HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 01-04-1965January!"6 Pursuanr 'o due c all 9nd notice thereof a regular meeting of the Vil,-Lge Council of the Village of Plymouth, A.innesota, was duly geld at the Village Hall in the 4th day of January, 1965 at 7:30 o'clock P. r,. Present: , Mayor taples, i'rust ees Curt:;s, d' Fallon, Humphrey and Seviour, the Village Clerk and Attorney. PEr. Orr was present on hehal'' of Egil rrefald, the VillageEn;;ineer, who was absent. Mayor Staples called the meeting to order. Due to the absence of a clergyman to give an invocatory prayer, Mayor Staples requested the Council and audience to rise for a moment of silent prayez'., Copies of the minutes of the regular meetingof December 21, 1964, as mailed to each Councilmmn, were approved. Copies of the minutes of the special meeting; of December 23, 1964, as trailed to each Councilman, were approved subject to the foJ.- lowinp,, correction: On'the first page, third paragraph from the bottom, the motion made by Mayor Staples suspending the license for twenty (20) days, it should be noted did riot die for lack of a seconding, but the amendment did. 1S7' Motion ma6e by Trustee humphrey that Richard C. W. geed be 1965 Village: Ap- removed as Treasurer,er.d that Dewan 6. Barnes be appointed Treasurer pointments Tor the i .- l.lage of Y Vmouth, effective Limiediately. Notion seconded (Treasurer, Atty., by Trustee -(;U-•tis. Mayor Staples moved that -the motion be amended to Engineer). include that Herbert P. Leflp. , Village Attorney, and E,gil e'lefald, Village Ln'iheer, bo, re-4ppointed for the year 1965. The amendment to the noti: was seconded by '°rustee Seviour anu pas; -Pd by all Council members votie4 aye. Upon vote being taken on the oriti,inal motion, all. voted in fcvor thereof. Motion made by 1.4ayor 'Staples that Trustee Aaron Curtis be Aaron Curtis, Act - appointed Actirk; i'Zyor for the year 1965,, notion seconded by Trustee ing Mayor, 1969. Imphrey and ;gassed jiy all, Council members vctim, aye. ray -or Staples made the following; Plymouth Council ca»mnittee 1965 Council al.l.o•intmentis for tha' year 1.965 and also suggested t4hit eac` Conmittee Co»nittee Appoint - Chairman submit, ov V ebruarS Sth, hi s projection of projects t;) be meat 13. undertaken in 1965 atat, so!iie possiol. continuing, into 1.966. Fiin a ncc.c'a dl qtt `' Li_sina;, Inspection x :onirl Tr.istne 'tiznphrey, ;hairman 'Trustee- tieviour, Chairr^art OI-Layor 6ta.les ! Frustev O'Fallan Truste .Ourtis Trustee Curtis I rk 1i,1 5a fete Roads 3_ici ui,,, Mayor.,otaplod, Chairman Tritut©a ?'Fallon, Chairman. Trust tis Iwnphrey_i ire Dept % Trustoo joviour Tructee Ourtig-police Dept. Trustee hwa-phrey 1ublic re (Parko, Plaanir . and Poor uleliuf ) i•1;1•yor ta:l.y, (.h t,.r;t n TuOt,ee Truntee Curt;ir 1'rug eA rviour fit histee U'Fallun 11l`ustea Sovicaur Liquor ruuLnu t?t ellen, iNz it , `ui i CuS,OP,`(IWAPhreY Mayor auh'plou 1'Y•tntoe l;ux,at3 .in Nociueurl t,lik !'olloiYir re3olution ,u.d Rove(: J.,is L II i j 0 JanuarJ 4, 1965 •- Cort ' d. 8esoltitiort 0-,t RESOLUTION FMCMMIDINe: MPOINIMiT GF ispu,TY Recoamending'ippolnt' ht ' CIERK OF COURT FCR 'i u. VII.La: CF 1'LYMGti'1'H of Diputy C101sk of Murt for ,t;he- Vil I. 'of 1.1 HE. IT HERE plxiQuth. VIL a OF FUMOUTH: r •Ol:= by THE VILl:AZ COUIR::..L OF THE 1. That this Council recomend to the Judges of the H C t C t th t t' in J ttennepinounyauraeyappotWane e K. Johnson as reeideart deputy clerk for said %;aurt for the Village of P4mouth. 2. That the Villase Clerk be directed to forward x certified cop; of this res -elution to the Chief Judge WA said Eiennepf.n County court." Motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution us:lull secGnded. by Mayor Staples and uport vote beim; taken thereon the fcl- lowinj voted in favor thereof: Kc-Wor Stapl s, 'a'rustoes Cur..is, Mallon, Humphrey wid Seviou_*. ainst: None. Whereupon. ;:;d rescluticn was declarer duly passed and adort.ed. Dated January i, 19650 y . 