HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 02-01-1965E'J Pursuant the village Council at the Village hall Present: the Acting Village to due call and of the ''illage on the I.st day Mayor Staples, Clerk, Engineer February 1, 1?§2 notice thereof a regular meeting of of Plymouth, Minnesota, was duly held of February, 1965 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Trustees Curtis, O'Fallon and Humphrey, and Attorney. Absent: Trustee Seviour. iuvor Staples called the meeting to order. Due to the absence of a clergyman to give an invocator,, prayer, Mayor `Aaples requested tht, audience and Council to rise for a m:me .t of silerr,4 prayer. Copics of the minutes of tto. regular meeting of January 180 196j1as mailed to each Councilman dere approved. COOiCs of the minutes of the special meeting of January 23, 1965 as mailed to each Councilman were approved. The Engineer stated that due to the illness of Mr. S, G. Mc- Williams, of McWilliams Construction Co., he had nothing to report with reference to progress being made in the installation of sanitary sewer laterals at Ml_-tneapo:lis IndustriU Park. Mr. McWilliams was to have submitter; his claim for extra work, etc., for which he requests addi- tional compensation. Assuming that Pur. KcWilliams will be in a posi- tion tc submit the required information to the Lngineer prior to Feb- ruary 8, 1965s, the natter was postponed until the February 8 meeting. M.M. Howard Anderson, Ckairmnn of the Susinesu Development Committee, appeared concerning the establishing of a Sunior college in the North-West Hennepin County area, the most likely site menticned being Brooklyn Park. In his discussion, Air. Anderson brought, (%ut the advantages and disadvantages of such a college in Plymouth, the lfo.-aer being (1) Rut us on the map, (2) Help small business, (j) Delp trans- portation (minor). He stated his committee had met on this - itter bu-„ have no concrete recommendation at this time. Thin will he discussed again on February 15. In summation he said he fel., ' tha.t at this tine he felt the Village is a little young for such an institution. Mr. John Yngve also appeared on t,h'e subject and discuss_'d the request of Rea. Frenzel, viz., that we endo -..-1e the location of Brooklyn Park for such a college. Mr. Salisburi Adams' suggested lo- cation of the Minneapolis ',Jarkhouse property for such a college was also discuascd. No action was taken in this hotter. h discussion was hUd concernin3 the dispensing of into.: 1 cating liquors "Uff-sale" throuZ;h a municinal dispensary and on -sale throul;h private pe*•gonr, in tiie Village of Plymouth. Mayor Staples stated he felt it w;iuld be well to circulate the Village of Plymoxith resolutior pertaU,,inq to this to other villa&es in order to encourage them to take sin.dlar :action. It was furthoi stated that other com- aun'.ties ara bs'a contacted who are interested in establ,iahin a sin 11ar resolut,'..-:n. Mayor Staples introduced tLie follow:ik, t esa:lution aW, moved its ail n -4 ie L1 • Mcwillia"is I Re- port Re. Sanitary Sewer M.I.P. Pnsto posed to 2-8-65. Re. Junior Col- lege, North -chest krea . Hensolution No. 6$-1. phsolinToN, No, 65-11 lie, Off -Salo Toru Muni% cipal Dispensoxy and, wwwu.-'AS under th" 'A atu,ea u" the 13taLe of Mi.nnH. )ta. a StlIc, Private DispensK] municipality which qui{lifioe for the establishment r ' a niunicip3l liquor dispensary and doe^.; ostablish ouch to &.lipansary may not issue licenties Vo'r the ui pponsatian of intoxi.catirV, l.iquoro to private pernons, .Xaa M I 0 r rIS J ,. D J 0 r 1 Feb is1965 WHEFYAS, it .is deemed to be in the bes; interests of the Village cf ."'4wuth that said Village be legally en.itlsi to establish an "of-sele"' xwni:ipal liquor dispensary for the' fts- pensigg of lntmdoating livors to the g(neral m,, .blfc and at the same