HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 02-08-19651 7ebriaa Ptirsuant to due call and notice thereof a regular xeetiug of the Vilhage Council of the Villages of P2yzouth,.;'Minne9ota9 was duly held at the Village Hall on the dth day of February. 1965,, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Present: Mayor Staplea, Trustees O'Fallon, Humphrey and geviour, the Acting Clerk, bigineer and Attorney. Absent: Trustee Curtis. Mayor Staples called the meeting to order. Due to the absence of a clergyrm to give ace invocatory prayer, the Mayor,requested the Council and audience to rise for a moment of silent pryer. Mr. George Welch, state Highway engineer, appeared to discuss the proposed location of highway buildings at the into:; -section of State Hwy. 55 and Interstate Freeway 494. Mr. WeLA emphasized that this is a strctegie po+.nt in all respects, including accessibility to sanitary sewer, for the Highway Department's purpose of maintaining roads, ewer- Re. Location of gencies, este. He admitted thut the Highway Department is not adamant Minnesota Stag about usiN this particular area and sugganted their willingness to Highway Bldge. negotiate further concerning another location and stated that in lieu of the corner they would consider taking a portion of the right of way north of the intersection area. This would Dave the entire corner open acid then the maintenance garage would be of f the corner of Highway 55 and the drivers' licensing center would be to the rear of that bu!.lditk,* tie stated than the ,tigh.way Department is moving to acquire the land behind the intersection. Omer locations for the bui2.dirW3 were su gested..some of which Air. belch stated would be considered by the Highw•V Department. Still other locations suggested he contended could not be considered because of eititer exorbitant land crosts, inaccexsibilit;r to sruiitary sewer, undesirable locations or ar.cess to made. In answer to a query by Mayor Staplee, Mr. iielch satd their time schedule on the building program would be roughly four years 4,nd that the maintenAnee garage wW.1d no- similar to the Gniven Valley. maintenance shed. It was azrecd that a meeting, be 4rz•kin;ed to consider alter,10 1ative* sites for the hig,hwcy buildings wbich is to bcattended by Road tozp itt,ee, 1 ongineeer, Council members and Messrs. Welch ind holland Hatfield, Tax Covanissioner. Trustee O' Fal] on introduced the following resulutiora and moved its adoption: F Resolution No. 65-14 rmourriuo NO. 65-11, RF,. 196E iUDG T EROVISION Wit 84" 011. 11 ACL PIPE UNDEIv M 11CIUL UKE 1X# 1%D Raj. 1966 Budget Pro- vision for 84" Droin- age Pipe Under Medi- cine Lake Road. AAI IUa, the Minnesota H4v,.)wsay Dep artmeant, in connection x1lth tate conskruction of Interstate Hi h,wi y No. 494, must provide stop water drainage by thu installAtion of drainage till under said Interstate: High- wuy, and J4,jrLRjWj Vt the vicinity of Medicine lake •load and the railroad trg+cks off" the Sao Ljie 4ailroad, the, Minnesota. hi_ way Donartment to required trp- drain said land i1 tho vicinity, of Interntar4 11*hwray Igo. 49h with an 84" d,,!%A1w1e3 'pine, and IJtf " l:3 on the &ii5t side of Mod' cine Irako Road and the ofaid Soo Llne 6%Viraad track, the Village of Plymouth presently has a 48" drainage t Ile, Land. s. h- 1 !I 49`l° Re. McWilltma Conntr. 8anitai _ :,ewer Installation, M.T.P. Ito. 44ear Plan. Re. Mg„ & Sewer Ordirnancos (Post- poned from 2445) Re. itoad Superintendent. lebrwuy go 1965 - Cont'd. i4MRUS, it is necOssary that in order to effectively drain the lands adjacent to said.Interatate Highway No. 491 there be a 840 drainage tile installed under,the said Medicine Lake Road ar#d said Soo,, Line Railroad tracks; NOW THE:4MORE, BEIT MMOLVO BY THB Vn"M COUNCIL OF n,IE VIU AGE DF TLYMOUTH AS F0IJZ&: 1. Th.xt the Village Council provide in its budget for the year 1966 funds sufficient to provide an 64' drainage p;tpe under Medicine Lake Road in a location so as to connect up with the 44" storm drainage pipe to be constructed by the Minne- 3ota State Highway Department in its development of Interstate hiighway Noe 494 • 2. Thai copies of this resolulsIon he furnished to the Minnesota Highway Department for their use in planning dor construction of said Interstate Highway No. 494. kotion for adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly sec:nded by Truetee Humphrey and upon vote being tra csn thereon, the a'ol,'.owing voted in favor thereof: Mayor Staples, Trustees O'Fallon, Humphrey and