1 tAttest:A- Villae lark Trustee Hwiphrey presented ';.he following Lh dinance t Ind I.cVed -its adoption: Ord;&n.:e 'to. b5-1 CP. INAKC' N0. 6 -1 Re. Sale of -1.on- A;, 00IIANCE i3 IATI1 S' T H;e. SAM's LF 1101:-It?fMv3xgas G Intoxicatim. tAalL Lief: r, FAW LLQUOR, PROVIU1 ,Nk; XI) SSM a'l: l :• i:li PRi r1jim Licenses, Penalties for PE:r1L'i Il i\% --*.V] OI.\ 'YOi; AM) :t .' 1LI[CiL C',lUI1e::CLr !!'t 1:..1:: Violation :ilWpralingl_ AND a :nrol.J* ,:; 'AFI W its' ;P2 V1u*1-r:; CF E'M.011':4i C dinanc© NO. %4- 1moi. DL •...- `- b Amench.mmnt.s Ihereof. The Nillrt;•n vouncil of -0a ti s l.la,v of Plymmith do hereby ordAin as follm.-sa Section 1 - Defin itionti. 01 "Porucin" when used hercirs stall ru; Aii it atat,uratl 1oursun of ui,.tru:r Fx,.ogom.wion ci-t any. other Oso. l-azicii of pemllta. I .C'•a "J(mrlt 'Sr lob lion-iztt axicaLit ; xtlt likly.or" whun usm! herein shall tie heM to be atkv iiall Li:l .ier or be vQ ,%a; ,V which 00nt41W.1 110t leen limit 1/2 of 1ti and tui: more Whan Cr Q.11=ttul Ekv vt:'i'l;ltt. 0.% "Publit::'I trc" hej. uses herein hil mear: any ltl wo, other than a privat-:1 ltt?:';t? %11' 0ri two tat`Fakir e p rd*.' um%4 or, p1a•11t1p:i t: ll Rit`r8tDn8 or t hli jt+:li• c tt;A au: or freement, and tiliall i ulitdo bu.. not be 11mitod to glues, Wtvtre :a. om.r storoa, d,;u,; atduvk%oo routca wo.ntu kind hotelle. January 4, 1965 - Cont'd. i Section 2 - 'Licenses. 2.01 No person shall enta-e in the business of sellinE non -intoxicating malt liquor, or shall vend, deal in, or dispose of, by 1jift, sal+ , or otherwise, any non-intoxicatinG tralt liquor, without ,first craving obtained a license to do so fro:n the Village Council. 2.02 Licenses under this ordinance shall be of two kinds, to -wit: a) "On -Sale" licenses, which shall permit the licensee to sell non-intoxicatirv; malt liquor for consumption on the premises of the licensee described in the license. b) "Off -Sale" licenses, which shall pe unit the .licensee to sell such non-intoxicatitr,, malt liquor in original packages not to be consumed upon the premises described in such license. 2.03 The annual fse for an "on -sale" license shall, be $100.00. This annual fee for an "off -sale" license si-all be $15.00. 2.04 Thi; Vilia,-e "cancil may issue an "or. -sale" license to a religioun or _:ort-prc fit corporation or association for an annual fee of Provided, however, that approval of the Villa;;c vounn,il steak be required for each occasion on kf : ch said reli nous or non- profit corporation or association off ors non -intoxicating malt liquors for sale or disposal. Application for such a license 'shall. be made to the Village Nall in the sate;e manner as rpquirea in other sentions of this ordinance. 2.05 AAI licenses shall expire on the List, day of June i.n each year. Each license shall be issued for a peiriod of one (1) year, except that if a portion of the license year has elapsed when the appli- cation is made, a license may bre issued for the reanaincxer of the year for a pro -rata fee. In computirV such fees any unexpired fraction of a month shall bo counted as one (1) month. 2.06 Wo part of Lhe fee paid for any licen eta issued under this ordinance shall be refunded except in the; failowiryt inoLancu3 soon application to the Vi1?ago Council within twenty (0) days from the happening of the event. 