HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 01-11-19650 141 January 1' , 965 c Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting,? of the Village Council of the Village ;of Plymouth, Hi_nnesota, was duly held at the Villal re Hall on the 11th,day of January, 1965 at 7:30 o'clock P. Ho Present: Mayor Staples, 't'rustees Cumis and 6eviour, the Vil' Age Clerk; Engineer &LnO Attonieyr. Absent: Trustees O'Fallon and Humphrey. Mayor Staples called the meetinnr, to order. lh1e to the absence of a clerg win to give an invocatory prayer, Kayor Staples regLested the Council anti audience to rise for a moment, of sillent prayer. Copied of the minutes of ttie regular meeti.-rg of ,January 4, 1965, ao mailed -to each Courcil an, were approve -d. Liids were `received and opened for a 1915 Police Patrol i%ar in accordance with official publication. The followint; bids were received,. 1. 'The Midway Company,, 1350 Uaivereity Ave., St. 1 a,ul 4 0 Kirn, 1965 Ford Police +:ustum Furdor Special - -• - - $2402000 Less Trade-in AlInwance - - - - 2 5.00 Kat $1087-00 Kay rotors, Inc., 5101 W. Lake St., St. Louis u'ark, Minn. One 4-Joor Sedan, 196; Plymouth Eodel P-93 - - - $2,695.00 Less `'rade-in Allowance - - - - - 6004,00 Net. T2,095.00 Botn of the above bidders submitted a bid bond for 10N of the amount of the bid. ith all bids beim opened., Eayor Staples declared the bid openln;; cloned. rk-rrien trade by Trustee Curtis that tha bids for the purchasp. of a Police: Patrol Car b,? reftrred to the Police Co issioner for review and that rtteornaxnaations be suWit.0ted later in the meeting. Motion seconded by kolayor Staples and passed by all council bombers preheat voting; aye. Kotio.n rade by Mayor ;taples that the Uevelopment Contract. with Soyer Palmer coverirn; tt%e development. of PaLmwr's love ddition be approved alid thaat the ttla,m. r ojid Village Clerk be authorined to ai,;n raid contract Not:,on s e ondelY --• Trustvie Curtis and sussed by all Cotuicil robbers p,,e4_ ent rotint, aye. Mr. Carl ueaver appeared to diocuss the proposed adoption of a resolution urt;in,- tin, eiiactment of sntc2lN1 legislation ;.o Create a soparate sanitary sewer distract C:sr ' u bentfit of variouto coirmuni- aftbr which the fulluwin,; resolution eras preser ted. Mayor Staples irit,rctuced the fullowi; resolution and moved ol LCe CA-, Opening. 3id Development Contract Palmer's Cove Addn. Appv'd, a its adoption: Hesotut'-In Mn 65-5RESOLUTIOUNO' 65-5 tie. Spocial Legisla- A 1tE i`LU` I0iQ Uli INS r ;'11'4; 1s ACTK7N'i OF S!'I aAL LB113LATION tion Creating q ,. Separates Sani- 1O ENALLL ..1'1: CITY O H011UNS AND '11iE VT.L1 UES OF FLYEOLP1fI rUMIC11'T LWo% til-;` '1't PyiZA, UH PHATt N, (X Ot01ANU AVU 1MR rRAIRIE Eery Sewer list, IN Hy,,N%PiN Courry 'w Cti;1.in, A Sl'PAIU E !_ANWARY SE.;EPt DI-STRICTO viil•'AWAW, thu Kinntapnlis-St. Paul Sanitary l i!3trict has recol mended to Wi Kirnosotaa 1'olluLlon Control Uorivnission that the City of Hopkins) and the Villai,,oa or Plymiouth, Roldicino Leake„ rlinnetonka, Ueephavon, Woodlr-ind and Edea Prairie in henrepin County bo ,iticladed in a Suutchvlust District to be C. C January 11, 1965 served by the Mirneapolisvt. Paul Sanitary' District through the extension of tlsewah.mefntercepter mains from the Pigs 17e Plant on the Mississippi River; and, WHEWAS, migineering reports establish that it is proper, feasible and economical for the City of Hopkins, and the' Villages of Plymouth, Medicine Lake, Minnetonka, Deephaven, Woodland and Eden Prairie in Hennepin County to provide for their own sanioary sewer district and establish a sewage treatment and disposal plant on the Minnesota River at Purgatory Creek; and, W&M, the said City of Hopkins, and 'the Villages of Plymouth, Medicine Lake, Mii;netcnka, Deephaven, Woodland and Eden Prairie in Hennepin County believe the sewage disposal