota LaT?5 196,1, Chapter 874$ Section 11, Subdivision 6 provides with ,reftrer&ce to suer ct,ntrncts as follows: "All rates and chards shall be rens irit ble and shall be sufficient to compensate for all costs of devot- ik tile) s%twa;e dispoaal py,ant, equipment, +ts crllector system, and per- iormel, to the accomplishmeat of the purpostt or the service to bye rer,dered but *ZLILL plot inolude pro!". t. When the soder cirstem of any municipality or ry ;art tt Vreof is devoted to the use of ivother municipality, all charges for such umt shall bo ret,.scimble and shall be sufficient to compensate for all w;Qsts of suer, uoe, W. ahall not include profit." V,t k)f Plymouth thm,efors makes further demand Dat tr,e City of lnneapalt p+rcrgtly call cutn holki Lox hearing for the ietermi.nation of proper i %tea avd chou-jes under such kiontra.ct in accca,c ince 1,rt:.n the requi.rtmients of skid st'-a`ute; ,and that e\otie,e of such ;hearing;, be given as required by Hinne- so to Statutes, : ectionl5„0419. Yoa ,ire fu.rt,her noti,fietl Lbat klie A'.:iw firm of Howard, Peterson, LeFevere, f,ef, r!r ano hanndhon, 2201 Fi,,str National Bank Huildi.nt , Minneapolis., Minnesota, and ,he ens;ineerlrk, firm of B;,ank ane Veatch, 1500 Meadow lake Parkways knnsas City, Missouri, taste authorised hyo the Vil; e of Plymouth to participate in this 1uroneeding, ei its representntivea. BY 0 ' I t 0”' THL VULAGh GO0N4jIL Herbert P4 Lefler, Attorney Village of Plymt;).ith, Minnesota 2;101 First Natiotal ',W& Bulldi% Minntapolis, Hiniaklsotm 51402 2. The Suburban ,Sanitary Sewer Qowdasiaa is hereby regvested to make a,failable to this municipal ,ty ita and Wineering personnel in the proea,cution of tad proceeding to acture ,°revised rater and ct, .rgon by the City of ,Minneapolis fur sewage dioposal aervice; i.e., the lw%f firm of How4rd, Peter, -son, LeFewere, Lefler and IlAmilton and the ent;in©erinygt firm of N 202 ` March 1:\ 196 - Co; r r lack and Veatch; and the Sub,irbax; Sanitary Sewer ,Cflami.ssion and if;s said personnel are hereby designated as representatives of this municipality in the procejution of much proceeding. Motion fb r adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Trustee O'lralltm and upon vote being taken thereon the Tillowing voted in fsvor there if: Mayor .Staples, Trustees O'Fall.n and Seviour.. Against: gone. Absent: Trus- tees Cartis and `{umphrey, Whereupon said reso'Lution was declared duly passed and. adopted. Dated March 1, 1965.. Attest:' y Village Glerk Trustee U'Fallon introduced the follouling resolution an', mnvPd, its adoption: Resolution 6--15 \ RF5_ N NO, 65-19 Re. VaeaI of Fine - RESOLUTION RE. VACATIM PART OF PINE ELI LAIC; IN vier Lpme, SEl, %SE j Sea. 118 22 AND THE SWJ Tek22 & j SWtSec. 23. THE S SE , 3 Trc N 2- - , , SECTION 23-11842 i U PMOLVED, that the Village Council of tho Village of Plymmauth, Minnesota, conduct a public hearing at the Village Hall of said Village at 7:30 o'clock P. H. on the 12th day of April,, 1965s to consider the vacation of the follokink; described street% All that part of P' neview Lsne being in the Southeast Quarter o ,1 the Southeast Quarter of Section 228 Township 118, Range 22, and the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 23, Township 118, Range 22, and lying bet- ween 28th Avenue North and the North line of Creek- waod' Heights First, Additioa BE IT FURTHER MOLVED, that tbcj Village Clerk be directed to give proper legal. notice of such hearing in the manner required by law." Motion for adoption of the .foregoing resolution waa duly seconded by Trustee Seviour and upon vote being taken thereon the followin,, voted in favor thereof.': MW,.)r Staples, Trustet U' Fallon and Seviour. Against: Nand. Absint: Truutees Curtis and Hwnphrey. Whevoupon said resolution was declared duly passed and d®ptea. ngCA1,A March 1, 19 i5. Attest: .", : 0 ate, 1 1 il! are Clerk N o 0 18135-0 13th Ave., tiara -ate., be appointed as a Menge - pit. Large to the Appointed to Plymouth Village PltinnitV; Curmissior. fora 2 -year tem.is M:+tiun sseon- Planning Cain, ded by Mayor Staplers and passed by -all Council members present, vating aye. Trustee Seviour informed that lie was submitting the follow inv nim eaera tau the Do Leashing Ordinance Study C:onv,ittea: Cordon cf. 320Habens, 169th Avunue h., Wa n2ta, and David Di? ks, 16300 9th Ave- nue N., Wayzatee Motion made by Trurtce 01riallon that 5irn Penrdt No. 218 to the Jaegele Outdoor Pdvartisinj Comfier• for the erection nr a sign upon the Hd Schiebe property adjoinin.; the Gold Jond Stamp C'-mn ny be tip - proved. Motion seconded tV Mayor Stnpl.e?s and gassed by ,he Poll.owing wtin;; in favor thereof: t:k y or Stapleu tend Trustee J1 Fenlon. Opposed: Trustee Seviour. Absent: Tru;,teec %;urtis and li mphrej. Trustee Curtis arrivoc: at this three. (8:30 P. ti.) . Trustee Seviour presented the ftilloi irK; ordin-ince tknd moved its ado tion• App9intees to Dag Lea eh ire Ord. Stukv Committee. Sign Permit #248 Nawel© lutdoor Adv.1 Appved. r p Ordinance 65-6, Adopting al l i;CE' N:.'. •f-h Plbg. Cade as Anonded Thin Repealing Ord.59-14 ARS i1ettlll ANCB ROI'TIAiI Tid, MINN. SO r<< P.11n%t<IXG COOP;, As OwNwom r.m-:otN,GH OC JrUed 16, 1951 ILIF- iLINL' O TITEAKEE' NO- r,9.11, UE VII,iAU W)UNUIL OF THN VILLIG-4% OF PIDIOU`VII Di F .',my ORDAIN AS Ik"TW,S: } Section I. +tc„kiotton of Kinnorct„a FlwnhAw Code by Reference. Www1.01 Tile Kinnenot,ct rlw-tbi?k-; J•3de adorLed l;• u:e minnesvta State Huard of 11valt.h on July 20# 1 e z? and or. arc•nded on Ray 9, 1939, J,anunr•, 14, f 47, and October 16, 19rul ire hereby iidopted tis sir. Ordimtuce o.0 the Vill%lwe of P14"auth b y,, rercrr once and Au tri dt a part heroof as t hou;h ESL- y net Forth at Ulu point. .1 t 2h. 1_, 1965 - -Cont I d. R discussion was held with reference to the rep?brt sutodtted Re. Construdtion Plans for Cu. by the Villal;e Engineer cover.'LN the Cans truce ion plans for County State State Aid hw;.15Aid, KiggbvV- Noe 15, west of Interzt-ate 4!. and to Xenfw:c Lane, after W. of interstate rawhichthe, fallowing motion es introduced. Vation rade by Trustue 494 to Xenium. OlFalion that the Village ear ;i neer prepare ,a resolution recomnmending cer- Lanetainchsn,;es in the construction of County State raid H!P*,.wal No.:from5 , 290 feet west of Interstate 49:. to Xc ium Lane, and aal^o for the ;:ossible establishment of an 'interchanre in tea future -men traffic darrants said resolution to be coMidtrtd by the Counci.) at its , ejpilar macti.ng. on Karch 8, 1965. Motion secoon,•ied : by Trustee Sei%. our and, p sled b.r a'.. C=ci.l members present voting -ye., , Motion made by ieyor Staples that official , . bl.Lcation be rade Official Pybliea- fbr hauling and disposiM of sowa6e for the Villa -;e :°' YL-yrnouth in ac- tion Ordered Res cordance with the specification? rrepared by the Village Engineer. Ho- Sewage Disposal. tion secnnded by Trustee .if F -Allam and passed by ,a,l Council members present voting aye. , Motion made by TrAstee Ql Ralon for r econaiaaration of th •i Reconsidertrtion abs ve motion, Vation se , onded b;; Ma -y or Steeples and pabsed by all Coun- of ,ForegairAg 0 member: oresent, votit+a a;re. 1Ko":ion. P jtion made by Mayor Staples that publica tioh of bids for R•,. Opening of hauling dQd disposing of sew Z;e for