'rhere shall be rcfu.nued a taro --rata portion of the t'ee for the unuxtlire:d period of the license, computed on a inunWJ41- basis, when operation o the lieonsud business ecasucs not lass than one (1) month boforo expi,ratien of Lhe license bocause of: a) Deatruction br damaro oa the li.clai,ued premises by fire or other{ catastrophes b) The licconsee's illness. G c) The licene3caln death. d) A c;h;anr a in tho 1klj n1 at %U3 of thea tnitnieinal.ity making it un:Liwful for thk3 licensad buainous to continue. Section 3 - Ati lieation, i 3.01 Thu talN%,rl,.cation cjf a peruon for su0,j licenoe cthall otate the al;u of Cher app.lnant turd whether the app:likjant Is at,:rrriad or sim101 whether the applietatit i:a .'a rogistordd voter; the vwrious taddreases at whriuh the 0 anuarsr 4, 1965 - Crint' cam.. \ applicant may have lived or reeided during the last five (5)',years \ preceding the maktV of such application; the kind and locw..ion of every busiviless and occupation that the applicant has been engaged in during the last five (5) years before makin,l such application, together with the naane: and address of any employers by whow engaged during the said period; whether the applicant has ever been arrested for or convicted of any crime or violation of any ordinance; when, where and for what any such arrests or convictions have been made; whether the applicant has ever been engaged In operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor or other business of a striliar nature, and i.f so engaged, when, where and for how long; the floor number, street and legal description of the premises where sale is to be conducted; name and address of owner and of any and all leases or sub -leases of rb:.l estate, building fixtures and furniture where such non -intoxi- cating malt liquor is to be sold; the name and address of any end eva7. person who will hhve charge, epanagement or control of the place; name of three nr moat persons who may oe referred to as to applicant's character. If applic&4it is a corporation, the appliesant shall give the name and general purpose of the corporation$ and the state under which tine applicant is incorporated, and also the names of the offi- cers and directors, and their addresses; as to each of said officers and directors, the Wormition shall be furnished as to them as is required above for an individual applicant; h;;ch other information as the 'tillage Council mar from time to time require. 3.42 The Village Council shall cause an investigati^n to be grade of the. facts abated in said application in regard to tire premises where the busires.j is to be conducted and as to the character, reputation and fititoos or the ;applicant, for the vpLrnose of ascertaining whether the same are as represented in said application, and whether the license applied for should be granted. uch investigation shad include a consideration of the promisee with regard to zoning and building ordinance and the proximity of schools and churches. Opportunity shall be given to anyone who wishes to be heard Li the matter as to why a license should or should not be granted or re- nowed. After such investigation, the Village Council may grant or refuse such licnrrse, provided that the granting t,hereuf dos' not vio- late any other provisio:s of this ordinance. 3.03 Each liconso shall be issued to the applicant only arm shad, not be transferrable to another holder. Each license shall be isau'od only to the premise;r described in the applic ation. No .license. may be tran." "erred to another place without the approval of the Village CouncI 1. Soction b - Rentriotions on Istuance of Liconsos. 4XI No license shall be granted hereunder L:'+ tarty applicant who already owns a licenso of the kind applied fear, and no licence shall permit tither "on -sales" or "off-SLIes" by Lite holds:% of said license,., ex- cept cin tics premises for! which tho licenua is granted. 4.02 No .1iconse shall be i8sued to any person who has been convicted of a 4 elony or who has buena c anvintod two or mord t9nuws of a public offi$nso other than a felony, or, whn lww boron ;uilty of violating any oith,:, provisiorto er juArLs of thin ordi_r anco or w;ro hal hrcve been found guilty of the illegal oalo) vacassesrdon, manufacture or transportation of intoxioatirVi littuor. . n 11 u 0 4.04 Ntt license shall be granted at or in any, building, room or r lace. in Village of hl mouth wn.erein two cr more violations of this ordi- naitce have occurred, for a period of .nn* (1) year from and after the date Aaf the lust of such violations. Section 5 - Conditions of License and Regulations. 