Seviour. Against: None. Absent: Trustee Curtis. Thereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Dated February g, 1465. Major Acting Clerk A brief discussion was held conccrning progress of Mc- Williams Londtruction Company on the Uinitary Sewer Installation c --tract for Minncaoolis Industrial Park, althokgh Mr. S. a. Nci4illiuma did not appear. The hngineer stated th.t 65% of the work is now complete against the completion date of January 21st. On recoratnendation of the Attorney it wan agreed that the subjects in question pertaining to this matter be held in abeyance until the contract has been completed. Kotion made by Trustee Humphrey that a 4 year plan be ticked out on paper applicable to the various departments of the Villa&e, showing estimated income VS. estimated out -go rdaich will provide a tangible idea as to whether or not the Tillage can afford to do scone of the things th"t it is felt should be dune. He aug— gested U ser9.es of preliminary meetlNs in this connNetion. Notion seconded by Trustee Seviour and passed by all Council members present votin;t aye. (Mayor Staples instructed Trustee Humphrey to set up a Greeting for the second week of March to be Attended by the Finance Committees Village `lasensor, Village Council and manbors of the Plat.ning Commission in this connection). Ilia Buil.dirg Inspector and Urbtin Abendroth, Chmn, Hldg. Lode Advisory Uommission, appearod with reference to adoption of the Plumbing; & Sewer Installation ordinances. Inasmuch cis the Sewer Installation ordinance was not at hc+nd, this matter was post- poned until the meeting of February 15. A discussion bras held concernin,; the hiring of a Road Superintendent, a number of applicants having recently been inter- viewed but no selection made. The Village engineer was instructed to find out from Golden Valley and Minnetonka and possibly other aeurinunitiea .comparable to Plymouth relative to Rnv d Sups rintencienti 11 n Re. McWilltma Conntr. 8anitai _ :,ewer Installation, M.T.P. Ito. 44ear Plan. Re. Mg„ & Sewer Ordirnancos (Post- poned from 2445) Re. itoad Superintendent. lebrwuy go 1965 - Cont'd. i4MRUS, it is necOssary that in order to effectively drain the lands adjacent to said.Interatate Highway No. 491 there be a 840 drainage tile installed under,the said Medicine Lake Road ar#d said Soo,, Line Railroad tracks; NOW THE:4MORE, BEIT MMOLVO BY THB Vn"M COUNCIL OF n,IE VIU AGE DF TLYMOUTH AS F0IJZ&: 1. Th.xt the Village Council provide in its budget for the year 1966 funds sufficient to provide an 64' drainage p;tpe under Medicine Lake Road in a location so as to connect up with the 44" storm drainage pipe to be constructed by the Minne- 3ota State Highway Department in its development of Interstate hiighway Noe 494 • 2. Thai copies of this resolulsIon he furnished to the Minnesota Highway Department for their use in planning dor construction of said Interstate Highway No. 494. kotion for adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly sec:nded by Truetee Humphrey and upon vote being tra csn thereon, the a'ol,'.owing voted in favor thereof: Mayor Staples, Trustees O'Fallon, Humphrey and Seviour. Against: None. Absent: Trustee Curtis. Thereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Dated February g, 1465. Major Acting Clerk A brief discussion was held conccrning progress of Mc- Williams Londtruction Company on the Uinitary Sewer Installation c --tract for Minncaoolis Industrial Park, althokgh Mr. S. a. Nci4illiuma did not appear. The hngineer stated th.t 65% of the work is now complete against the completion date of January 21st. On recoratnendation of the Attorney it wan agreed that the subjects in question pertaining to this matter be held in abeyance until the contract has been completed. Kotion made by Trustee Humphrey that a 4 year plan be ticked out on paper applicable to the various departments of the Villa&e, showing estimated income VS. estimated out -go rdaich will provide a tangible idea as to whether or not the Tillage can afford to do scone of the things th"t it is felt should be dune. He aug— gested U ser9.es of preliminary meetlNs in this connNetion. Notion seconded by Trustee Seviour and passed by all Council members present votin;t aye. (Mayor Staples instructed Trustee Humphrey to set up a Greeting for the second week of March to be Attended by the Finance Committees Village `lasensor, Village Council and manbors of the Plat.ning Commission in this connection). Ilia Buil.dirg Inspector and Urbtin Abendroth, Chmn, Hldg. Lode