the Village of Pl, mouth be made Rids for Haulift and that said bids ;;e opened at 7:30 P.,j.. April 5, 965, at a regu- Disposing of lar Council meeting. Motion scci nded b,r Truwtee a' Fall •.., and passed Sewage, by all Council members present voting aye. Motion made by Trustee Seviour that t-harlr 4 L. Kirchhoff, Chose Kirchhoff 18135-0 13th Ave., tiara -ate., be appointed as a Menge - pit. Large to the Appointed to Plymouth Village PltinnitV; Curmissior. fora 2 -year tem.is M:+tiun sseon- Planning Cain, ded by Mayor Staplers and passed by -all Council members present, vating aye. Trustee Seviour informed that lie was submitting the follow inv nimeaera tau the Do Leashing Ordinance Study C:onv,ittea: Cordon cf. 320Habens, 169th Avunue h., Wa n2ta, and David Di? ks, 16300 9th Ave- nue N., Wayzatee Motion made by Trurtce 01riallon that 5irn Penrdt No. 218 to the Jaegele Outdoor Pdvartisinj Comfier• for the erection nr a sign upon the Hd Schiebe property adjoinin.; the Gold Jond Stamp C'-mn ny be tip - proved. Motion seconded tV Mayor Stnpl.e?s and gassed by ,he Poll.owing wtin;; in favor thereof: t:k y or Stapleu tend Trustee J1 Fenlon. Opposed: Trustee Seviour. Absent: Tru;,teec %;urtis and li mphrej. Trustee Curtis arrivoc: at this three. (8:30 P. ti.) . Trustee Seviour presented the ftilloi irK; ordin-ince tknd moved its ado tion• App9intees to Dag Lea eh ire Ord. Stukv Committee. Sign Permit #248 Nawel© lutdoor Adv.1 Appved. r p Ordinance 65-6, Adopting al l i;CE' N:.'. •f-h Plbg. Cade as Anonded Thin Repealing Ord.59-14 ARS i1ettlll ANCB ROI'TIAiI Tid, MINN. SO r<< P.11n%t<IXG COOP;, As OwNwom r.m-:otN,GH OC JrUed 16, 1951 ILIF- iLINL' O TITEAKEE' NO- r,9.11, UE VII,iAU W)UNUIL OF THN VILLIG-4% OF PIDIOU`VII Di F .',my ORDAIN AS Ik"TW,S: } Section I. +tc„kiotton of Kinnorct„a FlwnhAw Code by Reference. Www1.01 Tile Kinnenot,ct rlw-tbi?k-; J•3de adorLed l;• u:e minnesvta State Huard of 11valt.h on July 20# 1 e z? and or. arc•nded on Ray 9, 1939, J,anunr•, 14, f 47, and October 16, 19rul ire hereby iidopted tis sir. Ordimtuce o.0 the Vill%lwe of P14"auth b y,, rercrr once and Au tri dt a part heroof as t hou;h ESL- y net Forth at Ulu point. .1 a March 1, 1 765 Cora d. 1.02 Three (3) copies of said Minnesota Plumbing Code shall be marked as "official copies" and filed for reference and inspection in the office of the Village Clerk, Section 2.. Amendment of article I of Code. 2.01 Article I of said Mi,nn:sota Plumbing Codd is hereby amended by adding the following sections thereto: Sec. 24 The term "Municipality" means the Village of Plymouth. Sec. 2!+ - the word "Council" means the Council of the Villa ge of Plymouth, Sec. 16 •- The mord "Clerk" means the Clerk of the Village of, Plymouth. Sec. 27 - The word "Dispector" means the person- or persons employed or engaged by the Council and assigned ,esponsibility for administration of this Ordinance." Section - Amendmert o.L article X sof Code. 3.01 article X of said Minnesota Plumbing COde'Is hereby amended by a dd the followin,; thereto: twee. 129 - The buildi % sewer or building, drain shall be so located or shall be provided with a branch line that will fa ;tlitate a connection, at a Later dates to a muni- cipal sewer system. This building sewer or branch shall.,. be at a sufficiently low elevation to drain the love?t plumbing TiAture or floor drain in the building." Section 4.- Licensixuri A 4901 No perscns .firm or corporation slial.l eanga&e in the busi. ress of irzt4lir4 and ct::.st ructir;-, plim4ing or plumbing systeas wl.thin the mn-nicir.,lity without VAIrst ozotaining a license to carr, on r t::h, occupation from the Council and procuring and postit; with the clerl; a bond ih the amount cif $1000,'30 in favor of ,ht^, municipality and the public, 0011diti©ne3d upon the faithful ptrforwince of c,nntracts and complionoe with th'Is ordinance. Such license isha31 be reno a,le annually on or before Pa.iy 16t• each yawn and W be :°evokcid or rioNsed by the Council for caune. ArW instal- lotion, oonstructions alteration, or repair of a jd wabit, system 'Nr b. licev se e in vviolation of the provisioru: of said Mirviesatva Plumbic , Carle or refusal on the, pert. of a IV.-ewoe to rredt suto defective work nerformed by such lic ens ca shall t a :ause for revocation of or refuer.1 'too renaw a I xc ens e. I OW2 Sefnre any :licene issued Uder the provisions of this section rrokv be revoked or it;, renewal refuned, the licen- see shall• be given a 1-e±ar:ing to show caune why suO licen3e shy u"I'd not bQ :revokad or ruNGedo Notiae of they times plaac, and pu.rpock; oC such hoaring shah be to wri,tb-.,-: The annual, lieerise3 too shrai- tiro $25.00. Applicatim for ouch li^ense vhall he nide annuilly on a foi% Nrniahed by the Coun"'il. 0 Kw-ch1, 1955 Cont u. 1 Section Pe___rrits. I 5.01 No person, firm or corporation shall fmstall, alter or extend J any individual plumbingo plumber system in the aunicipality without firs} obtaining a permit therefor from the Council for the specific installation, a teratiot: or exter..sion. At the time of ap7.lrir4; for said., rrtFeit, t,e applicant shall, p,4 a fee therefor of $10.00. Fach plumbin ; .fixture in excess of ten 10) Jhall be subject to an additional $1.00 fev. Such permits shall be valid for a period of six, (6) months .from date of issue. 5.02 Applicatio n for permits shall be made in Writing uporr printed blanks or forms furnished by the C_uaci'l and shall be signed by the appli.-ant . Section Construction tcnaJ rem_ ts. 6*01 Ail individual plumbik and plumbin; systes'is install.ed,alibse- quent to th+a adoption of th = s oruinance ani' all alterations, extensions and rep..irs to individual plumbing systems irrespec- t!.ve of the daft of Qri;,,.inal imteliation shall be regulated in accordance with all of .-ire requir.cments of this ordinance. Existing systems which do not meet the requirem-;nts of this ordiaance may be repaired or extended is the repair or extension Is zadc in accordance with t e construction requi+•ements of this codot. Secti,an . Admini_ st_r tion and Insoection. 7.01 The Cauncil shall assign responsibi .it.- for administ;reicn of this ordinance to a qunlificd insonctor. 7.02 The inspector shall :sake si;c.-, ir,,ncction of inspecttor..; a .3 are ne:essn.r; to determine corpl' . Lee with. „nis ordinance. No pest of the system shall ne 4 vered until it has tN4ei inspected and accepted by the inspecto.:. It, shall be the responsibility of the applicant for the permit to notify the I nspectur in ac— car ince with Artie. XIV, Sec. 157 of the Kinuesotl F.Lumbirg Cods. 7.03 The renotification fee under Article XIV, Sec. 157C shall be $5.00 for each renotificatiun. ' Section Vii. 2b ecti,ves rued Vartanaes. 3.,01 Thi* objectives of this ordinance are to provide adequate and safe pluir.'ni,rk; systems and to prevent the cfantamination or water sunny. AN,, sys ten of special, unusual or new design which will sat: 3fy thr+ atatcd obaiectivrs may he-=epbed as oamplving• with this ordinances and W pe mit r,, anted for the const t,rtction, irtsULllation, alteration,, or .repair of any nach spiacial system chtL11 he r_iub,ect to such conditions and gainrantees cis W be st,it.Qd in the permit. 