time be leg.J y Tntitlod to provide for tht "ori-salsedispensing of intoxicating ILquors to the genes 1 pdblic ay private pw.sons properly licensed by t`g Village, and RW,. k nes F )Porable John A. Yngya, State Reylydsentative for the. ,r 19t l eelslative District has irdicated his 43.1ingners to introduca. Itigislati.rn. which .would permit the. fillage of P' ibuth to dispense intoticating liquors 1161 -sale", by means of st municipal. liq- Qr dispensary while 'simultartmously being atl.e to grant •oq-sale" into4cuttng liquor Ocenses to private personal, NOW 4 MMOB, M> IT- :tB MED BY THC. VILt.A4' ~' CO!JW. 11 OF 111K VIUA9!P# OF PLYMWrH AS' F' UJ- dB: 1. That it is deemed to be in the hoot i•n4erests of the Village P%f Plymouth % not said 'til iaSe be entitled co dispense intoxicaul-W liquors "off -sale" through a mun c.ipai dispensary while sim itaneously bein;a en- tits::d to issue "on-sul.e" intoxicating liquor licenses to private persoaa. Z. That the leorwt'able Mahn A. Ye,gv a is urzad to introduce the oppropr3:_te , egi elation in the House :of. Represen- tatives during tiro 1965 session of the Legislature or the State of Kars, soca which would make it possiole for the Village o: P';wauth to accomplish the v objective.* M.)tion for the Woption of the forebri% resolution was lultiy u••c:snded by Trustee O'Fallon and upor vote being taken thereon the fcllow'_nei voted in favor there -of: Myyar Staplos, 'Trustees O'r`:•llon and Humphrey*. :bstainear Truiee Curtis.. Absent: Trustee Saviour. ' Whereupon saia resalut. Lor, wau dec Utrtl du y pasew AW adopted. Dated February 1, 1965. rJ 1 • 1 r w wr. r 4 4F V6- r^ irt Clem Mation made by Truotee U'F.:l.Lon that the V{.liege Attorney be instructed to )rward- oapies of bhe forebairg, i•03414ion to qualf- fie3d mar icip;.lities, aw a ding arose vii l;i es of 10,1'00 wvpala.tion. Motion accas itd by MKioe Staplea and pt49atd by all Counoi.t members pre:ser;t votin;.t aye, Tsuitee Curtis i.rtraduced the fea1lowin:; rosolution and mLvcd its adopra ion: Resolution 65-12 Has Oraerit4e Preparation at Report u'' 196.", Street Imp ruvc It's ntn. a.Ir.w.r I,rS"t i'I iN a.Ih•1 p':.N 1.k it•?K 1F ruF'Q1;7t, 1465 STWI Ne IMrat"V1V:111% i 1• 1 r J 0 r 1 Feb is1965 WHEFYAS, it .is deemed to be in the bes; interests of the Village cf ."'4wuth that said Village be legally en.itlsi to establish an "of-sele"' xwni:ipal liquor dispensary for the' fts- pensigg of lntmdoating livors to the g(neral m,, .blfc and at the same time be leg.J y Tntitlod to provide for tht "ori-salsedispensing of intoxicating ILquors to the genes 1 pdblic ay private pw.sons properly licensed by t`g Village, and RW,. k nes F )Porable John A. Yngya, State Reylydsentative for the. ,r 19t l eelslative District has irdicated his 43.1ingners to introduca. Itigislati.rn. which .would permit the. fillage of P' ibuth to dispense intoticating liquors 1161 -sale", by means of st municipal. liq- Qr dispensary while 'simultartmously being atl.e to grant •oq-sale" into4cuttng liquor Ocenses to private personal, NOW 4 MMOB, M> IT- :tB MED BY THC. VILt.A4' ~' CO!JW. 11 OF 111K VIUA9!P# OF PLYMWrH AS' F' UJ- dB: 1. That it is deemed to be in the hoot i•n4erests of the Village P%f Plymouth % not said 'til iaSe be entitled co dispense intoxicaul-W liquors "off -sale" through a mun c.ipai dispensary while sim itaneously bein;a en- tits::d to issue "on-sul.e" intoxicating liquor licenses to private persoaa. Z. That the leorwt'able Mahn A. Ye,gv a is urzad to introduce the oppropr3:_te , egi elation in the House :of. Represen- tatives during tiro 1965 session of the Legislature or the State of Kars, soca which would make it possiole for the Village o: P';wauth to accomplish the v objective.