5.01' No person shall sell or serge non -intoxicating malt liquur to any persor•. under -twenty-one (21) years of age. No person under twenty- one (21) year.. of age shall be employed In any place where non - intoxicating malt liquor is sold. ^r served in- :arty capes ity relating to thq selling or serving thereof. 5.02 The premiss namsu in any 1,-ense shall at all tines while open to the public be also open to inspect ion and examina t i.on by any police or health officer of the Village. It shall be .unlawful for any lic- ensee to-.1tade or obscure uy window or window in a door in sr,ch , manner ac to prevent a clear view into the inter or of the licensed premises. 5.03 No person shall consume, display, sell or serve nor -intoxicating malt liquor on ars licensed oremises between the hours of 1:00 o'clock A. A1. and 6:00 o' click A. r1., or, between the hours of 1 :00 o'clock A. M. and 12 o'clock Noon nn Sundays, or between -the hours of 1:00 o'clock A. M. and 8:00 o'clock P. K. on any primary, special or general eie,tion day. Section 6 - R4voc:ation and Suspension. 6.01 A conviction in any cnurt for vic?gtird any of the provisions of this ordinance shall in and of itself be cause for revocation or suspen- sion of a license bf the Villago Uouncil. 6.02 Followiru; such conviction, the Village Council may s,ii ka_,- revoke or suspend the license. b.tl3 Prior to any sech revocation or suspension the Villago Ute. -a :il ahall give notice to the licensee o' the fact, that it is cunsiderirV such revocation or suspension and shall. invite the licensee- to appear at a specified date, time and place for a hearing on such revocation or suspension. Such notice shall be given to such .lcensee not less than three (3) days prior to the time c f such mtetitw I 6.04 following such haaring, the Village jwic:il n y r ec,oko. ouch lie:ense or nay suspend its operation for such perioi nt' t cnt as it in its judgment may elect. Section 7 - Pena0 7.01 Ar* person violaUY4-t any provision of this ordioancti tihall bu 6;uilty of a ml tWemeanor and upon conviction thereof er:.gll b ti puninh©d t)y a fine Januarsn 4, 1965 - Cont 'd. 4.03 No licence shall. be granted to any person ave: a citizen of the united States.) N) license shall be granted to any person for operation upon ary premises upon which taxes v,, assessments, or linancial clams of the Village, are deli.nq,ent and urr)aid. 4.04 Ntt license shall be granted at or in any, building, room or r lace. in Village of hl mouth wn.erein two cr more violations of this ordi- naitce have occurred, for a period of .nn* (1) year from and after the date Aaf the lust of such violations. Section 5 - Conditions of License and Regulations. 5.01' No person shall sell or serge non -intoxicating malt liquur to any persor•. under -twenty-one (21) years of age. No person under twenty- one (21) year.. of age shall be employed In any place where non - intoxicating malt liquor is sold. ^r served in- :arty capes ity relating to thq selling or serving thereof. 5.02 The premiss namsu in any 1,-ense shall at all tines while open to the public be also open to inspect ion and examina t i.on by any police or health officer of the Village. It shall be .unlawful for any lic- ensee to-.1tade or obscure uy window or window in a door in sr,ch , manner ac to prevent a clear view into the inter or of the licensed premises. 5.03 No person shall consume, display, sell or serve nor -intoxicating malt liquor on ars licensed oremises between the hours of 1:00 o'clock A. A1. and 6:00 o' click A. r1., or, between the hours of 1 :00 o'clock A. M. and 12 o'clock Noon nn Sundays, or between -the hours of 1:00 o'clock A. M. and 8:00 o'clock P. K. on any primary, special or general eie,tion day. Section 6 - R4voc:ation and Suspension. 