8.02 The u,)uncil nzy, in its dincretions gratlt varinncen from thel strict, provini.ans of this ordinance conoistent with Lite pro- vinion% of Section 8.01 aUwe and upon rucortm,%da.tinn of the Villi ;e, !Iui.ldim* Incipcetor. Section 2. Pence. 9.01 AU i:et%7art, ftm ol- eorpor;.tior. viol ttin*, any or ',die provision int' t-hitj ordin,ince nhttlt. be gu*1:,1tv of a irisdemoanar, and upon conviction thero,')f shill be .fined in as ttntnunt, nsot to exceed March 1. 1965 - Cont 'd., . 100.00 or imprisonment for a period Nat to eitceed 90 I-ays, tach day that any violation is continued shall constitute a separwte offense. Sects. -%n 10. Repeal of ')rdinance No. 59-14. 10.01 Ordinance No. 59-14 of the Villa rpe of Plymouth, adopted May 27, 1959 is hereby repealed. Section 11. Effective Date. 11.01 This ordinance shall take efftnt upon its passage and. publication. Motior for adoption of the foregoing orrUn;ance was duly seconded bj! t%yor Staples and upon vote being taken thereon the following v,ited in favor thereaf: Mayor Staples, Trustees Curtis, 3'F'ailon and SE '-lir. Against: None. Absent: Trustee Humphrey. Dated Karch 1, 1965. 1 L"t i Attest:,z Village Mayor Staples presented the followirkg ordinance and moved its adoption: Ordinance No. 65-7 Re. Individual Sewage D{srosal Systems, ORDI !ZE R0. 65-7• AN QDINANCE R1GUTATIINC Tar;; INSriLT.ATION, CONSTJiUCTION, ALTIATION, EXTENSION, REPAn AND I iAIA"T''. A;l10E OF INDIV'IDU'AL SEWAGr: DISPOSAL SYST&S: %"-"UI1HIY i PE.UIITS. FOR, AND LICENSING OF ft"W' M ENGAGED IN Taff: CONSTRUCTI)N THS'- ; P110VIDING FOR INSFICTION1 AND PRE- SCRIBID1G PENALTIES THE VILLNG COUNCIL OF THE VIT.UNK-k; OF PLXA:OUTH Ih HE,d.ESY 0%,DAIN AS FOLWWS: Secy. Definitions. The followiV, definitions shall apply in the interpre- tation kand enforcement of this ordinance: 1.01 Sewage: "Sewagta" is any water-carriod domestic waste, exclusive of footing; and ror,f dra.inaa`Q, of ear residence, industry or commercial estaiW shment, whether treated or. untreated, and includes tato liquid w•antes p cAuced by b,ithi.k;, laundry and culinar;; operations, rand from toilets and ';i. aor drains. Rcaw sewage is sewage which has not been subjected to any treatment ptncets. 1902 Individual Sewage Disposal lr•stean: Al. "individwa sewage disposal yetein" is as sewaage disp©sU syutem otlier tnan a public or commw'&,y system wh Iah receiven. sevra rr from ,in individual e. sk;aablistuneiit . Unless ntltex-ud.sf indicated taae) w, -)rd "sy crtem" a3itaappearo in this ordinance mecuts "i:adivi.duai1 new•are disp-kiscal, iystem". 1.0 a Wild!.n, Drain: The "buildino drain" is t1int pclrt of the h ri.,a;1Eul pipits of a builei ni drnirwge system which receives the disohnrCe from all other ;nil, waste and draira!u;e pipes inoide the walls of any build- i-&'; "lttci Convoys the aaame tub the sQwear. 1.04 k?aileling, Sewer: The "buildiN rower" is t'i tt part of tate har•ilaolntal portion of trio buildiria; drainat,n sys;,em, e.%6endirV, friom the. building drain to its connection writer tiie septic t vik and currying the soaw ge of but onv building. 1 1.06 1.0? r.0+g Section R. 2.01 2.02 x.01 ftdcipality: The term Wnrunizipa`i+ty" means the Village of Plymouth. Council: The word "council" metxns khe council of the Vill•iEe of Plymouth. ' 2 117 Clerk: The ward "clerk" means thelclew-k of the Village of Plymouth. Inspector: or: The tiro rl' "inapecto.r" nieans the person or persons employed or engaged by the counci]; and assigned responsibility for a&dnistration o; this ordinance. Mcensinst. No person, firm or corporation sh-11 er;age in. the business of insta].1- irg and constructing; sawsge disposal systems within the .mw;icipality without first obtaining license]to carry on such occupation from the council and procuring;tid postiorj with the clerk a bond in the amount of $1000.00 in favor o° the muni c ipality and the public, conditicned. upon the faithful performance o_'' contracts iutd compliance pith this ordinance. Such license shall be- renewable annually on or before May 1st each yearand may be revoked l or refused by the council for cause. Any installation, const ruction, 44teration, or repair of a saaage dis- posal system by a licenser in vi lauion of the provisions of Section 5 of this ord:.nance or z•e£t ial on he part of a licensee to cor ect Such defective wank performed by such licensve shall be cause for revoca- tion of or refusal to renew a li •ense. Before any license issued under he p^ovisior.q of this section relay be revoked or its renewal refused, Lhe licensee shall be given a hearing to show cause why Such license should' not te revoked or refused. Notice of the time, place and pub pose of s,tch heatr% shall be, in writinn,C. The annual license fee; shall be $25., . Application for such license shall be made :annually on a _corm furnished by the council. Permits. No person, firut or corporation shall install, alter or extenc any individual sewage di.sWoal system in the municirslity without first obtaining a permit therefor from the council for the specific; instal- lation, alterations or exhension. .At the time of applying•for said 0 penait, the applicant shall pay to fee therefor of $7.50. Such permit shall be valid for a period of six months, from date of issue. 02 Appli.catiurts for perad.ts shall be m_ede in writing upon printed blanks or forms Purnishod by the council and shall be signed 'by the applicant. SRrt on t.. Administration. 'rho court,-il shrill assign r. osponsibi:lity for administra- tion of this ores n:lrceR to a qualified inspector. Sectiori5. Construction F.eguirements. 5 *01 All individual sewage disposal aybterts inattclled subsequent to the adoption o.p thio ordinance and all Zaterationn, ext cnultar i. and repaire to individual spvnz t; a disposail. syot ems irrespective of the date of original inst,ailkation shall be raoiil rted in acc ordtlnce with all of the requirevients of thtu se:ctinn, lbci.atin sytiterm whtch do not meet. the re uirc-nent,8 of thio ordinance .may be repaired or, extended if the repair or extendiibn is made in ctcc.irdanve with the ronatruct:ion re- r1uirentvnts of this coda. 08 March1 1965 - Contd 5.02 Genera. " A. Location ani installation of the individual'oewage disposal dy:.tems and each part thereof shall be such that, with reasonable maini.on- ante, it will function in a sanitary manner and will not create a nuisance nor, endanger the safety of any domestic water aupply. In determining a suitable location for the system, consideratiod shall be given to the size and shape of the lot, slope of natural and finis ed grade, soil pernieability, dept:: of ground water, -geology, proximity to existing or future water supplies, accessibility for maintenance, and possible expansion of the system. B. No part of the systw shall be located so that it is :terser to W atcr supply than outlined hareinafLer, or so that surface drainage from its location may reach vW d=estic crater supply. C. Raw sewage, septic tank effluent, or .seepage frdm a foil absorption system shall not be discharged to Ch -s ground surf,acc;F abandoned wtitll•s, or bodies of surface water, or into warty rock formatiEi,,6 the structure of whi,:h is not conducive to purif'?catioon of water by filtration, or into any well. or other excavation in the ground which does not comply with the requirements of Sec. 5.05 1 (1). This requirement hall not apnly to the disposal of se.