needs of the said respective municipalites are urgent and that the 1965 Legisla- ture should prov dc for the most feasible and economical manner of disposing of said sewage problem: NO( TE&FORE) BE IT &UMLVED 'BY UiE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF PLYYOUTH, That said Village of Plymouth urges the Legis lature to enact special legislation to enable the City of Hopkins,' and the Villages of Plymouth, Medicine Lake, Minnetonka, Deephaven, S' Woodland and Eden Prairie, ir, Hennepin County, 6o create a separate sanitary district for the treatment and disposal of sewage and for the establisluuert of a sewage treatment plant on the Minnesota Enver in the vicinity of Purgatory Creek, Re. Phillips Petroleum Gasoline Svc. Station, Hoty. 101 & Cty. Rd. 6. Motion for adoption of the resolution was duly seconded by Trustee Curtis and upon vote bein; taken tnereon the .following voted In favor thereof: Mayor staples, Trustees Curti,; and Seviour. Against: None. Absent: Trustees O'Fallon and Humphrey. k'hereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Dated January ll, 17 )e 1 - - i,llage Clerk Mr. DeZiel and Nr. L. J. Fuhrman, Division Engineer for Phillips Petroleum Company, appeared Lo request approval of their license application for the licensing of a gasoline and oil service station to be located at the Northwest corner of the intersection of Stale highway ; 1 and county hood 6. A l uilaiR; permit wbs pre- viously approved and later rescinded, for the purpose of obtaining additional information and the applicant subiid!itiiV an appliQationt for a license. burin;; the uiscussion, it was stated the property is zoned Camiercial, approval has been received from thc% State Highway dedartment, and Lite Uount,y, for accobs to the hithway from the property, and the applicant intends to rally comply with the requive- mtnit- v. of Lhc ordiratice covurin; the operation of f illin, stations. A c iscussion was holt+ with reforenc© to tho station going located upon property 4i ieh would abut residenUal property and therefore not be poosible to com,6$ with thie F'illlr-<; Jtation License 0rdinance. The applicant staked that the station would not abut realdential. prop6rty as Uiere is a public road it, between, and Lite Village Attorneys stated it 1s up to the Villa -e Council to docile whethr r or not, the m lstencu of XA rrimic: lane Would E;ivu the applicant comnlianoe with the or dievnnce. Chief Lion stated that as to a traffic hazard at tho intetrueetiun, ho feib, thorn would bio no hazard with tho location of Lite. f i l.l.i w uLaUon than iV Lhe propiorL, r were oocupioA by private rrsiden,u 5s. v%ruar r 11, - Cant d. T .. Motion made by Trustee io'' tiz that the license application r of the Fhtllips Petroleum Company /for the ooe;ration of a gasoline Appvld., Phillips ." service station at the intcraection of S wwe `t.#xe;- 101 and County PetroleumCo. (Co. toad 6 be approved and that tate bui.la4 ; pernir. lctr saie building Rd. 6 do Huy. 101) which was rescinded, be reinsi:a ted a 'clogUon sccunde c. by Trustee 5eviotur and passed by all tonuticil rnembar3 present votin; aye* v%ruar r 11, - Cant d. T .. Motion made by Trustee io'' tiz that the license application j icense Apf i icatior. of the Fhtllips Petroleum Company /for the ooe;ration of a gasoline Appvld., Phillips ." service station at the intcraection of S wwe `t.