HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 1962-052RESOLOTIM WA19ID# RBWBMWXM Of MBDIVISIM 02DINANC9 Be It Resolved tq the Village Comsil of Plymouths That the roquirsomts of the Ordinanee of the V11b is of Plymouth passed on July 16, 1959, and filed August ?, 1959, is Book ODS of KiseoRsaords, rage 55, Register of Doode, Haanepla Connty, Ximessta, relating to sonvoym►nes of paresis of lana loss than tam and eco -halt (2j) "roe in area, are hereby ~awed as to the following described lades Lot Trrro (3) Block Two (2), Wilshire Qardans, according to the sap or plat thereof on filo or of roared in the Of ties of the Register of Doods, Hannapin Canty, Miaaeeeta, 00MCIL OF THR r IU AGS OF PLMtUJTH B r Attoato Village I, H. T. Johamn, being the duly appolated Us* of tko YLIUSe of Plyaauth, hereby owUfyr that the abwe Resolutiea is a true and sorrsot s►lpy of a Resolution dully adopted by the Vi7lago Council of Plymouth oo the 13th dot of dorsaber, 196L C ark, VilUgo of Plyno ;L U!. r . APF