-ange in a-rdance with a process approved by ,the State Board of Health or the Water Pollution Control Commission. D. The)lot, siz shall be sufficient to permit `Installation of the indi- virmal epwafe dist"sn), sg,3term in ,actc:o-*.nce with all the regxArmenrs pert %iniktYtereto. Es Ins'4Ilatior.,s of individual sewage disposal systems shall not to gads in low awampy arcaa or areas which may be subject o looding. F. In nreas %TLth a high ground -water table or where limestone or any l geoiogical f^.rmation sir larle faulty is rote:.ed by less than 50 feet of oa. th, the final dispscu linit sh 11 he a tale field. The bottom of ;she trenches shall be not less than 4 feet above the high©st known or calculated water table or the surface of the faulty rock formation. Go llttlldozers, trucks or other heavy wAchinery shall not be driven over thR.sys tem after instalIntion. H. ime rr systems t3hall be deli Anud to receive all solmwge from the dwelli, ,;, bulldlit,, or other esti b.1-LiAmenu served, incu.ading laundry waste and basement floor dralnat. e. 'eloot,ing or roof draiwe shall, not enter %aiv part of the sys term. Vhertv -uhe (onstr°action of additional hedrooms, the inatUlati.on of equLlir-ent, or other factors likely to affect timb oprwsLion of the s . ex. can be reast t ly antici- pitod the iris of ti sys t trim kidequrtte for such anticipated need ohall be requirod. 1. he -ys t .gym nt al). oons:i.stl of a )%tlding nower, s u tio t-nkn anq ,.3 soil, aboorption anit. The (i. 3. tbuorption limit (13hall. consi!t: 'of 4 sub- n- surface cdispo .,'L1 field 'Or one )r ince Leepzge p:i,t.i, or a c,mdii,natlorl n of thetwo. All nowi.it;v :. be in tehv ouptic 1, ink ndp the 1nliA pLre1ktod 1„I t1 b Vit'"Y aertt, 13h4t J. 4. t h1i .1,ed to tAti diol o"J field. or sires laoc) pit n. t4ho'—p unuoual r-onditiono exi0t other VY(A(Tan of die- s,t' iftavv ea cd, prjvt(lod tht Nntthey nply t-rit,h ;ill otherIpx` 6E 1plo, l 5.a. Btw r t;,ra at ruatt.e n. r • March 1; 14x-5 - Cont' d • 20m-' A. No buried or concealed portion of the buildir, sewer, or building drain or brq:1c:1' thereof ser-rirg azW establishment shall be located less than 10 feet, fro& aryr water -supply well. '"he buried or con - coaled partioru, Ff aray building, sewer,, building, drain or branches urereaf located less than 50 feet frim an+v'w ell sha11 be constructed of axtr4-heavy cast-iron soil pipe with 'lead -caulked, air-trsted joints. The Joints of such sewer, drain or branch located less than 40 feet f *om a well shad be further protected sg4inst leakage by t Means of bell -joint clamps or 6 -inch concrete encs.semert or by other equ lly effective weans, The air +eslp shall be mane by ar: air compee-3or •or test aprraratus to a suitably open; & ;:nd clnsirag all other inlets a:a(4 ou'leti Lt 'ths . euir+'aud ilai drai driller test by Meade of. rapper testih • Piu ,s. OAir O sfz.L`1 m. b a fore eu " is n'ti k' ki •6y6tem until there is i uni ri, pressure . o t .,t1ie ' p:i•ands be4. igdar• s ' i icti in We sect or. - being tested. 2 ayetem shall be coas•'_dered satisfsc- tor.J4• sir ces, •%d if the pressure therein rentinis cars s nt far fifteen rrd=tes withoat the -idd tion b.: ai:-• S. The portions of azti buried surer more trout 50 fes;, from a well or ) buried suction line nine! Luv e, adequate size 4vW conn trection q cast-iron, V1tr.ir'i•4-::1ah-, ;,cc•:ow tr-awhsstas, garacrete nr ether oiw-, materia3 .,jcue %---ua0 Ln- tit State tins! d of Lealt'n. Olay pipe :srA lay pipe :ftti?t,-q sho.:l t,3 .00sa.F.. apecffical-inna io'r stlancLaret at rian trs'. of ext rcloy pipe anJ ri,v. Piro fZt't n6:s. No dr•rin nr :,uitdx - sever e: t -*1 . ^s less tiau-- 4 inches U ia/rmLer. to space between the bell `we•,r allipcit of vitri P4. ed-dlry pipe a'1:411 by p&cked with uak=s he:•:p or iu4-e mno otherw...'six" rreparPd se ws tti ra:•m a concentric opesitan. unifora ; n'wi.dth .,:Oau'd Use pipe %itizAh opera1 sly,11 be fillclel •:rit.h PnAlazta Cemen: h&irtwr l or ;tsar acotent- able ;.ar•e•-»joinW carr-ro:u1d. ,;,oints are r•m.carzan+datl. VMr•te ee:,jent. 1jol.ltte sm usee tne6 r;*call bre :Yrtailatl}fix:!miad-•::*a Ute out.•• side and left the i1+iiltd q draueu4; through tiara a swxo or scrarer.=Onnatruct l fir• a" th.s line Wall be suchrza tet acture atter-ti. ht and mm.=t 1;7it `.'rec of ob!r.tt•uct ions, •111d zhal l provide - e r1t : e o f --rot: le: -;s Colvin 1/8" par Aunt. Tt 4: lid feet of stswe. irrm lnt y prertd1% the sgit.-L.; tank shall not a3ope more: than 1/1. inch pe;.-% fo.t • "'z< rNO el.is ax 'la he !•encit-L d, rrA where the di=rt etio"a of tlw.- awlt-ar +.5 in exae:°4 of !,IN, I to, aque.)siltte c,. c :..: -out 1 sh; :11 tie l+LVVI led • 5,n is24Sertis `L "kajo A. ::;• y; noit;ta sk.- L" n 1. rdi%, .:s o+' Wo nt,ill. trr 1k; of ';alz;tv-'.- u. mt:: li;. zygion .-,: 'Cl`av eoptic t %nk ultalt. lo U%urh ass t;a rv.aviin not C -.1%n t1:1111 010 ar-vjrd dicArfroo;ZJ fwm V't C..4wroinwe 1 P.opert-vo, l•inmf 1W:1tt•" 4noor prri.nouro and ovteurivd btu '.49g r, -,t • . ;.t i'r,a., f "; I tt~r : ataree ,).0 der +' j.o rY;1 For .t 14pl•1y or hur '.r•i ywaterm1VU0161;1919 J 1%,e . 4. Al C U -JOL rUtt- ity 71 .. ,YAJOI C ZAI!k Mr.Mv-111V; dwe" 1tv hit L, ••,oes kin thl: raC broio, •:f ::.ir•riwrs1 a.•t MIT"'ke d 3ra i. W k1wuW1R: oersiod ;%nd-.OV,01. t;rvntonr• t::i p;.ven in TaYe I 1Miii4:h rollowe. The li-juid laaouc':,y -if 1; coq t tanknc.•vin=, an erfah- a ohment :tt.h.-r than a 6we11 iik; :sly: 3.1.1 Inc a11f '.'-r1t -1.%) pry irle------------- a 1 • 1. 1 , ' . 1 , • . t - , .) •.•. .. f , \ , . it ` •, • . 1 )J"y .' . MLrdh .1•, •1965— 4 o,d swsove diatenti.on perind. of reit' lors thial 24 hot•rs in this tt;trr. but U. no ir.;: E,anc.e 9 •' . it to less T,ru' : '15J gal! ons • 1 f • • TARr;r 1 , Mini.etum Caruc.itliesfor Septic Tarns P'rWides for U.. -c of Autrtnat: c Waisiere, and ?ther fineAchal3 Appl4nees) Nit RIML Minasmtm ist Taav 2na Tank Numboi of Bedrooms Capac:;, _Z..,,," 2 or lwusl 750 3 ........... a ..... , ... '.... .90 500 ISL w • • . • • • • • • • • • ,•• •', • . • • • • • • • • 12VRJV jt%D For et:44 a•idUl or;1 hga w+"r, u#i 257ta+' lona for the 14, r. The Iiciti;fid depth or ,iW septic tctirr•t or cowart ent thereof shM be not 16,16 t , . 30 incha,3 A liquid depth #;re=ter khan 6,1 s '9*e&, shall not }v a couideree in vide I'4'd]'firkg t urr k : a puc.'• t.y • T'• No tank cr aompamc' naL the reof sha-U have an inef da. ;toris:tt:Lal dimonsi.,n'Ilea than ;':, Ea' -hes. F. Inlet and outlet vannecti.ot`.s the tanak ..•.ht, of each campartmenit thereof auhnU lue uuLmersicd 'I.y ze -,3 of vented -tac-* or bar"led or as to obtlin effective a e'tentiort . !I scut 'aid :11Y.ttatt e. G. she spiome is the tank be we ci the lielti;rd- ' lsjjr`.% Oe zi-w-1 .•deo :op of . t,:.e: nie:t ',rrd aAlet isfflro ar attl ;:ert;ci niv* stall be not leas . ti . 2O ga"weuL s; Uw trtxl re4air'e-d 1.1 eaid wilkaq ity, axcept the4: in hr ri?N;+f1 cv t dri.r', tanks 4tii{o r zr. i.a.1. bit nolo l(us thaft ' 5 : •pr'cer the tat!:.',. z*quL.: ed lici`;f.: The irilet 1r., O p or o'ak%merly-c;i pi Pe c -tend at 'r -int 6 ;i.ndv% Ut alt. Rare t.:wn AC p e+e,: of t;e:' t t. .tc+,t•Eu tieTtttt; to tthr.'M.ea:est in-Agis r illoti, , rt' l.i qln i d urs f.::e a w i at a e,'••3t orte. itt,;ti alwive thO unvdbn u." 