#xe;- 101 and County PetroleumCo. (Co. toad 6 be approved and that tate bui.la4 ; pernir. lctr saie building Rd. 6 do Huy. 101) which was rescinded, be reinsi:a ted a 'clogUon sccunde c. by Trustee 5eviotur and passed by all tonuticil rnembar3 present votin; aye* S. G. Ncd'il.Uams and Allan 4uello, his attorn.e;,•, appeared Re. Sanitary Sewer to discuss the pt•o ,ro5&s made in the installation of sanitary- stirrer Systems K.pls. Ind. system ;Ln the Kinneapolis Induatrial Vark. A letter dated January Park, 11, 1965, by Kr. . u?llo, wzas presented to the Council auembers, settir•: out Fir.reasons for the delay in the cons1truction prc;- gress and also askir>ls +or additional -Consideration in cart.pensation to cover proul=3 that have: arisen, Which he was not aware of nor staud. in the contract at the brae it was entered imu. 11r. Vid'stiiliams sta-W ed that lie felt it would be two to three weeks % yond the expiration date of the contract, January 21, 19659 bcafore the work could be completed. Fir. 4uello's letter was turned over to the Village Grr.intmr with the request that he• subaiL his recoil tendations with .roff rence to the batters discussed in the letter at that next Council neetitt; t on Janu- ary 18th. firs McWilliams stated he woula be pleased to discuss the matters involved with the Village Engineer and also be in attendance at the Cowacil reetint; on January- 16th. The Engineer submitted a report in connection with the pro- Re. State Highway posed erection of buildingu ty the Minnesota State: hi, thway Department i3ldgs. at Statek upon property in the Northwot t corner of State H*hway 55 and Inter- Hwy. Inter- state Freeway 494. It was stilted that the owner of the property was state #494s granted an award but that the Maty is now appealing the amount of the award, this being; the property upon which it is proposer to erect a tr.aintena*ice service garage for the Hi,-huy Department. Additional land for the erection of a building, to be used for examirinc; applic:ante, for drivers' licenses has nor. as y©t beim purchat.cd • :ittorG to Represen- tative Yngve anti Senator he-Knitihy werts read :tru approved in which they were asked to a ssist Lire Ccuncil in havitq? tne: li ihway Jopartrnent's plans withdrawn and the proposed projects locate -i upon other property in the Village. It was set,;e;aLed that an at ditional letter be written to Representative Y.rWve quid Senator r.t:hni ht, es well as to other pa: - tius, submittir4t additional infon:-La .n as to why the buildiws should not be located on the propoacd property-. Motion mAde by -.rustaet 6oviour th::t the luilt!Lng Inopectear, 165 Vill. Appointm Chief of , Police, Firs Chief, Mast:. Fire; Chief, Secretary of Lha Fire ments k Future Froo- Departrttunt., rtoad Super int ondent, Uv,; ditcher ui:d Ht• ;letter or Hlectians cedures for Appattt- be appointed. for an indefinite: pert ad and that the deauiicil mays recon- t rents and/or sider any appoinL;;te rat at any tir.e. Flot,ion seconded by Trustee Curtiss de movala. Vanyur Staples moved thalp thw precediN; motion be wiianaad to include that Otey Uouilcil way, at itu will aro. ttineretion, toettovo and/or appoint any eamploy ee at tint% Lige. AmundirWnL seconded by `l'ruatoo Curtin, thio wnundment bein;; aprruvud by all council t:temUori votirk; aye. ' A vote upon tho original maLion was approvcd by all %;ouncil memboru prevent votilk ; ayo. Motion made by rrustuo durtis thtito lir. WitUp"..1 L. Thoerna bit Dr. %kti.L.Thomas appoinLod lioaltli Ufficor for the Vi Llat o of PIM. ouLh for Lho year i 965 a Aptpointed health Motion s ecotided by Trusitou Sev.iour and $utasud by call Council t u,ibers Jfficer for 196). prone:nt votin,t ny o. IL w ata aer ood thud, an Assiatant, livalth Uffieer be ceppAnLed aL the Janutiry- .16jo l try moctingb Mayor Stalilus Lntrodu%:ud thu foltowitt;° rveolut-ion and mo%,erd ito adopi.ion: e 1 If ) January 11. 