6.01 A conviction in any cnurt for vic?gtird any of the provisions of this ordinance shall in and of itself be cause for revocation or suspen- sion of a license bf the Villago Uouncil. 6.02 Followiru; such conviction, the Village Council may s,ii ka_,- revoke or suspend the license. b.tl3 Prior to any sech revocation or suspension the Villago Ute. -a :il ahall give notice to the licensee o' the fact, that it is cunsiderirV such revocation or suspension and shall. invite the licensee- to appear at a specified date, time and place for a hearing on such revocation or suspension. Such notice shall be given to such .lcensee not less than three (3) days prior to the time c f such mtetitw I 6.04 following such haaring, the Village jwic:il n y r ec,oko. ouch lie:ense or nay suspend its operation for such perioi nt' t cnt as it in its judgment may elect. Section 7 - Pena0 7.01 Ar* person violaUY4-t any provision of this ordioancti tihall bu 6;uilty of a ml tWemeanor and upon conviction thereof er:.gll b ti puninh©d t)y a fine 162 r Jamar 411. 1965 - Cont' d. Section 6 of no` more than $100.00 or imprisonment for Rot more than ninety 90) days plus the costs of prose ution in either case. Repeal, 6.01 Ordinanc( .`j. 60-1k of the Village of Plymouth and all amendments thereto is -hereby r epeale.:. Section 9 9.01 Effective Date. Thia ordinance shall tak:: effect from and after its passaae and plibli,cat-ion. r Mot,an for adoption of , the foregoing ordinance was duly seconded by ustee Seviour and rpon vote being taken thereon the following voted in i-avgr thereof: ':6yor Staples, Trustees Curtis, O'Fallon, ki m1phrey ,and : cviour. Against: Done. Dated January 4, 1961. Attest:. Village H. Glaripe, Full- Mayor Staples gave he Oath of Office to Harold Glampe who was Timms Pol. Officer. sv:orn iii as a full tine police officer of the Plymouth Pol. ue Der.Artment. 1) Certif. . o+; Award to Lien oc B. Johnson; () Gv miendat ion of Police Dept. 1) Auar, s to Touhey & W. John- son, (2) Conunen- dation to Bauer end Don Utness. FOD.) 1) Malley Bank, e,,f. Uep sitory; 2) Zinn. Hcra d, Of f. Publication % Trus,e.: Curtis presented Certificates of Award to ChirS Lien and Patrolman bracsz W. Johnson and also coasmended the other police officers for various conferences and rreetin, they have attended during the year 1964 to help improve their knobla.dge of police v)rk. Maytir StFples further corrunented that he was very proud of the Poli3e Department anti that it rated as good as any in the Metropolitan Arent and he stated that he was n lso pleaerd too have Mr. (41w;pe as a Vir - I -age police oiricer. Trusted Hitmphrsy presented alrard3 Lo Bernard Touhey and Varran dolu soii for their completion of a course: in fire protection trr::r' i t at the Unnusota Star' a Fire School at St Paul. !t yor Stapler stated he fcit. Lhat very f ew ; ?sideuts of the Viliags- realize or appre- ciate the time the volunteer fire -nen five in fighting fires at all Ur4s of the day or night and that we should all 'iei appreciative of their services. Ho also co,:,"Andad Chief %uer grid Ass ; . CtAmf Don Gtness for the leadership they have given to the Dnparti,tenio. 'Trustee humph_ruy sec- onded Kayor Staples' comments for the excellent 'services being re:riere d by all of the firemen. , Motion r.,ade by tlayor Staples that the Goldin Valley Sta,to lianas be deslrnr.cud as the of fIUal depository .for Plymouth Irilltut,R and Munic pal Liquor 'at.c,re funds; also t k%L The Minnetonka Herald be desig- r1%aLed as the official newspaper public at. ie. -a for tho Village. Motion vwoc ndc . by Trustoo Hunphrcy and passfxt by al! Golu cil it, ,tbers voting aye. Trustoo Curtic intimducezd the following resolution and moved M adoption: Resolution 65-2 Designating Ht^presen- tative and Ah e It to hann. Co. Uiaguo of hun cilealitioa. IMSOL a MON L\0. 