'Aire inlry ev ar.. To 41. V.a The %.ut1ftkrt bs.fle a+ uti er,Jerd ripe) and Lite haf ',uln or so?nnerf ed pipes i'etwen sha?,l. e4 -tend tte P. s t Tyr l i lktid tv*br!!nce••. t' : rt • q y t 1 ` t• w . o w . .a+ inch if titer l L uiaMvi .I\. 6• i.Za ,. it,. i .ri . t i'i 1.' \`I lC q1r\• e,g Y M V • t r depth ex!ejit I-A;:t, Ole pcitet.raca,ttin ol: the i 1:+d lel% .ed x k'n ess o.' ' etl i tfaJR r . a'es f,, -r horizont:; l c.1- .1r'Ar.Y..ilt:wi i a1C .•iii:T. . :.' 1, SF p. ri r%" c;1t•, tit. im!PAo•L 1 in;+oh, ^tt' •t,ht, ft l ril .. f: de+,t'r. F4ry 1p Y» Ar tit`s. ,'. .y'Piz riid abovQ •tv J.aigsi i%i iiu JAY %%a 1;o pwovId,.% f. -?b uutu f wtl•ral,1x. a;.. -mAqui rA in -arc & J,04 of Above. In nl witse shall I finy o'tx'ae+nit. 6 r3 Z V%Lan 1wher ah*;ve Ot, l.iqu itl sur: rAc•A, 1e -re sh;3. 4% bo M, Irash or ko inA, bat,w+:rrt thu utcaer.x1& A'r!' tht t9p, of the tnnk -z.^cl the t:. ke.'"t of the 410 -Ft. ,:;vel. FIul,ly4 de.1,.jo1h.;i aid rtrt i`ti,anm jn A:) "Cu r, `Wile the rc.lui'vA vant ilntlitl: ml th ivrutwn t•hr,;4?ti t::S: %y51%111 buIWit e- 'A,.c:.. I;,, tc 1sk1rl. Inve rL 4.1:1610 1 rkai le -R.; M..."An In ;hCh. . bov a 't,l'.,..+ctt .!k•. 1 ' t.61.: trs.,•I 1 . .41 . , `t 41,ul." at V0.1 MC i• t"t1t.4. • e• . .• n d 71•.:t 1e ••. a. . . 1".i it"y t ' :int ;:.f t-. ..t,• 0 dnaa. 1:+ • '• err' ii .\r,..r.r r rr..=-- - ——..rrra.i.ri. r - - ,- - -` ` i.i:` D. A distribution box with remuvabsi.4 cover and of sufficient size to accommodate the necessary tip a field lateral lines shill he e,ohstruc- ted at the head of such 6.1sposal field. 1) Each tiles field latet:ral lints ah•ll he corm!;coed neparate3.y to the distribution hox and shall not be suhdivide:d. 2) They inverts of all outlets stutll be at tate tswitne elevation k-%nd the inlet invert shall, he at lean. t. one invh ahvve± the nutlet inve; rt s e 3) The outlet inverts shall be at latuat 4 inches ;bore the di tribution box florpr f,)r the purpose of seuuriirg equal distribution of the ueptic tank oft'luv;t to each the liater.-al. In t.ho event that rierptiw tank effluent i% delivered to the distribution t+,ax hf puma t• siphan, ;a baf.f„ r wall ahalt he insti.1led in the di.'%triNtian ba.t. :inn NaVRe zvthal1 be src;ured tw t4e tvittva of tire hi.x kind shall extend vertic lly to a point ut. lerrtA level with t.ho crown of the inlet pipae The Plane surface of the hi.ffle ;shall be petepe ndicu;rtr to the inlet ,flow 'Ana. March 1, 1965 - Cont'd e M. The tank shall be constructed of sound and durable material not subject to excessive corrosion or decay. Metal septic tanks shah comply vdith commercial standard 177-62 of the U. S. Department of Cnmamerc d have thecapacity required by Table 1. Precast or metal tanks a -equired whorewy rirtion of the tank will be below the water t . N. Adequate cess to each compartment of the tank for ine:ection and sludge i :.rioval shall be provided by a manhole (not less than standard sizel or removable cover and by a clean-out pipe of not less than 4. inch diameter extending through the cover to a point above the tank not more than b incheb below f{rtished ground leve'_. The point at which the clean-out pipe pasaes through the cover shall rye so located that a downward projection of the pips elnar. ,the' inlet and outlet device by not less than 2 inches. The tcp of the clean-out pipe si,all be provided with a readily removable watert4,nt cavi and its location shell be marked by rit1ke or other means at the ground surface. The inlet device shall be made accessible by either the removable cover or the manholc or by the addition of properly placed hand•holes. 5.05 Subsurface Disnasal Fields. A. TAcation of the Cisposil field shnll be in an unobstructed .and preses fer.-ably Unshaded area, and the distances given below shr 1' be the minimum hori::ontal swoltratians between thet Caposal field and the folloidrg : 1) Ar4r wrater supply well., or buried water sitetion pipe .... 50 feet a) Streams or other oodles of water ....................... Z5 feet 3) occupied buildirus..................................... 15 feet 4) Ia rge trees (see ;iltertite Sec. ;.05 it (5) ...... e • ..... 10 feet 5) Pruncrty lines or hur;ed pipe distributing water under prescure ............................................ 10 feet R. When coarse s-lil r'ormztions a:se vneottnte ed, they distances specified in itaim A (1) and (R) -above hill ha. inrrtnise'd appropriate -1,,y. C. The area to be used for the disposal fie lee shall be graded to within 4" of the finished gide. D. A distribution box with remuvabsi.4 cover and of sufficient size to accommodate the necessary tip a field lateral lines shill he e,ohstruc- ted at the head of such 6.1sposal field. 1) Each tiles field latet:ral lints ah•ll he corm!;coed neparate3.y to the distribution hox and shall not be suhdivide:d. 2) They inverts of all outlets stutll be at tate tswitne elevation k-%nd the inlet invert shall, he at lean. t. one invh ahvve± the nutlet inve; rt s e 3) The outlet inverts shall be at latuat 4 inches ;bore the di tribution box florpr f,)r the purpose of seuuriirg equal distribution of the ueptic tank oft'luv;t to each the liater.-al. In t.ho event that rierptiw tank effluent i% delivered to the distribution t+,ax hf puma t• siphan, ;a baf.f„ r wall ahalt he insti.1led in the di.'%triNtian ba.t. :inn NaVRe zvthal1 be src;ured tw t4e tvittva of tire hi.x kind shall extend vertic lly to a point ut. lerrtA level with t.ho crown of the inlet pipae The Plane surface of the hi.ffle ;shall be petepe ndicu;rtr to the inlet ,flow 'Ana. Karc h I j, 1 Q65 - Cont I di 5) Wh ere the slope of the ground sures ce does not exceed t inhes, in any direction within the area utilized for the absorption• field, the septic tank effluent may be. applied to the absorpt:,on fiold through a System of inter -connected tiie lines rand trenchea'iri a ^ntinuous systesm. The bottom of the tranches and di ,trib,rtion lines shal]. be constructed on a relatively level grad z, rso; to exceed 6 incheK difference in elevation. . 6) Where the 31ope of the ground surface ex^.eeds 6 itrches in wq direction within the area utilized for the absorrjtiora field, serial distribution may be used. The bottom of the trenchers and dist- ributic:i lines shall be nonst,ructed on a relatively level ,rade. The distributioi tile system shall be arranged so that each trench shall be Xilled with septic tank effluent before effluent Flores to succeeding trenches. The invert of the overflow ripe in the first relief line shall be at iaast inches lower than the invert of the srmntic tank outlet. r,. The size of the drainfieli n ce'ssary f2r each :-esidence shall be a minimum of 200 square feet and an additional 100 square feet for each additional bedroom over two. F. The, buildir4; official 'M.sy' :if he deeirz necessary, require a soil per- colation test as described herein 4as a basis for detee=inirg the area of absorption field. The test will be made by the disposal system installer. The percolation Fzte measurement (5-C below) shall be witnessed by the buildirit; official. A special foe of $5.00 wild. be required for u.itnessin; tho Percolation Rate. Minimum seepage Oreo of the disp)sa? field (tot:l flat area of trench bottom e_rclus ive of sidehsl.l area) shall be determined by the; follcr4nC perc ajation test procedure as applied to Table 2. 