HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 03-20-1962Pursuant to due call WA ADUce thea", a AssulAr KP*Aag or the Village Coamil *f UA RUASO or Pljmouth-, Ni to nd� duly hold at the Village Hall an the 2Dth "y or March, I at 7:30 o'clock P.M. pillsoutt Kiwor It"foo Trusts" ZKV*o xMU am ONVU44 the Villace Clerks Attormv mW mear. Abowto T"Wt".TOMMO COTA " at the minutes or the R"Ulw **use of NU4* f3w. AX *ailed to ea& Councilum were approved. VAtion made by Trust" Curtis that the bid Of HPAU4bbbs Pauthase of Flord, 26to Hennepin Avenuos,U Ford PrimerInterk. ss for a 19 1962 Ford ftpter Ranch 11agon at a price or 3,8.32 lm* 411wnwo for 1%0 ,:.Police Car PIY&Outb Of $650-W, Or & not cost of 42*508,329 be aeo"tod. 'Approved. Delivery to be within 30 to 45 dWs trcim RoAfiogtion orWnqpU=w of t M all C*WwU b to Motion seconded by Trustee Yrgve and passed kW a b ag ". Notion vade by.Trustee Curtis that the fort Ua used, in mai Ang For aulae for special asseammuts for street improve is be discontinued; tb&t speaal future special assessments oamanaLng with the iqU street Jxprqv�tg Assessment of be assessed at 75% of the total "gosammt cUvidod sog&lly against each trent lot or Wilding site benefited 1W the lmprov�tj tae balance or 25% Vement. of the total cost be assessed W a front foot bads for wh pfisoe at rty affected by the improvement. NotAca *ecoiddd bF Tmtae Kreats and passed by all Council mwWwa present voting we. A discussion was hold on the request of Gordon JOINMA fbp approval of a golf cours* an the tract or land South of Nmr1am Lake. The Village Ev4neor me instructed to be prepared to give Access Road to report as to necessary road improvements for an access rmdte Lbs f Course or golf course property at a time reason Mr. Joh"ce appears to discuss Cordon Johnson. the matter. The read is the only objection to tia golf coave &04 as the adjointag property owners to the road involved are not lutoor.. ested in any improverlent at the Present time, It will require an agreement between Mr. Johnson and the Village as to what road lgk. Provements are necessary for an access to the golf course and the cost involved in aaldng the improvement. Farrell F. Johnson of the Ernest X. Genley CappW Permit appeared to apply for a building permit for Himmoth ladustrUe Us. Nambath A discussion was hold on the parking or cars in tin area,, reetinp Todustries, Inc. for the building, and sewerage disposal. The mage USLBOW fixt. that the area provided for emplinne and public parte me aaC sufficient. After this matter was ownlftredj Mr. Jolson felt that a satisfactory agroment could be made to provide the necessary area to cQNP17 with the Village Council',* requirements. Notion mWe bW Trustee Curtis ttat approval be given for a buiLlizig ~t to Ernest M. Ganley Cam mw for the catistruction or a molding for Nomoth Industries, Inc. upon Lot 2, Block 3, Kimupolisustr Ind JAI Park; issuance of the permit subject to approval of satist9nstoIT parking facilities and the sewerage disposal system; also that tbo "Ww out-lot from the building are to be shwa an the plms submitted. Notion seconded by Trustee Curtis and passed by all Cowmil ambers present orating We. Ho C. AndersaL and Mary Bareness of the Anderson - Bareness Agency presented ora Insur mee Mid covering- in3uraw* re- quirements for the Village. After d:iscuasion, it was reccmendtd that the matt -or he turned aver to the lime Gmmittee for, oonaldrrr„ ation by then and that thee¢.r reeomm odations be presented 140 the Council at its next meeting on April 3rd, or at a 3pee:ia1 iieoting prior thereto. Motion made by Trustee Yngve that two Sign: pernits, appU,- cations of Lawrence, Inc., for signs to as erected at Chirlir's Tavern, 1920 W. Medicine: Lake Road, be approved. Nation seconded by Trustee Kreatz and passed by all douncil members prersout voting a,yv. Trustee Curtis introduced the fo lowirk; Resolution and moved its adoption: M_qZiMON 6,--12 PRELININARY D GN PLAMZ FOR INTI -M -TATE HLI &IAT 4%. Motion to adopt the Resolution seconded bd 71uatee Tagve and upon vote being taken, the following Y ^ted in favc . the roof: Mayor Keefe, Trustees Ypgve, Kreata and C++rtis. Absent: Truvtoo Teberg. Whereupon said Resolution was duly passed aan, adeptw. Dated March 20, 1962. d lop i, Attest • f - erk Motion made by Trustee Yngve that Regular Chetbm nuwatred 1916 through 1927 be approved. Motion seconded by Trustee Curtis and passed by all Council members present voting aye. A discussion uas held an a Parking Ordinance for U.,s Village after which it was recommended that this be referred to Casmit,tee for consideration. On motion the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 o'clock P.M. H. T. J6'mson, Village 1%rk . ftu age frame. Sign its CbQrlle's Tai Approved. hesolution 62-12' ?Ml iaine:ry De - SLIP Fle"O I.S. Hi*MW V Qm'ks 1916 Thm 1927 Approv"•