* M.)tion for the Woption of the forebri% resolution was lultiy u••c:snded by Trustee O'Fallon and upor vote being taken thereon the fcllow'_nei voted in favor there -of: Myyar Staplos, 'Trustees O'r`:•llon and Humphrey*. :bstainear Truiee Curtis.. Absent: Trustee Saviour. ' Whereupon saia resalut. Lor, wau dec Utrtl du y pasew AW adopted. Dated February 1, 1965. rJ 1 • 1 r w wr. r 4 4F V6- r^ irt Clem Mation made by Truotee U'F.:l.Lon that the V{.liege Attorney be instructed to )rward- oapies of bhe forebairg, i•03414ion to qualf- fie3d mar icip;.lities, aw a ding arose vii l;i es of 10,1'00 wvpala.tion. Motion accas itd by MKioe Staplea and pt49atd by all Counoi.t members pre:ser;t votin;.t aye, Tsuitee Curtis i.rtraduced the fea1lowin:; rosolution and mLvcd its adopra ion: Resolution 65-12 Has Oraerit4e Preparation at Report u'' 196.", Street Imp ruvc It's ntn. a.Ir.w.r I,rS"t i'I iN a.Ih•1 p':.N 1.k it•?K 1F ruF'Q1;7t, 1465 STWI Ne IMrat"V1V:111% i 1• 1 February 1, ,_1265 - Conttd. E=, it is proposed to improve the fcllowing streets by grading, base Work and bituminous surfacing STREET Zachary "ane Yorktown Lane Wellipgtop Lane 48th Ave. North 49th lve, North Trenton Lane 41st Ave. North Revere Lane Jonquil Zane Sp:amore Lane Pineview lane 27th Ave. North 27 1/2 Ave. North 28th Ave. North Norwood Lane Nathan gene Kilmer Lane 27th Ave. North 28th Ave. North 17th Ave. North OakviRw lane ZIA Ave. North PL review Lane Troy Lane 26th Ave. North Vountaiti Lane Garland Lane Everest Lane 14+.h Ave. North Zanzibar !bane 13th Ave. North 13th Ave. North Ranchview Lane Quantico Lane Orchid Lane 3rd Ave. North 6th Ave. North 8th Ave. North FR 150 ft. South of 48th Ave. North 48th Ave. North 48th Ave. North Zachary Lane achary lane 142 ft. South of 41st Ave. North Trenton Lane 40th Ave. North Northeast Line of Lot 15, Block 8 Maywood Par,. 26th Ave. Oprth 26th Ave. North Sycamore Lane Sycamore Lane Sycamore Lane 26th Ave. North 6th Ave. North 7th Ave. North 28th Ave. North Nathan Lane South Shore Drive State Hwy. 55 TO 50 1/2 Ave. North Zachary Lane 47th Avenc;e North 90 ft. East of WelliM- ton Lane Wellington Lane 140 ft. North of 41 of Ave. North Revere Lane Count. Road .Vo. 9 Southwest Lit1e of Lot 280 Block 8 Maywood pari' 28th Ave. Norte 28th Ave. North Pineview Ione Pineview Lane Pineview Lane 28th Ave. North 28Th Ave. Forth 28th - Ave. North kilmer Lane Kilmer Lane County Road 18 55 it, South of 24th Ave. North West Line lot 16 Magnolia Lane Block 6, tlmhurst :gardens- Ridgemount Ave, 30 1/2 Ave. "lorth Troy Lane South Line of Lot 3 Block 1, Kreatz liigh- view Across 6th Addition 13th Ave. North 13th Ave. North Lot 5, Kreatz Highviqw 2nd Addition 13th Ave. North Zanzibar Lane State HighwtV 101 3rd Ave. North 3rd Ave. North 3rd Ave. North Ranchview Lane hanohview Lane Orchid Dino County 1,4?ad No. 15 374 ft. South to cul-de-sa q State Highway 101 19th Ave. NorN% County Hoad No. 6 14th Ave. North bVerest Lane 14th Ave. North 1S5 ft. West of Zanzibar Lane 2 st Line of Lot 10, 81. 1, City view Acres 9th Ave. North 7th Ave. North 8th Atte. North Niagara I -ane NiaGara Lune Niagara Lane i 185' E=, it is proposed to improve the fcllowing streets by grading, base Work and bituminous surfacing STREET Zachary "ane Yorktown Lane Wellipgtop Lane 48th Ave. North 49th lve, North Trenton Lane 41st Ave. North Revere Lane Jonquil Zane Sp:amore Lane Pineview lane 27th Ave. North 27 1/2 Ave. North 28th Ave. North Norwood Lane Nathan gene Kilmer Lane 27th Ave. North 28th Ave. North 17th Ave. North OakviRw lane ZIA Ave. North PL review Lane Troy Lane 26th Ave. North Vountaiti Lane Garland Lane Everest Lane 14+.h Ave. North Zanzibar !bane 13th Ave. North 13th Ave. North Ranchview Lane Quantico Lane Orchid Lane 3rd Ave. North 6th Ave. North 8th Ave. North FR 150 ft. South of 48th Ave. North 48th Ave. North 48th Ave. North Zachary Lane achary lane 142 ft. South of 41st Ave. North Trenton Lane 40th Ave. North Northeast Line of Lot 15, Block 8 Maywood Par,. 