1) Number and location of tests. Twu or more tests shall be made in seaparate test holes 9ptrced uniformly over the pro- posed absorption field site. r)e of tom: s. A hole with h xi ontal dimensions of 4 to 12 inches and, vertical sides !hall be dug or bored to the depth of the proposet absorption trench. The hales may oe bored with an aum er of not leans than 4 -inch diameter. Preparatinn of test h let The bottom and sides of the hole shall he carefully scratched w'.th a knife hlude or sharp pointed ins` raiment U) removes :aiW smeared soil surfaces and to provide a natural soil interface into Aic:h water may percolate. All louse rmtertal shall be removed from the hole and 2 ,i ncheq of coarnn sand or.fine -ravel (Ahal.l be added to protrat the bottom ,frim somiring. Saturation and swell ity,,,, of tfrsil,. The hole shall, be care"- fully are- fully filled with clear water to a nii.nimkun depth of '12 inches over the gravel. Water shtall Ee kept in the hole for at least t4 hours, and rreftozabll over night, by r efillinA; if necessary) or by supplyity a surplus reservoir of water, such res in an auto mati silihon. In sandy rontaininG little, or no cl&Y, the swelliti,; procedure shall rat he rotluired t+nd t)tie test mxy be imide as described anther item (5) (t,) he' ow after the water fmm one fil.liN- of the hale has coniplote±ly ceepid away. 1 1 Cl March 1965 - Cont O d,. 5) Percolation rate measurement. iith the exception of sandy soils; percolation rate measurements shall be made on the day following'the procedure des-vioed under Sec. "505 F (4). A) If water remains in the test hold after the overnight swelling period, ,the depth shall be c-tdjusted to approximtely 6 inch4s , over the gravel. From a fLted reference point trae drop in water level shall be me..sured over a 30 minute period. This drop shall be used to calculate the percolation rats. B) If no water remains in 'the hole after the overnight swelling period; clear Vater shall be added to brig the depth of water in the hole to approximately 6 inches over the gravel. From a fixed reference point the drop in water level shall be tnpaslred at approxfa'.atPly 30 minuts tervals for four hours, refilling 6 inches over the gravel necessary. Th.c drop that occurs during the final 30 minute period shall be used to crlcu- late the percolation rate. C) In sandy soils or other soil's in which the first 6 inches of water seeps away in less than 30 minutes after the overnight s«ellirM period, the time interval between mcasurm.erts shall be taken•as 10 minutes -and. ,the test shall be run for one hour. The drop that occurs during the final 10 minutes shall be used ro calculate the Re rcolation rata. Per Bcdroom Column Provides for Percolation Rte. Time Required , for Water to Fall, 1 inch, in Minutes Required ,Absorption Area in Square Feet Standard Trenchl & Seepage Pi.ts`• TAF1 E z Priva;. I- omatic Sequence 1,11ashing uaehines) Percolation Rate Time Re-pui rod fir dater to Fall I inch, in Minutes equircd Absorption Area in Square Feet Standard Trenchl and Seeril F Per Per Gallon of Per Per Callon of Bedraom3 Per day BedroomsWaste ;,taste Per Day I or less 70 .20 10 165 65 a 85 .30 15 1;90 no 3 100 .35 304 ?50 1.10 4 115 .40 454 300 1.25 5 175 .0 604e5 330 1.65 G. Additional %'J'riterir, for JudCliar Soil 5uitAilit.y 1) In areas of gltullou, ground, water, Uic, depth of the hater table shall be determined. No soil ab: nrption systPm shall be installed in (In ;trea 14Aeve the vrater t u .•uw time th,'.n 6 1,/p feet below i;tvumi level .^r 4 feet below the b )ttom of the d ain- fi.eld (,rn?nch. Soil absorptlgn, siwstevv installksd in arcan Where imperme.fXl.e 1,:,yer n nvv #%,)und al- dept',,vi of Irris tKmi 6 1/6 fcaot mhttlI be considered to Ibu of sPee a). dal!!!'en. h • tionstritctyiu i of p< rp.,nAl `I'ren(, .es 1) All trcn,:hen in i d1upou.11 fivld ,Ji:il' tact i nfo-truk,tcd tn cior-o d- Nn,,!e with tli., 011owir k; otttnklardtAst w 1 11 j • t 1 Is 1765 Cant Id r. A Minimum nOmber of 11nes per field .. ... u i X91 Y.^x!z m: length of individual lines.. .. .. s s 1W i't e , 40) llinfx= Bottom width of trench . . s .... I8 inches ID) Minimum depth of unver of the lines. .. 18 Incblank• E) preferred depth of caver of. the lines .... 21, inches F Kud= depth -3f csaer of the lines.. 30 inches 0) Max mum unifom grade of the lines 6 inches per 100 Peet K) Preferred uniform ,-Trade of tyle lines 2 to 4 ins per 10D feet. I) Size and spacing of trenches ... Conform to Tablb 3 J) Minium filter iraaterial under the . . OL .. 12 inches K) preferred' dopth of filter maters•+1 under=tile 12 to 24 Itches L hinimum filter material over tile .. 4 inches M fie C rade of the lines shall be establish` with a suioveyores level or transit. 1. Absorption area far standard trenches is figur. cid as ench-bottom ares. 2. Absorption area for seepage pits is figured as eVect 1 e sidewall area be- neath the inlets 3. In every 'case sufficient area should be p:vvided for at eaat 2 bedroams. 4: Unsuitable for s c epage pits if over 30. Unwitable for absorpt-1;on systema if over 60. TAW 3 idth at ' I ttom in Effective Absorption Inches Area in Wni Spacing of Line* Sa. Ft. Per Lin. k?t. C to C in Peet 18 1.5 6.0 - 6.4 =.0 6.5 30 ?. on. f 7.0 36 2.3 ?.5 3) 0 Ahsorption bedo wider than ?6 inches shall be provided with multiple distribution tile lines spaced nat more than 36 inches nor less than b18 inches on centers and not more than 18 inches from the side walb be tke trench or beds except that where til: linea are supported on an satisfactory under -drain system those spacirSe ma;r be increased. The area o:' absorption beds sa constructed ,shall he 50% gre:%-ter then the area required B.r trenches, Pipe used for the 'line between the aortic tame and the distribuiicn 10ox aid between the diegribution bax and tile "Latercas to the point where the laterals are separated 6 feats shall be vitrified -clays en7aw;%. asbentnes or oast-ir.%n. Joints in such pipe shall be watertifht, ripe used under dri.vew..We rr oi,her arcis subject to heavy loads eltall oe bell and apiLat cast-iron with leaded caulked. joints. Such watc.4ti&ht nectiana laid in they dis;msal field shall not be considerA in det:ermin- ie the effeetive uboarption area, Yield the used in the disposal field shvill be 1 -inch agricultwal drain the 161) inahc.a in :enCth .aid ©hall. be Ailid uith 3/1, inch open joints. Altertwte materials may he dorsi if equi,vUent perlbornhince is ixdicateds 3) The 1pcation of seejaZe pits, in addition tr the enenal pivvir ons Herein shall be not lass than the utcated vit. :rAm dist:.nce from the folto%ring: A xrw water supply ittl 1 or bla; ied awater ;:act On pipe . . 75 feet Occulted bui1di%s . . . . . . . . . . . Do . . . . . 4n feet C) property lines and hu^ied pip%: di.:tribUtifV, water under pressure 0 . .6 0. . , . . . . . 