0-2 11L:iULUTION U L'INA'1'ING ItRCn,OMNTA IVL AND AL'1MNA'TF 1 ''! ``"tw1'A'1'iV 'ro 'ruE nM ipn COUN..11Y U111UU111 OF EMNIGIPEIUTIES e t 195January - ront Wi TEAS, the Village of `.Plymouth is a member in good standing in the Hannepin County League of Nunicipalities, c Iu Wi{LUS, the Vila. to of Plymouth desires to co nue its participa- tion in the Hennepin County League of Municipalities, NOW °`i OREO 1E IT RESOLVED i f THE VILU(;E COIJECId, OF Tib.:; VIIJAGE OF PI-YAOUTH AS FOLWeiS: Mayor Lorin; h. Stapl,ras, Jr., i3 hereby designated as its Representative to the Hennepin Counq "rue ,,)f Municipaiities for the period of January 1,,1905 to December 31, 1965; HE 1T MTERR R,'OLVM, That the Village of Plymouth d hereby designate Thonao H%';Mp;1rey as its Alternate Representative to the' Hennepin County League of - Municipalities to serve durirW. the absence or disability of the above named ReprOsefitative. Aoove taction was du;y seconded by Trustee 0' Fallon and upo; vote being taken thereon) the follow; N; voted in favor the: -e, -)f: tray' or . Staples, Trustees Curtis, Olfallon, Humphrey And Sev'iour, Against: Mone. Whereupon sa3:d reso:.;ation was deelark duly passed and adopted. Dated Jaadary 4, 1967. YZ ,.,I Villaae Clerk Publication eras made in The Minnetonka herald on December 179 Used Grader Sold 1964 advertising for sale one Cnterrrai.ioml 'reader; about 1947 Model$ to Eldon Braesch. with the host offor'to be eccepteds The foylowinq bids were received: Glen Li,tfin 'rrfre & hkxcavation Co. $1060OU Theodore G. Sandhoff" $11000 Esdon drausca $125.00 Motion rade by Trustee O'Fallon that a Gill of iple beJaen to Esdon Braeach for the aoo•re mentioned grader sand that h bid of $125.00 6a accepted, Moltion secondeu by 'Trustee Humphrey and paa ed by all Council members 4oting ave.Re. Proposed' A_ rllap of the proposed ;tmprovLm;unt oil Cowlty ` oad 18 f ran 49th Lnpvmnt. Co.W A-. Mue to 62ad. A%enue W. was disp Ayed trefove the Council for consideration. 18 Fria. 49th Notion made by '1'rOtee C;urtia that aorsideratifln should -be given to the ser- Ave. to 62nd vita road which could be nceasary elon.,a County i(oAd 18) that thy cul-de-aac Ave. N. south of Lhe :loo Line hailroad tracks b© oli ainatedp arra that the railroad briego be i,engthened. Also that a meetir44, should be held with the Plpouth and t4ew ,,: pu Coulle.ilu find Kj%. PcLiarsun, Enaineer f,r the County }iir;htljly Uept., to consider l,hb propatied layouL of thN road, AioLiwi cocanded by Trustee Hum- phrey and, 1\-ssud :., ,lt11 lw ounvil meinburs voting; aye, Re. Propvaed A diseuaolon was held with reference to tiro proposed ureetion of a 1,;1nn. Hwy.!lpt rutitiLenance garage and a Drivers' Improvalnent Training ;ichool buildi,ag by Hldgs. N#, of the Min,,asota liit h jay Uo0artment, upon propurt;t :lying North of State High- Hwy. 5S &W. way a 5 ar,J wnt3t of lnterstnte Fr9owjay Oh, Motion mads uy 'CrustRe Curtis of Int,-arstate that t1je Councli oppose 6hu ornut on of the Drivers' L`rrprovoinent Training 494. 5^pool buildinik_ and khat; they pp on record' d' in opposition to it. Nlo.,ion eeeoaded by Truu4ee hLujiphrey. Notiurt n dde by Yepr Staples that, t'.ha proced- inr; Itrotion lie amended to inch tb, 04L loLturu be ueoL by the Village Alto•- ney to State Represst;tative, John Yti< vra, and :ipnater heKntE;ht, askl,rie, their 9 I Re. A3)Fv'1. of Plat & Conntract, Zanzibar Place Addn. Zanzibar P1. Addn. Final Plat Appvd. with Prolrisions. Gen'l. Fund Dis- bursement Cheeks Approved. Police Fund Dis- bursomem, Checks Approved. Jam ars 4, 1265 Cont 'd. assistance A oppbsin&,the proposed construction. The amendment was seconded by Trustee Curtis and passed by all Coudcil members voting aye. (The original motion was passed by all Council' members voting aye). Trustee Humphrey stated that he of jetted to the improve- ment as it was taking off the tax rods valuable industrial ' property. Mayor Staples stated that the cc.ntents of the motion and amendment should be sent, to the Superintendent of Wayzata School