26th Ave. Oprth 26th Ave. North Sycamore Lane Sycamore Lane Sycamore Lane 26th Ave. North 6th Ave. North 7th Ave. North 28th Ave. North Nathan Lane South Shore Drive State Hwy. 55 TO 50 1/2 Ave. North Zachary Lane 47th Avenc;e North 90 ft. East of WelliM- ton Lane Wellington Lane 140 ft. North of 41 of Ave. North Revere Lane Count. Road .Vo. 9 Southwest Lit1e of Lot 280 Block 8 Maywood pari' 28th Ave. Norte 28th Ave. North Pineview Ione Pineview Lane Pineview Lane 28th Ave. North 28Th Ave. Forth 28th - Ave. North kilmer Lane Kilmer Lane County Road 18 55 it, South of 24th Ave. North West Line lot 16 Magnolia Lane Block 6, tlmhurst :gardens- Ridgemount Ave, 30 1/2 Ave. "lorth Troy Lane South Line of Lot 3 Block 1, Kreatz liigh- view Across 6th Addition 13th Ave. North 13th Ave. North Lot 5, Kreatz Highviqw 2nd Addition 13th Ave. North Zanzibar Lane State HighwtV 101 3rd Ave. North 3rd Ave. North 3rd Ave. North Ranchview Lane hanohview Lane Orchid Dino County 1,4?ad No. 15 374 ft. South to cul-de-sa q State Highway 101 19th Ave. NorN% County Hoad No. 6 14th Ave. North bVerest Lane 14th Ave. North 1S5 ft. West of Zanzibar Lane 2 st Line of Lot 10, 81. 1, City view Acres 9th Ave. North 7th Ave. North 8th Atte. North Niagara I -ane NiaGara Lune Niagara Lane i Februar,. 1, 14bS - ont' d i STRUTI FRON _ TO Niagara Lane Ridgemount Ave. County Road No. 15 Zenium Lane County Road Ko. 15 County Road No. 6 West Medicine Lake Drive County Road No. 9 4th Ave. North 13th Avenue North Garland Lane Everest Lane and to assess the abutting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement, pursuant to•KSA Chapter 429.011 to 429.111. NOW THEREFORE,$ HE IT RFS0LV0 BY THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF PL.YMOTITH: That the proposed improvement be referred to the Village Engineer for study and that he is instructed to report -to the Council with all convenient speed, advise the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement, is feasible and as to whether it should best he made as Proposed or in connection with sum" other improvement and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended." Motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Trustee O,iallon and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Staples, Trustees Curtis, OlFallon and Humphrey. Against: None, Absent: Trustee Seviour. . Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Dated FAbrvary 1, 1465. 1 _ vLn 1 - 6A& do r Attest : , u.4 ..-.o_.,P C . A, g lerk Charlie's Tavern Mr. George C. Peterson, dba Charlie's Tavern, 1920.14est Sign Permit Medicine Lake Drive, Lppeared i.n connection with hia request for Approved. permit for two signs at his establishment. After considerable dis- cuasion, Trustee Curtis made motion that pemiL be granted with the provision that these signs not be unsightly. Motion seconded by Trustea O'Fallon and passed by all Council members present voting aye. Re. Holidays for Mayor Staples instructed the Attorney to draw up an amend- Plymouth Village ment to he present Resolution 62-26, ur to make up a resolution, con- Ea:)loyees. cerning holidays for employees of the Village of Plymouth, these to be the. same as those granted to employees of neighboring communities and anti the legal holidays recognized by the State of Minnesota, vie., New Year3 Day, Lia:coln's Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor DSV, Columbus llry, Christmas Day, Good Friday, Thanksgiving and Veterans Day. Letter of Uommen- Motion made by Mayor Staplis that a letter of cotmaendation be dation to Urban sent to Urban Abendroth, Chairman of the building rode Advisory Commis- Aberdroth. sion relating to the accomplishment:, etc. of the Commissioh under his leadership, and requesting that the Clounai,l be informed of ark personal expenditures he has made in connection with his work (an the Commission, so that the 411aCe of F4nouluh can reimburse him for any such expen- ditures, Motion seconded by Trustee Curtis and passed by all Council members present voting aye. L vLn 1 - 6A& do r Attest : , u.4 ..