1965 - Cont Id. ,. Resolution 65-6 Designating Director & Alt. Director to Suburban Rate 1luthority. RESOU TION 1100 654 RESOLUTION DESIuNATI1 G DBMTOR AND ALiHtNKM DIRRCTOR TO S`JBLR. BAN HATE AU`fHORITY EE IT RESOMM by -the Village Council of the Village of Plymouth as follows r Trustee Charles D. Seviour!is hereby designated as a director of the Suburban state Authority, and Trustee Aaron I. Curtis is hereby designated to serve as alternate director of the Sub+irban Rate Authority for the year 1965 and until their succes- sors aro appointed. Resolution 6ti-7 Designating Con:mis- sionor and Ali. to Suburban bhnitary Sewer Cone... Notion for adoption of the foregoit% resolution was duly seconded by Trustee Curtis ano upon vot: being taken thereon the following voted in f anars theroof: isyor staples, 'Trustees Curtis and Seviour. Against: None, Absent: Trustees O'Fallon and Humphrey. adopted. Whereupon said resolution was declared Dated January 11, 1965. Attest: - +. c -'-• Village ulerk duly passed and Trustee Curtis introduced tate rollowing resolution and moved its adoption: ttESt)!if'I Ml KO. b5-7 kr'SULUTION UESIGNATIRM C0i"?-M;MONhR AND ALTB.'iNATE CO1ISSIONER TO S!;l3UR&M SAIMARY SMWA CQF"P:(SStON iib I'r et=LVED by tice Village 6ouncil of tho Village of V1,%mcou c,h as Co.Llows: Nayor Lorin; k. * tap:los, J+r. .ii :ttsroby desi4npiLad as wamil.Nuioner of tho Suburban janitary Sewear Jonvnission, and Truatee Richard J. U'Fallon is hereby decignated to serve as alter- nato coumnizasioner of Lhe Suburban %kMiLat-y tiewar kionmisuion for the y car 1965 and until their succe snora area appointed. Not.ian for adoption of Lho forapbirk); renaluVion wns da],y uucondvd1 Or `i`rustue aoviour ane upon. - voto tieing taken thereon the roller i me, vated in f avcn, heroor KCyor itraplou, Trusiaes 4urtl u avvi Ueviour. Againct: 'Now -w. Absont s 'rruvLuvkA l" elle.,. and There upon sa i.d roucLution a as %It -v lar%A duly paeans utid ildl:i:+l Q • 1116U i •illtl141}'' L Lo 1 )65 o FIL0' vyvr a.,t,:t: • -. • Fes.. ViLln;e .wut t • ar,._uar 11 1965 - Cont' d. Vol Motion :Wade b,v Trustee U itis that Rolf Upsahl and John (Jack) Appointees to M. Miller be reappointed ca the ouildinM Coae Advi.sur; ::cw,4-;:sicn for a Cods Advisory two-ye.ar te=mt co=encing January 1, 1965. Notion seconded by r+ayor Camission, ata.pl s ono pricedby all Council members present voting aye. Payor Stuplea r-v.u_sted that such Cnuncilzat: sutx tit two names hainesIor New for appointment as mt ::berg :::r c1-. orkanization of a co:Tpittee is con- Committee. sider a Jot; Leashing Ord-Lownce o. %ny other recozzendacions pertaining there+•o, said arpointatin:.s to be c;:nsidercd xt the rei;ulur Council meet- ing, February 8, 1965. Bldg A discussion was helm: in curuiection with a let.,or received Judge Merlin and frocK 1-ii1liam Merlin, f,oraerly Judje of Ule ?'V—.,auLh lri1Li,'M A:Ulicipal huni.eipal Court. court, with reference to coapensation for hirse.Lf and thr tilerk of %oo:Lrt for winding up the affairs of c:1t= JlvLrouth Kunicif al 'wourL p and also to consider remiuneration for his urtexpir -d term of oU iev as judge. lotion :.nde by '%r4stee %"A't rtis that the Villare Attoracy prepare a series of questions to oto referred tot he 11ttorney General for hi: opinion with reference to an.r jfxiicial powers which Judre Merlin ZUY still have anti also witrt referer ce to "is salary wurir4; the balance of :Lis term of office. Motions ecunlded by iuyor 5te,•Ltles and par -^ed by al: 1wouncil merber-s present voting ayes Trustee Curtis presented t::e fol] 'ouin' oruiiwnce ann moved its Mun. Court Quf*4- t ions Ref 'do tor',. Atty. Gimieral. adoption: Ordinance r ob 05-2 h -send Uis mrd. 63-13i?sZIr,.:; Me. Appoint wi,: of I 1..;t.. ..,. 63 -13 Cha;r.. to V. C. OF 11:4 V.ILLk;E CF FLY56. 011 K L,:A eI U TO 11E A]-'1'JI tY'P".t,i.'i 4.F '&11:X .J1+.A :rigtLi %',*F NIE V RZA1,2 The Villaz:o I.. un.il of the VUla ;e na %'lvT,.ou' h Jo Yeroby ordain as Follows: oction 1 - - d!1%U t::.t of i li diln..nce F' L&2-13 0.t: tr.ce Pio. .3-13 io hereby Lu.ieweu 'toy r epeaiir,;• Sec. •.& A"I the, m:of ai.d suuutlltt ting: U1%, fol.lom:in,v ti erefor: The Choir i=r of pointua byLitt1 '.-a or one year." shall lie eiv) a moi; xr. ' 1.1t e' MaGersibers 1+;t11 s t•-•ve for a ter..: of E.