Advisory Uommission, appearod with reference to adoption of the Plumbing; & Sewer Installation ordinances. Inasmuch cis the Sewer Installation ordinance was not at hc+nd, this matter was post- poned until the meeting of February 15. A discussion bras held concernin,; the hiring of a Road Superintendent, a number of applicants having recently been inter- viewed but no selection made. The Village engineer was instructed to find out from Golden Valley and Minnetonka and possibly other aeurinunitiea .comparable to Plymouth relative to Rnv d Sups rintencienti 11 193 February e._ 196 - Conti 1) Schary, (2), What they offer re. Civil Service, (3) What type of euper- o ience their superintendents have had. This information should assist Plymouth in determining if it is on the right track for filling this position in'camparison with other communities. The Enginaer is to furnish the Council. with his findings; Trustee 0 ' Fallon is to then call a meeting of the Road Committee with the object of coming to a decision relative to'hiring a Road Superintendent at the February 15 meeting. Gasoline Filling Station License No. 6 for Alfred k4 Hay, 3515 A. W. Hay Gaso: County Road 13 was suspended for 1965 inasmuch as Mr. Kay has failed to line Station Lie. clean up his premises, as ordered. Sueptnded (1965). Mayor Staples explained the background and work of the Pltiymouth Voter after which he introduces: the following resolution and moved its ad ption• ' Peso. 65-15 Proclaiming Feb. MOIDTION N0. 65-15 "Save Your Voter Month• &. Asking for WHERFAS, the Village of Plymouth has been fortvmate to bhave be=Contribntions- served by the publication of the "Plymouth Voter", and WHFJZ AS, said publication has been financed through Ooluntary contributions received by the staff of said -publication,, and' WHEREAS, the staff of said publication is vade up of interested women residents of the Village who are dedicated to the promotion of interest in local government., and dHFM AS, i is necessary for said stwaff to annually obtain con- tributions in order than said publication may continuo, NOW THF KIEV BE IT W-EBY RMOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF PLYMOUTH AS rVIS,GIn'S: . 1. That the month of February 1965 is hereby proclaimed to be Save Your Voter Month'; 2. All citizens of the Village of Plymouth are urged to support the continued publication of the Voter by responding gener- ously to the request of the Voter staff for donations to said publication; 3. The Clerk -is directed to fdrward copies of this resolution to the !Minnetonka Herald and the New Hope -Plymouth post for insertion in their ntvs columns." Motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Trustee 01 Fallon and upon vote being t aken thereon the following voted in favor . thereof: N&yor Staples, Trustees J'Fallon, Humphrey and Seviour. Against: None. Absent: ritustee Curtis. tereupon said resolution Bated Febivary 8, 1965. Atteett was declared duly passed and adopted. 0 le. Forthcoming . Sewer Committee xeeting. Re. Public Golf Course on Mpls. Workhouse property. iia. Hamel Vol, Fire Dept. con- tract for 1965. Liquor Store Cks. 1123••1163, 1/11 & 1,/21 Appv'd. (Sub- ject to Provision). Final Approval, Cavanaugh's 3rd Addition. Sign Peimdt f2147 Approved, higher Display, Inc. 1965 Cigarette Lie. Ap?v'd., Charlie s Tavern John Cross Resign-. tion from Park & Y1ec. Commission. February B, 1964 - Cont'd. Messrs-. Teberg and Josephs of the Sewer Comdttels appeared, having previously presented the minutes of their last two meetings to the Council. The Mayer urged , that a melting be ' set up of this Comittee with the Council relative to server project matters. Th{ s is to be arranged for by Norman Best azid to%i be held within the next two weeks. Mayor Staples read a letter from Minneapolis Mayor Naf- talin concerning the proposed public golf course on the Minneapolis Workhouse property wherein Mayor Naftalin implied that tf. pec?Orly w5.11 eventually be used for a public'golf course. Mayor Staples is to set u;p a meeting with a committee of the Kinneapolis Council to discuss this proposed golf course. A discussion was held concerning the 1965 Firefighting Coag ral,.