-.o_.,P C . A, g lerk Charlie's Tavern Mr. George C. Peterson, dba Charlie's Tavern, 1920.14est Sign Permit Medicine Lake Drive, Lppeared i.n connection with hia request for Approved. permit for two signs at his establishment. After considerable dis- cuasion, Trustee Curtis made motion that pemiL be granted with the provision that these signs not be unsightly. Motion seconded by Trustea O'Fallon and passed by all Council members present voting aye. Re. Holidays for Mayor Staples instructed the Attorney to draw up an amend- Plymouth Village ment to he present Resolution 62-26, ur to make up a resolution, con- Ea:)loyees. cerning holidays for employees of the Village of Plymouth, these to be the. same as those granted to employees of neighboring communities and anti the legal holidays recognized by the State of Minnesota, vie., New Year3 Day, Lia:coln's Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor DSV, Columbus llry, Christmas Day, Good Friday, Thanksgiving and Veterans Day. Letter of Uommen- Motion made by Mayor Staplis that a letter of cotmaendation be dation to Urban sent to Urban Abendroth, Chairman of the building rode Advisory Commis- Aberdroth. sion relating to the accomplishment:, etc. of the Commissioh under his leadership, and requesting that the Clounai,l be informed of ark personal expenditures he has made in connection with his work (an the Commission, so that the 411aCe of F4nouluh can reimburse him for any such expen- ditures, Motion seconded by Trustee Curtis and passed by all Council members present voting aye. i February 1, 1965 - C4at'd. J Motion made by Trustee Curtis that Nason, Laws Wehrman & Knight, Inc. be commissioned to proceed %ith the upgrading of the existing Land Use Upgrading mrd dap ,for ,the village of Plymcuth at their maximun cost of $383: Motion Use Map Approved secon4ad by Trustee Humphrey and passed by all Council members present voting aye. Mayor Staples presented the .ff)'llowing ordinance ted moved it s adopt ion: ORDINANCE NO* 65-5 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 63-13 OF THE VILLAGE OF PLYMOUTH RELATING TO K4BLRSHIP IN THE PIAN- 01IG COWSSION The Village Council of the Village of Plymouth Do hereby Ordain as Follows: Section 1. amendment of Ordinai&ce Y-), 63-13. 1.01 Ordinance No. 63-13 is hereby aminded by repealing Section 3.01 'thereof and substituting the followin4 therefore: Thi Me shall be eleven (11) members of said aommiasion to be app3inted in the manner hereinm after set .forth." 1.02 Ordinance No. 63-13 is hereby further amended by re - peeling Section 3.03 thereof and substituting the following therefor: n3.03 - Seven (7) members of the cwmission shall be appointed from the village at large." 1.03 Of the two (2) additional merubers of the Planning Commis- sion as provided in this ordinance, one (1) shall serve for a period of three (3) years from and after January 1, 1965 and one (1) shall serve for a period of two (2) years from and after January 1, 1965. Thereafter, sEid two (2) additional niembers shall serve ,`Or a term of three (3) years as provided in -oction 3.04 of Orainance No. 63-13. Section 2. Effective Dote. This ordinance shall become effective upon its ,passage and publication. Motion for adoption of the forogoinS oitinance was duly seconded by Trustee Curtis and upow vote beim; taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: Mcyor Stalalcs, 'Trustees Curtis, O'Fallon and Humphrey. Against: Non®. Absent: "trustee 3eviour. Uated February 1, 1965. At -test ni r Ordinance No. 65-5 Amending Ordin4mce 63-13 Re. Membership in Planning Cod.] r Letters to: H.V.Kirdseth, Chmn., P.C. - Rhoch Peter- son. Rot Liquor Store Dig- bursemems 1-1 and 1-21. approval Postponed to 2-8-65. Regular Checks 1164-1181 Appv'd. Salary, Increase, J. DeMura, Liquor Store Clerk. 