10 feet 0) Other seepide pits t.ln es the di ncieter of the Largest pit ed to edtve) t) kffectave absorption ares of a zeQr-i a rit. oh;111 be valculated ns thy+ sidewall area below the into%. ex, -:1 1irive o'_.' tuty Hardpan, nick, or clay folultiuns. March:l,' 1965 - Cont Id. ' A) All opca joints shall be. prat eated on top by at rips of asoialt-treated buildinZ paper at least 10 inches long C and 3 td 6 inches wide or by .other acceptable neans".. rl S) AU bends used in the disposal field 4kiall have t;Lght Joints at each end of the bend. 5) Filter a aterial shell be cruohed stone, gravel, or 1411::ar insol- uble, durable and acco•ptable material having; sufficient voids. This material mV v,;ry- froc 1/2 to 2 1/2 inates in si:se and slsall be free of dual, sand oi- clay. The filter materials sliall completely P encase the the in accordance W..ta Sec. 5.05 H (I)' (J) (K) and (L). In any case disposal tre; -hes constructed within 10 feet of Large trees. or dense shrubber * ;mall have at least 12 inches of filter materials beneath the. t.;.ie. 6) The top of the filter material shwal be covered with entreated building paper or a tw'v-inch layer of hazy or straw so as to prevent settling; of backfill m:.terial Into the filter material. 7 ) adhere it is necessary t n fill t.n area for construction of tile laterals, the bottom of the tile trenches scall extend not less' than one foot into the orlGiral soil. ' 8) Thq trench above t'e filter material shall be overfilled with 4 to 6 inches of earth. The backfill shall be hand4amped. 9) Before. filter waterial is plucec, c.:.1 neared cr campacted soil in the trench bottom shall be broken up and removed by raking or other effective means to provide matural soil conditions. r I• Seepage Fits 1) Seepage pits shall be used for disposal of septic tank effluent only when such use is indicated by favar:ble conditions of soil, grog sad—rater level, or topo gaphy, and where .such use does not reduce the safety of surroundi% c:;ater supplies. The pit +,xcava- tion shall tentdnatc at least 4 feet aoove the. hij;hest known or calculated gr:aund-ovate.r table, The depth of the excavation shall not exceed 50 Fercent of the depth of Piny well csaing; in the area or 20 feet, whichever is 1m. t. 2) A distribution box Aich is constructed in accordance with Provisions herein shall be re;uIrcd when ti -A) or more seelxte pits are connected and used in parallel. 3) The 1pcation of seejaZe pits, in addition tr the enenal pivvir ons Herein shall be not lass than the utcated vit. :rAm dist:.nce from the folto%ring: A xrw water supply ittl 1 or bla; ied awater ;:act On pipe . . 75 feet Occulted bui1di%s . . . . . . . . . . . Do . . . . . 4n feet C) property lines and hu^ied pip%: di.:tribUtifV, water under pressure 0 . .6 0. . , . . . . . 10 feet 0) Other seepide pits t.ln es the di ncieter of the Largest pit ed to edtve) t) kffectave absorption ares of a zeQr-i a rit. oh;111 be valculated ns thy+ sidewall area below the into%. ex, -:1 1irive o'_.' tuty Hardpan, nick, or clay folultiuns. March 1, 136 Cont' d . Required seepage area shall be,deterained by the provisions herein or by the Percolation Test described above and from Table 2. ',\,A percolation test where reVired *hall be made in each vertical dtratum penetrated by the oveepage pit, and the weighted average of the results, exclusire of results fror. soil strata in which the percolation rate exceeds 30 minutes-,, shall be computed wid applied to Table : as indicated. A) A minimum of 4 feet composite depth of parous formation fc," %%3ch irstallation shall be provided in one or more pits . C) All',pits sha21 have a diameter of at least 4 feet. 5) Constrattion of all seepage pits shall conform to the following requirements: ' A) Ts prevent cave-in, the pit shall be lined with brick, s tone or bock at least 4 inches thick, laid in a radial arch tG suprjort the pit walls. B) The brick, stone or block shall be laid water -tight above 4lie inlet and with open joints below the inlet to provide adequatei paasagre of liquids. C) A minimwn annular space of 6 inches and preferah'_y 11 inches between the lining and excavation wall shall be filled with crushed rock or gravel. ' D) The s eepage pit shall be so constructed at the top as to be capable of supporting the over -burden of earth and any'reasonable load to which it is subjected. Access to the pit shall be provided by means of a manhole or inspection hole equipped with a watertight cover. The seepage pit m.VL terminate in a conventional manhole top, frame and cover. The top of the seepage pit shall be not less than 12 inches below the ground surface. Where the top is Amore than 18 inches below the ground surface there shall b e provided an inspec- tion pipe of not less than 4 inch diameter extending through the cover to a point above the tank not more than 6 inchet below finished ground level. The 'top of the inspection pipe sl,.ill be provided with a readily removable watertight cap and its location shall be marked at the ground aurface. Section 6, Inspection, 6.01 The inspector shall make such inspection or inapcctions as are neem essary to determine compliance with this ordillance. No part of the system shall be coveted until it has been inspected and accepted by the in's'rector. It shall he the rosponnibility of the applicant, for the permit to notify the inupector that the job is .ready for inspec- tion or re-irnspection, and it nhall bd the duty of th.e insp%!.tor to make the indi.ented inspe coon within bg hours after nuoh not ec has br%en riven. %It vhall be the, duty of the timier or occupant art' the prorerty to rive the najaeQto.r free access to the property lit reat3on- able times .Car the purpose o'f mzikin, suol, inspoutiunn. Upon satisfac- tory coripleti.-in and final inspection of the sys toll the inspector shall 1n911e to the r acme ant ;a nertifieate of rippisowa. 1 i I. o, March 1, 136 Cont' d . Required seepage area shall be,deterained by the provisions herein or by the Percolation Test described above and from Table 2. ',\,A percolation test where reVired *hall be made in each vertical dtratum penetrated by the oveepage pit, and the weighted average of the results, exclusire of results fror. soil strata in which the percolation rate exceeds 30 minutes-,, shall be computed wid applied to Table : as indicated. A) A minimum of 4 feet composite depth of parous formation fc," %%3ch irstallation shall be provided in one or more pits . C) All',pits sha21 have a diameter of at least 4 feet. 5) Constrattion of all seepage pits shall conform to the following requirements: ' A) Ts prevent cave-in, the pit shall be lined with brick, s tone or bock at least 4 inches thick, laid in a radial arch tG suprjort the pit walls. B) The brick, stone or block shall be laid water -tight above 4lie inlet and with open joints below the inlet to provide adequatei paasagre of liquids. C) A minimwn annular space of 6 inches and preferah'_y 11 inches between the lining and excavation wall shall be filled with crushed rock or gravel. ' D) The s eepage pit shall be so constructed at the top as to be capable of supporting the over -burden of earth and any'reasonable load to which it is subjected. Access to the pit shall be provided by means of a manhole or inspection hole equipped with a watertight cover. The seepage pit m.VL terminate in a conventional manhole top, frame and cover. The top of the seepage pit shall be not less than 12 inches below the ground surface. Where the top is Amore than 18 inches below the ground surface there shall b e provided an inspec- tion pipe of not less than 4 inch diameter extending through the cover to a point above the tank not more than 6 inchet below finished ground level. The 'top of the inspection pipe sl,.ill be provided with a readily removable watertight cap and its location shall be marked at the ground aurface. Section 6, Inspection, 6.01 The inspector shall make such inspection or inapcctions as are neem essary to determine compliance with this ordillance. No part of the system shall be coveted until it has been inspected and accepted by the in's'rector. It shall he the rosponnibility of the applicant, for the permit to notify the inupector that the job is .ready for inspec- tion or re-irnspection, and it nhall bd the duty of th.e insp%!.tor to make the indi.ented inspe coon within bg hours after nuoh not ec has br%en riven. %It vhall be the, duty of the timier or occupant art' the prorerty to rive the najaeQto.r free access to the property lit reat3on- able times .Car the purpose o'f mzikin, suol, inspoutiunn. Upon satisfac- tory coripleti.