District No. 284. Vern Youngberg, developer, and Kr.,boffin, surveyor, were present to request approval of the plLt aryl contract covering the development of Zanzibar Place Addition; on which discussion was held. Motion made by Trustee Curtis that the words, 013th Avenue North, Zanzibar lane to 155 ft. West" be stricken .row Paragraph 31;. sub- paragraph "all, Page 7j, of the contract. Motion seconded by Trgbtee Humphrey and passed by _-i11 Council members voting aye* iVfotion made by Trustee Humphrey that the final plat of Zanzibar Place Addition be approved subject to the approval of Via Village Engineer and that the Mayor and Village Clerk be autho_•iaed to sign the plat and contract, and that certified check in the amount of $500.00 fm -i the developer for pertformancer under the terms of the contract be accepted. Motion seconded by Trustee Saviour and passed by all Council members voting aye. Motion made by Trustee, Humphrey that checks listed on the December 28, 1964 Disbursement Statement covering Goneral Fund in tho amount of $1,133.03 be approved. Notion seconded by Trus- tee Curtis and passed by all Council members voting aye. llotton made by Trustee Curtis that checks listed on the December 288 1964 Disbursement Statenent 2,overing Police Fund in the amount of $686.50 be approved. P.ot{ on seconded by i4yor Staples and passed by all Council members voting aye. Fire Dept. Fund Dis- Notion made by Trustee Hurn %ray that cheeky Listed on bursemenL° Checks the Decsmber•28s 1964 Disbursement Statement covering Fire Depart - Approved. ment Fund in -the amount of $260.32 be approved. Motion seconded by Road & Hr. Fund Disbursement r#ks. Appr-)ved. Poor Fund Dis- Pbursement Qheoks App; oved. Debt'Seivice Fund Disburs m3ent Cks. Approved. Re,,ular Chocks 4371 Thru 4403 Anpr©vbd s Liq. Store Bks, 1102 Thru 11.22. Approvod. o trustee O'Fallon and passed by all council members voting aye. Motion made by Trustee O'Fallon that cheeks lieterd on the December 28, 1964 Disbursement Statement covering Road 41 bridge Fund n the amount of $748.25 be approved. Motion accorded by Trusteo Curtis and paused by all council maabers voting ayyoe Motion mado by 'trustee Seviowr that chucks listed on the I ecamber 28, 1964 Uisbursemernt statement coveriv,; Poor Fund in the amount of $18.07 be approved. Motion seconded by Niyor Staples and passed by ,all Oouncil members voting by -e. Motion made by Trustee Humphrey that checks listed on tike December 28, 1964 Disuurseanent Statement covering Debt $e.rvice Fund in the amount, of Us10943 be approved. Dlotion seconded by Trustee O'Fallon wu d passed by all ''oun.Ail members voting aye. Payiawitof regular chock3 au of December 28, 1964 for the above arcounta are numbered 4:371 through 4403 and toi,al $8,955.20. Motion made by Truotoe O'Fallon that regular chocks for the Mun.+.cipal Liquor Store for the period endi tic December 28, 1964$ being; numbered 1100 through 1122 in the amount of $55,436+19 be approve:cl. Motion snconded by Tr iaLoo llumptu,cy aad passed by all Council members vo uing ayt. Trushrro O'Fallon introduced the rollowirto, resolution and moved its udoptiont 11 i n January 4, 1965 - Cor t l d. SOLUTION N0. 65-3 0 165' Resolution No. 65-3 Re. Investments. 1111HEM.9s it appears from the operations of the Plymouth Muni- cipal Liquor Store a substantial portion of the capital expenditures required. and necessary for the establishment of said •dtore have been made and most of a -aid items have been paid for, and 1rIMREAS, it further appears that there is approximately $58,000 in the Capital Expenditures Account, and WHEREAS, it mould appear that a substantial portion of such sura trill' not be `required in the mediate future for further capital expend+ - tures, NCW THKWORRs Le I:r MM 'LVED dY THE* VILLAGE COUNCIL CF THE VILLAGE OF MKOUTH AS FOLMIS: 1. The Village TreasT:rer shall forthwith purchase $50,000 in 90 day U. S. Goverrua'ent obligations and that said purchase shall be made from the Capital Expenditures Account of the Plymouth Municipal Liquor Store. 