1965 Cigarette Licenses .Appvld. Gas. Filling Stae Licenses Appv'd. Nose 1-5e Gas. Filling Sta. 6, A. Nay, in Abeyance. 1965 Sign Permits Appv'd. Payroil Chocks 3306-357 Appv'd. Re. Roo, Superin- tendent. Lie. i C Fe= i' 1 y 1965 - 4ont'd. Mayor StaT.,Ies stated that Mr. He V. Kindseth has agreed to serve as Chairman of the Planning Commission for the current year. Motion, made 'dy Kayor Staples that a letter be sent to. Mr. Kindset.h thanking him for Agreeinj to this assig ment; also that a letter go forward to Mr, rnoch Peterson, retiring. Q;airman, tharucing him for the good jots he has done in the past years as head of the Conmission and requesting that he coni tinue tc serve and take an active role in said body. Motion seconded ly Trustee Cur',.is anti passed by all Council members present voting aye. Motion made by Trustee Curtis that Item No. 12 or. the February S agenda be placed on the February 8 agenda inasmuch as no substantiatinZ Disbursement Sheets for the Municipal Liquor Store for the }period of January 11 and Jasu ar. 21, checks numbers 1!23 througf;. 111634 totaling $64,049.86, we;oe at hand. Notion seconded by '1''rustee 01FP lon and passed by all Council members present, votinz; ayes Motion made by Trustee O'Fallon that regular checks for the Municipal Liquor Store, Noise 1164 through 1181, through Janu- ry 29, 1965 in the amount, of !P'4#490.75 be approved. Motion seconded by Trustee Humphrey and passed by all Council members present voting aye. Motion made by Trtstee O'Fallon that !n accordance with mcommenduticn of Roger Westphal, manager of the hunicital Uquor Store, that J-ohn Degura,, clerk, be given the stat ua of a pcmxnnent employee at a salary of $400.00 monthly, effective Februaly 14, 1965. Motion seconded b- Trustee Humphrey 2n1 pay;sed by &II Coun- M cil members present votin aye. Motion made by :'rrstee Humphrey that Cigarette Licenses for 19652 Nos. 32, 369 54 snd 60, renewals, be aoproved. k6tion seconded by Trustee 0' Fallen and passed by all Counc,ll oanbars present voting aye. Motion made by Trvstev Curtis that Gasoline filling sta- tion Licenses for 1965s -lose 1 through 5, renewals, be approved. Motion seconded by Musser Staples and passed ley all uou ;ci.l members present voting ayes. Gasoline Station License J6, renewal, of h".frtd We Hay, dba Flymouth Oil L;ompar=y, 3515 Coui.` ,y Road 18, Nia4wpol.50 is to be held up due to the unsatysfactory condition of the premises. Chief Lien is to write Mr. hay :o they effect that his premises must be put in orderly shape be -.'ore his license will be reneged for 1965. The Police Dept. and/,)r the Juildi.rg Inspector are to inspect the premises and OK the condition of same before the renewal license is to be relekased„ Motion made by Trustee Curtis that; Sign Permits renewala) for 1965 be approv9d. Motion seconded by Mayor Staples and passed by all council members presents voting aye. Motion made by Trustee Hiunphrey that payiroll checks for January, 1965, Not . 3306 'through 33572 totaling $8.894.5,`3 be approved. Motion r;econded by Trustee OlFallon and passes by all Council members present voting aye. A brief d;,acussion was held concerning the filling of the position of Roa6 Superintendent. Trustue U',Fallon is to submi% possible rec;cvrunendations for this position at the Febru- ary 8 moetind. a o , r Letters to: H.V.Kirdseth, Chmn., P.C. - Rhoch Peter- son. Rot Liquor Store Dig- bursemems 1-1 and 1-21. approval Postponed to 2-8-65. Regular Checks 1164-1181 Appv'd. Salary, Increase, J. DeMura, Liquor Store Clerk. 1965 Cigarette Licenses .Appvld. Gas. Filling Stae Licenses Appv'd. Nose 1-5e Gas. Filling Sta. 6, A. Nay, in Abeyance. 