-in and final inspection of the sys toll the inspector shall 1n911e to the r acme ant ;a nertifieate of rippisowa. 1 March 11 1965 - Cont d . 6.02 The applicant shall file with }.he inspectcr at the time of the system inspection, a diagram of the completed systern. ^his dia- gram shall be :in and in accirdance with a printed .fam furnished by the Council. A copy of this diagram shall be posted in the building by the applicant. 6.03 If upon inspection the inspector discovers that azV part of the system not constructed in accard..nce with the minimum standavds provided in thi,l ordinance, he shall give the applicant vrritten n; ti_''i cation descrioinr; the defectG . The applicant shall clay an additional, fee of $5.00 :for each re -inspection that is necessary. The applicant shall be responsible for the correction of elimination of all defects, "A no system shall be placed or replaced in service until all defects have been corrected or eliminated. Section 7. ObJectives and Variances. 7.01 The objectives a this ordinance are to pzavide adequate And safe rmp*,hods of s-cware disposal and to prevent the contamination of any costing or. future water supply by any existing; or future sewage disposal sy steme kv system of special, unusual or new d ttAgu whicn ill satisfy the stated objectives may be accepted as complying; with hi5 ordinance, and any permit granted for the construction, installa- tion', alteration, or repair of any such spdicial system shall be subject tp such conditions and uarantces as may be stated in the permit, 7.02 The VillbgP Council may, uuan a showittG of ',11ardship or in unusual eircuuLs.nnces, vziry the provisions of thla A) dD"ace in :,an.fot wanue with the oijectives as stated in 7.01 above. Section S. Penalties, ArW person, fim or corporation violcati%g- any of the pro- visiono of 07s ordinance shall be guilty of a misoene«r:ar, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined .in an ozpunt not to exceed $100.00 or imprisonttd for not to exceed 90 dam, s. ":each rid}* than ate• violation is cat; inuod shall conot,s,tute a sfFarate offense. Sectio+i Repeal avid :4'4ffeFti.ve Date. Urdin :nco Nin. 59-14; radopti d. by the Villa -•e Qnatt.,il I 1,59 is 1.v repealed. Th a ordinance stall take offer.t upon its passage and publication. Motion, for adv). Mon of the fo_,ettOin.; ardin.nci leas duly secon- ded by Trustee aeviour and upon vote tieing talon ther'elmt, the follawi.rV vAkd in Livor- thoreof: M61Ayor ataplis, Cruateos Ourtis, 0'F.;llon a:d Soy°four. AZainnt: h'oltc. Absent. Trustee Humphtrcy. Dated Wixch 1, 1965. Motion m.•iue by `CruAuc 0' l'q allon tlukt regular al ockn for the r;at aloi; ' >i+,,.tc r f tcaro, ,as. i# 0? tltr<a,h 1e'S t;h•ouryh in *„ !Haunt, ta;' '3,7 t'.7.- lie a prvve.i. M,)t,icri 8ct;onded by F4a}car Maplon and p.,iased by all Couneil members preoent x okt-` n- .viye. t,ot.lon -1V:.tdu Iv Ktyor 01A ohkIC4 4'1180 111 1.110 kullount f f 4:1114 600 else rla W1,1411"TOM111onded lies fk i d Mfr hhe uer ier a 1. lurt(l ,i. ULU F'o':rktary ,15th ttco' irk; bio re.riclldcd and that ch?ulz 1'11,149 Inc Approved c; a t lu r it; t' F nd clishursFrmut. Mo`Aon cie olaeaed by Trustoo t;t A01 -;o end tho ar t i t , in favor them ft k,_Vor Storle,:,s Liquor Store Cks, 1'2,03 Tktru 12'75 1thrc ved. hecw ro. 111 Appravrd. ts A:kyrcll %h tcks fj358 Thmi 3410 Appr^ov rd, Moving Peri it for Francis Carey Approved. Complai:zt vs.' Charlie' i Iav+er,: Pontpon d to 3« 15-65. a Hereh f. 1965 — Cont 'd. Tr. s)ees Curtis and Seviour. Oppoaed: Tv,.Vstee Wal -Ion. Absenti b,:,on made by 'trustee Oartis tb3t payroll eh lclCs teas. 3356 through 34,10 for' Fet ruary, t;att li $10,232.90 bo, -approved. Motior_ seconded by Trustee O'Pailon wxi passed bu all Councril mmabers present votir 3 aye. Rntior made by Trustee Curtis that a moving j-,vm t be granted to Fra -cis Carey to move a house upon, the pniperty of Roy Lewy, 186140 County Icad 9'. Yolion a c7conded by Huyor Stapler az:d pas,se(t by all Ccwicil members. presen; voti.rl, rq.e r Mition made by Trustee Curtis that the complaint to be Filed a: ainst Charlie's Tavern be postpaned until the meeUnt; of Karch .1;, 1965, and that the thii ding Inspecto;r be present at tliat titre and satmit a rapnrt as to Lis .rew;=,andi bans. Motion to'econded by Trustee Seviwr" and passed by cell Courc il members present votir icy e . On motion the meetir g adj- uurned at 10:00 -warlock P. M. 0 01 K. T. John9on, Villaje i.Zerk. r i a Hereh f. 1965 — Cont 'd. Tr. s)ees Curtis and Seviour. Oppoaed: Tv,.Vstee Wal -Ion. Absenti b,:,on made by 'trustee Oartis tb3t payroll eh lclCs teas. 3356 through 34,10 for' Fet ruary, t;att li $10,232.90 bo, -approved. Motior_ seconded by Trustee O'Pailon wxi passed bu all Councril mmabers present votir 3 aye. Rntior made by Trustee Curtis that a moving j-,vm t be granted to Fra -cis Carey to move a house upon, the pniperty of Roy Lewy, 186140 County Icad 9'. Yolion a c7conded by Huyor Stapler az:d pas,se(t by all Ccwicil members. presen; voti.rl, rq.e r Mition made by Trustee Curtis that the complaint to be Filed a: ainst Charlie's Tavern be postpaned until the meeUnt; of Karch .1;, 1965, and that the thii ding Inspecto;r be present at tliat titre and satmit a rapnrt as to Lis .rew;=,andi bans. Motion to'econded by Trustee Seviwr" and passed by cell Courc il members present votir icy e . On motion the meetir g adj- uurned at 10:00 -warlock P. M. 0 01 K. T. John9on, Villaje i.Zerk. i a r a Hereh f. 1965 — Cont 'd. Tr. s)ees Curtis and Seviour. Oppoaed: Tv,.Vstee Wal -Ion. Absenti b,:,on made by 'trustee Oartis tb3t payroll eh lclCs teas. 3356 through 34,10 for' Fet ruary, t;att li $10,232.90 bo, -approved. Motior_ seconded by Trustee O'Pailon wxi passed bu all Councril mmabers present votir 3 aye. Rntior made by Trustee Curtis that a moving j-,vm t be granted to Fra -cis Carey to move a house upon, the pniperty of Roy Lewy, 186140 County Icad 9'. Yolion a c7conded by Huyor Stapler az:d pas,se(t by all Ccwicil members. presen; voti.rl, rq.e r Mition made by Trustee Curtis that the complaint to be Filed a: ainst Charlie's Tavern be postpaned until the meeUnt; of Karch .1;, 1965, and that the thii ding Inspecto;r be present at tliat titre and satmit a rapnrt as to Lis .rew;=,andi bans. Motion to'econded by Trustee Seviwr" and passed by cell Courc il members present votir icy e . On motion the meetir g adj- uurned at 10:00 -warlock P. M. 0 01 K. T. John9on, Villaje i.Zerk.