2. Said U.S. Government obligations shai:l be deposited for safe- keeping in the Golden Valley State Bank, Golden Valley, Kinne- sota, the official cgpnsitory o: the funds of the Village of Plymouth. 3. That said U. S. Government obligations shall be considered as boing part of the Capital Expenditures Account of said Plymouth Municipal Liquor Store. Motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by 'rrustee Humphrey and upqn vote being taken thereon the fvllgvring voted in favor thereof: Mayor Staples, Trustees Curtis, O'Fallon, Hu{iphrey and Seviour. Against; None. Whereupon salLd resolution was declared duly passad and adopted. Dated January !„ 1965. 10 4AAttestt ' yJ Villade Ulerk Trustee Humphrey introduced the following resolution and moved its adoptions ' Resolution No. 65-4 RESOLUTION We 65-4 AVthoriwing Signatureb on Checks. WRPORA11Z AU% 1;0tt aATIOW K&60 P1QN EE I'1' 1M0LVLD, By the i.11a, q Council of the Villa ;c of Pltiumouth as follows: V C FaVNl.S 4ks. 3202 Thru 3279 Appv'd,, Fire Dept. Payroll Cks. 3250 Thru 3305 Appvld. Class "B" Sewer Install. Lice #354 Bcgin) Appv1d. i JAnuaz 4: 1965 Coat_ d.: That ::he 7ki i on this corporation drawn on Golden Valley State Bank and orders for transfer or withdrawal of the funds of this corporation on deposit in said bank in whatever forni shall. be signed ,by any three of the following officers: Loring M. Staples, Jr., Mayor, Aaron I. Curtis, Acting Mayors H. To Johnson, Village Clerk, and Dowan Be Rarr_tie, `freas+arer# and - countersigned by any one of the following: None. BE IT FP.rCM RESOLVED. That the said balk is hereby author- ized to honor' and pay a y chEcks so drawn as above set toe' tI - whether or not, such checks be pay ble to one of the foregoing perz.ons either in his individual or official capacity, or deposited t'o his individual credit, motion for adoption of the forego=g resolution was oul.y sc.:onded by Trustee Curtis and upon vote being taken thereon the follouring voted in favor thereof Mayor Staples. Trustees Curtis, O'Fallon, Humphrey and Seviour. Against: None. Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Bated January'4, 1965. ,_ _ Attest: Tillage Clerk • I. `• Motion made by Trustee Humphrey that .;a yrull Lliecks .t4r December 31, 1964 numbered 32;02 through 3279 totaling $9,347.22 be approved. Motion seconded by Trustee Curtis and pNosed by all, Council members voting aye. Afotion made by Trustee Humphrey that Payroi1'Checks dated December 31, 1964 for the Fire Department, nuw axled 400 thrquf h 1305 totaling $594.00 be approved. IIotirni •wcond, ;r '-T- Trustee Cur'.is and passed by all 1 ounc ? "i .1-ab-rr voLing ayu: i Motion made by Mayur Staples that s'' acistA].n idn license, Class '18" , #354, to Jerome D. Begin L.o t :: ,.:t V,j Compawo be approved. Notion s ecorded by Trustee Curti.? nd pe sa(.al by -3,11 Cowicil mcmibevs voting akye. On motion the meeting ad,,iournod at 10. clu ,% A. r 1 1 Y 1 i. T. Johnson, Vi Uar,e Clerk-;, 9 s 1 Attest: Tillage Clerk • I. `• Motion made by Trustee Humphrey that .;a yrull Lliecks .t4r December 31, 1964 numbered 32;02 through 3279 totaling $9,347.22 be approved. Motion seconded by Trustee Curtis and pNosed by all, Council members voting aye. Afotion made by Trustee Humphrey that Payroi1'Checks dated December 31, 1964 for the Fire Department, nuw axled 400 thrquf h 1305 totaling $594.00 be approved. IIotirni •wcond, ;r '-T- Trustee Cur'.is and passed by all 1 ounc ? "i .1-ab-rr voLing ayu: i Motion made by Mayur Staples that s'' acistA].n idn license, Class '18" , #354, to Jerome D. Begin L.o t :: ,.:t V,j Compawo be approved. Notion s ecorded by Trustee Curti.? nd pe sa(.al by -3,11 Cowicil mcmibevs voting akye. On motion the meeting ad,,iournod at 10. clu ,% A. r 1 1 Y 1 i. T. Johnson, Vi Uar,e Clerk-;, 9 s