{'feu. ime Jate Phis %Kitnaiwo ;t111:Vaco:.Q v1'YCeb:4.Ve Upon it.s pa::e-a. ks, n..0 pub ; 4cul. 14.4,411. 1 ation felt L)a c1a. r..1re;-,%6Ln 9 orvi lu ltiu -2 main duo noc ind 'd b,v rrwstua ,;eviaur UW uF-u- Foxe itein; L-tkv:1 tiwr%• 01. the VoIlmin1R vocvd in tuvor Oulreuf: ta;Ae3, ;Y...:t%lori wu:•1e LO Lit%: .ik„aluu". Ap"meat: Nonw. Absent :rugi,.etnl; ; Lett anti 1;u.1splxet Oat. 4wi ilaint•tr%• 1I. 1`?t y tirL•tlt` January 11, 1965 - Cont Motion made by Trustee Curtis that the letter read by Mayor Staples from Richard C. 1`1. geed subiidLting his resi-gnation . as a member of the 'clymouth Park Commission he accepted, sand that a letter be written to Mr. teed expressing the Council's drprecia- tion for his services rendered to the Park Corrmrission. Hot,ion seconded by A4yor Staples and passed by all Council membero present voting aye. Trustee Curtis presented the following ordinance ar,d moved its adoption: Ordingnce $to. 65-3 Amending Ord. 64-2 Re. appointment of Chmu. to Park & Aec. Adv. CORM. R R ^ ORDINANCE NO_ o-3 A;' OHDIiU NCE Al-ENDINu ORDINANCE h0. b4-2 U THE VILIAX OF PLYFLOUTH iIEIXTING TO rHL APPOJ.WA;ENT OF THw' Ct1AIWJd,'g OF THE PARK & & " ' EION AUV ISURY C WISSION The Vil.la,,;e Count:i.l of the ViI?a 7e of Plpouth Do Hereby Ordain as Follows: Section 1 - Amenc6neuu of hxiiw'nc,e_ Ordnance No. 64-2 of the Village vi ' lymouth is hereby amended by r cpealinj Section 4.01 thereof and substituting the followan.; therefor: 114.01 - The Chairman of the Coimnission shall be appointed b;,t the L ayur from amon,l *,he me,"rrors of tho Cmc m. ission and shall serve for u term of one (1 ) yeas coumenci_ng Janu- ary 1st of each year except for the yew 1965 in which year bho. appoint.nwnt shall be nuade offectivo (arch 1st." Section 2 - Effective_ Date This ordinance shall take affect upon its passage and publicati.ort. Motion for adoption of the fvregoir ; ordinance was duly seconded by Trustee Seviour and upon vote beim; taken thereon the followin;; voted in favor thereof: Aacyor Staples, 'YrusLe©s Curtis ane Jeviour. Against: Nano. Absent: , .'rustees 0' Fallon acid Himphre.Nt. Latec+ January 11, 1965. V l.la;;o clerk Mayor St,arlgs introducod We i'vl.lowirt resolution and 110v d iG s adaption: llf3uolutian irt). 61+-8 U41301UTION Re. Furchaiv of Cortifiuute of Depwit from i(evenue 1411141RF 6) It, uppoarn that, the V11.1ap!o of V411'10uth itevenuo fund Acct. Fund has croneiderable su.rpltin funds Which tai 11 nuh bo neodod for diuburaemunto within t•,hr neat 90 davos and. I. 0 7 jAnuary 11. 1965 - Cont ' d . WfiEREAS, 4ile further appears that it would be proper to invest 100,000 of its Revenue Funds for a rircet,y ;,90) dzy period. 1 NOW THIIWORE, HE I`I' EtWY RMo OLVED BY THE VILLAGE CCUN-CIL OF THE VILLAGE OF PLYMOUTH AS FOLWaS: The Village Treasurer shall forthwith Furchase ,$100,000 in a 90 -day Certifidate of Deposit and that slid purchase shall be trade from the Revenue Fund Accour_t of the Village of Plymouth. The foregoir; motion was secondees by Trusteo Curtis and upon vote being taken thereon the 'follTeing vot©d in favor t.t•cureof : Kayor Staples, Trvlatecs Curtis and Seviour. Against: none. Absent.: Trustees OfFallon and H u.phrey. Whereupon - said resolution was dec l,ar ed duly passed and a dop ted, Dated January 11, 1965. zv/z r Mayor Attest: illige Clerk ' Notion made by Trustee Curtis that the bid :submitted by Kay Motors, Inc. to the V ills a of Plymouth for One (1) 4 -Door Sedan, 1965 Model. P-93, total cost, $2,695.00 less alloviance on the 1962 Ford 51,ation a;;on in the amount of'$600.00, lea-vind a net hid of $2,.095.00 be acceuted. Flotion seconded by Mayor Staples and passed by all Council members present voting aye. On motion the meetin-; adjourned at 10:10 o'clock P. K. 0 r T. Johnson, Village Clerk. 173 Police Patrol Car Bid Awarded Kay Motors, Inc