+. with the Hamel Volunteer Fire Department. Trustee , Humphrey pointed out certain changes over last year's contract, but with these 46ceptions, the contract will rerun substantially the same and has so been agreed to by the Hamel Volunteer Fire Department. The Attorney was directed to have the cenract in readiness for the meeting of February 15. Motion made by Trustee O'Fallon that Liquor Store Dis- bursements, regulex checks Nos. 1123 thi4augh 1163, totaling 64,049.66 for the period of January 11 and January 21, 1965 be approved. K'otion seconded by Trustee Humphrey and passed by all Council members present voting aye. Trustee humphrey moved that the precedirU motion be amaded subject to clarification and approval of check #1151 to F. W. Bethke, Payee, for Advertising, in the amount of $34.95• Amendment seconded by Trustee O'Fallon, the amendment being approved by 311 Council members present voting aye. , Inasmuch as the Engineer has approved the streets in Cavanaugh's Third Addition, motion made by Trustee Humphrey that final approval be granted to Bill Cavanaugh, developer, for Cava- mugh's Third Addition. Motion secondfd by Trustee Seviour and passed by all Council members present toting aye. Motion made by Trustee O'Fal:.on that permit be granted Highway Display, Inc.,, St. Paul, to place and maintain sign con- sisting of a 2x4' panel and 5' circle, 6/10 mi. East of Juaction of Hi&vay 101 South, in pasture on south side of Highway. Motion seconded by Mayor Staples and passed by all 4ouncil members present voting aye. Motion made by Trustee Huw*wry that Cigarette License, renewal, for Charlie's Store, dba Charlie13 Tavern, 1920 W. Medicine Iake Drive, N9ple. for 1965 be approved. Notion seconded by Trustee O'Fallon and passed by all Council members preaent voting aye. IKiWor Staples read a letter from M2%. John H. Cross tender - In ; his resignation from the Plymouth Park & Recreation Advisory t;oninission, effective as of February 28, 19b5. It was suggested by the Council that a letter goo forward to Mir. Cross thankirg him for his work on the Commission. Trustee Humphrey inhroduced the followitj resolution and moved its adoption: Resolution 65-16 Amending Iteso. 62-26, Deleting Sec. 4 & Substi- tutt% List of Ufftaial holidays Therefor. riSOLUTTON No* 65-16 RESO UTION 4MINMIAC ItIzSZOTION NO. 62469 D=PIN; SUCTION G THUU4 F AM) SUBSTITU- T LI T OF' OFZ''[::IAL H,LIDAYS Tilagmm February 8; 1965 - Cont'd. WHL2ZASr the Village Council did on May 15, 1962, a, jpt ResolutiON Na.'6246 establishing personnel procedures cc••ering vacations, leaves of absence, holidays and sick leaves, and WHEP.FAS, it is now desired that said resoiution sk auld be amended, NOW TIS M:tE, BE IT HMMY PMOL?&D BY THE VILLAGE - COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF PLYMOUTH AS F01=1S: 01. Resolution No. 62-26 is hereby amended by deleting Section 4 thereof and substituting the.followiag therefor: Holme: The fol.loering shall be declared official holidays by the Village of Plymouth: New Years Day Lincoln's Birthday Washington's Birthday Good Friday Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Columbus Darr Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day In the event New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day or Christmas Day fall on a Sunday, the ft)l2.owiikg day shall be a holiday. If any of said hplidays fall on Seturda y, the preceding Friday shall be a holiday. ' Motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Trustee Seviour and upon vote being taken thereon the fallowing voted in. favor thereof: Mayor Staples, -Trustees 0' Fallon, Humphrey and Seviour. Against: None. Absent: Trustee Curtis. Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Hated Pebruary 8, 1965. Attest Trustee Humphrey discussed generAlly the ncecds of :.he various depart- ments for 1965, and specificcIly discussed the Projection Report submitted. by tho Fire department and it was sudgesttd by him that the Rescue 'truck costing $6,275, be paid for over a 2 -year period rather than oric year which wo%ild wipe out the deficit shown on tht!,report For 1965, It is Trustee Humphrey's .recommendation that when the truck has been evlected, and the proper time comes, that the Council approve payment for stone ori the baia of two ye;areq rather V ,n one year. Attorney Lefler reported that iiftcr ecnfo"rime with the Attorney Goneral he has ascertained that the V'lla;v .as F%y.aouth is not liable nor of ligated to make any compexisation to Pith4ir Merlin nor tho Work of Court for the unwired tarn of the jud,,ve no jueirs of the Plymouth Municipal Court, the court i,.}vin& been ostablianed wid abolished by tho Legislature. On motion the mectiT,, adjourned at 10tIV o'clock V. K. qd4, le Genevieve Mo].1, Acting Cierk. 4a. Rescue Truck Pay- ment (When Due). Re. Compensa vo tion to Run. Court for Unexpired Term.