1965 Sign Permits Appv'd. Payroil Chocks 3306-357 Appv'd. Re. Roo, Superin- tendent. Lie. i C Fe= i' 1 y 1965 - 4ont'd. Mayor StaT.,Ies stated that Mr. He V. Kindseth has agreed to serve as Chairman of the Planning Commission for the current year. Motion, made 'dy Kayor Staples that a letter be sent to. Mr. Kindset.h thanking him for Agreeinj to this assig ment; also that a letter go forward to Mr, rnoch Peterson, retiring. Q;airman, tharucing him for the good jots he has done in the past years as head of the Conmission and requesting that he coni tinue tc serve and take an active role in said body. Motion seconded ly Trustee Cur',.is anti passed by all Council members present voting aye. Motion made by Trustee Curtis that Item No. 12 or. the February S agenda be placed on the February 8 agenda inasmuch as no substantiatinZ Disbursement Sheets for the Municipal Liquor Store for the }period of January 11 and Jasu ar. 21, checks numbers 1!23 througf;. 111634 totaling $64,049.86, we;oe at hand. Notion seconded by '1''rustee 01FP lon and passed by all Council members present, votinz; ayes Motion made by Trustee O'Fallon that regular checks for the Municipal Liquor Store, Noise 1164 through 1181, through Janu- ry 29, 1965 in the amount, of !P'4#490.75 be approved. Motion seconded by Trustee Humphrey and passed by all Council members present voting aye. Motion made by Trtstee O'Fallon that !n accordance with mcommenduticn of Roger Westphal, manager of the hunicital Uquor Store, that J-ohn Degura,, clerk, be given the stat ua of a pcmxnnent employee at a salary of $400.00 monthly, effective Februaly 14, 1965. Motion seconded b- Trustee Humphrey 2n1 pay;sed by &II Coun- M cil members present votin aye. Motion made by :'rrstee Humphrey that Cigarette Licenses for 19652 Nos. 32, 369 54 snd 60, renewals, be aoproved. k6tion seconded by Trustee 0' Fallen and passed by all Counc,ll oanbars present voting aye. Motion made by Trvstev Curtis that Gasoline filling sta- tion Licenses for 1965s -lose 1 through 5, renewals, be approved. Motion seconded by Musser Staples and passed ley all uou ;ci.l members present voting ayes. Gasoline Station License J6, renewal, of h".frtd We Hay, dba Flymouth Oil L;ompar=y, 3515 Coui.` ,y Road 18, Nia4wpol.50 is to be held up due to the unsatysfactory condition of the premises. Chief Lien is to write Mr. hay :o they effect that his premises must be put in orderly shape be -.'ore his license will be reneged for 1965. The Police Dept. and/,)r the Juildi.rg Inspector are to inspect the premises and OK the condition of same before the renewal license is to be relekased„ Motion made by Trustee Curtis that; Sign Permits renewala) for 1965 be approv9d. Motion seconded by Mayor Staples and passed by all council members presents voting aye. Motion made by Trustee Hiunphrey that payiroll checks for January, 1965, Not . 3306 'through 33572 totaling $8.894.5,`3 be approved. Motion r;econded by Trustee OlFallon and passes by all Council members present voting aye. A brief d;,acussion was held concerning the filling of the position of Roa6 Superintendent. Trustue U',Fallon is to submi% possible rec;cvrunendations for this position at the Febru- ary 8 moetind. a February t. 1965 - Cont d. ' A discussion was held with reference to the ?raposed Re. Proposed erectiori of buildings upon the property in the Northwest corner State Hwy. Mdo a f State highway 55 and Interstate Freeway 494. The bk'tineer has at State Hw, ,o S arranged with Mr. Geo. Welch of the .Highway Department to appear and Interstate in this cowitt ction at the February 6 meeting. Mr. John Yngve, 494. State Repressatative appeared and stated he would also be present at this see-ir4e He further stated that inasmuch as Mr. Ifelch is a district engineers he would not have any particular authority in this matter and would not be in a position to make any commitmerts in our behalf. The Attorney suggested that a meeting be arranged with the Commissioner or a Chief Deputy. After further discussion Kr., Yngve stated he would attempt to arrange a meeting for Wednesday, February I to be attended by a person of authors' r from the State Highway Department and those members of the Cour. who can attend, n attempt'to dissuade the Highway Department from their plan of erecting these buildings at the stated location. Trustee Humphrey reported that Mayor Staples, Trustee Re. Hamel Vol* Curtis and himself had recently met with representatives of the Hamel Fire Dept. Volunteer Fire Department concerning the 1965 contract 'between the Contract. Village of Plymouth and the Harvel volunteer Fire Department. He stated Hamel appears to be satisfied with the termer discussed and that they are to advise us, probably within a week, as to whether or not the contract is agreeable to thea. Mr.'John Yngve, State Representative, appeared with regard Yngve - Re. to possible sewer and water hook-up to the Village of New Hope for Water Hook-up Metro U. S. Construction Corp. he stated he would arrange for Messrs. with Nuw Hope. tiefald, Lefler and Mayor Staples to meet with representatives of New Hope for a discussion of this matter. Motion made by Trustee Hump!rey that a letter be sent to the Tri -Party group (Golden Valley, 4rystal a id New Hope), requesting the Water Commission to grant permission to the Village of Plymouth, to obtain water service Dy a connection with the Village of New nope for the area consisting of approximately 230 acres at the Southwna corner of the Intersection of County Road 9 and County Road 18, Village of Plymouth. Motion seconded by Mayor Staples and passed by all Council members present voting aye. Trustee 01rallon introduced the following resolution and mored Its adoption: Resolution 65-13 Re. From RESOLUTION NO. 65-13 Posed Stan. Swr. Ponding Area, L.12-15, 2eacon 'Its. let Addn. WhEREAS, it is proposed to improve Lots 12, 13, 14, arid 15, Block 6, Beacon heights 1st Addition by the construction of a storm so- wer ponding area, and assess the benefited property for all or a portion of the cost of tho improvement, pursuant tti M.S.A. Ch. 429.011 to 429.1111. NOW THEIM014 E0 BE IT Rki0LVI D BY THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF PLYMOUTH: That the proposed improvement be referred to the tillage Eligineer fur study and that he is instructed to report to the Council with all convenient spsed, advise the Council in a preliminary wary as to whether the pr)posed ibprovement is feasible and as to whether it sho%%Id best be made as proposed or in connection with some oche; t improvaient and the estimated cost e.P the improvement as recombended." 190 I u 7 _ Febre, 1. 1265 - C;nt_,,' Motion for adoption of the forelgoing roaolution was,, duly seconded by'Trustee CuAia a4d upon vote being taken tbereor) the following voted in favor tti'erf: Ma,or :aples, Trus oea Curtiss OIFallon and Hum r • Pb Y• Ag irst. None.;..Absent. Trustee SevI.our. - lhereupon said resolution 'as declared duly passed and adopted. -Dated FebIruary 1, 1965. Attests,. /-- i Act int ' 6lerk Onmotion the meeting adjourned at 10:30 o' .Ijxk P. M. C Genevieve Moll, Acting Clerk. 0 5 I u 7 _ Febre, 1. 1265 - C;nt_,,' Motion for adoption of the forelgoing roaolution was,, duly seconded by'Trustee CuAia a4d upon vote being taken tbereor) the following voted in favor tti'erf: Ma,or :aples, Trus oea Curtiss OIFallon and Hum r • Pb Y• Ag irst. None.;..Absent. Trustee SevI.our. - lhereupon said resolution 'as declared duly passed and adopted. -Dated FebIruary 1, 1965. Attests,. /-- i Act int ' 6lerk Onmotion the meeting adjourned at 10:30 o' .Ijxk P. M. C Genevieve Moll, Acting Clerk. 0