HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 1962-029Pens approTed PwdaeT bursas No. 68-9909.1 1811FING AND 06at FINANCE AGr%r? roA GOrgnives T uyg Fa OJf CT NUWei1 COMNVPITT FACILITIES 4DmINISTPAT10m POMPIAm or 411v ! F911 PUBLIC 1101145 PLANNING OUNTT I 1EQOF9T FOR REVIEW OVAL OF PLANNING DOCUMENTS Thare are submitted herewith for levies and approval by the Housing and Hose — cltr Andsce Agency. pursuant to the Agreement between thatAgency and the public agency 'Identified below, theplanning documents prepared In accordance with that Agreement, capteting of (aa+rs •VPlrr.11• a.a): TTPE Or PROJECT WJ PkIt1a1111T PLAaalla AFFe1T C l coo STautTles -till Lao 1vtcff1CAT1/Pt t. Legal corporate ease and address Of Applicant W M %i NAM On F OLWNWWW1SI 1'/ • ■LrMtr 1. Nap, title, and Address of representative or the applicant currently authorlked to act for the applicant in ill utters pertainlsg to the Federal Planning Advance. 1n" NOM RL~ OM as `efts OWWe TLUW W 917we"he „• 1. Brief descriptionof publicwork project contemplated by the `nn ag d te D [te hey taw @n a"wm@I 1"W ftPWSNow" 1• CM OF " PREPAl1AT1OE WORK BY woaK aT LOCAL c0hTRACT AVFLUiIk7'S COSTS F ORCES = iiewo I $• g "to" Total. all planning coats to date . . . . . . (tet Costs sot chargeable to Federal advance —__—_____ g ",an g 4�. g "'M Costs chargeable to Federal advance NF~` Faymest under the= Agreement U requested In count of (1) Far any costa shows which were incurred ander contract, purchase order, etc., attach a copy of each in- voice or bill, and of each contract. purchase order, etc., of asenderent thereto not previously submitted to INF&. (_) Do tae plana bear the seal of a registered arch ltecE,'englneer authorized to perform work in the State in obits the project is to be constructed" IC yes l No _j (�1 if my chargeable costs are shown for work by Applicar.:'s hen forces, attach a certified statement shoeing an Itemized breakdown of such costs, shooing number of persons employed, time engaged. and rates of pay. S. PREPARATION OF FINAI. "STAUtIRIN PLANS fshn d.r.. .,d -- (1f Plrw. t.a 1•,.+..f. ►.1+■ ..! j: d .wr1.d, (.:! ..w,,, .,t „ FI•w. and ,F.r 1f Ie t ow eAi. R.ed as !r Preparation of detailed final plans began an __. _._._ For) will begin on or about , Planning Contract for final plans ■as signed 0-1- _ (or) mill be signed on or about , Final plans olll be completed about ___ _.__ _ (date) tar) __ weeks after contract Is signed. Final plans 9111 cost E _�_ __ _for) are estisated to cost about I (IPPlrrwaA was -1tr.► ttrre..we rrar,dtwa /.w.l r'a+,. ,r ,. ,,,, . i.tlt,a .n 1hi 61•,4.) B. Describe any Federal. State or local approval rryulrrd before cor.structtun can begin, and show present status thereat. (A tfrf...wt .rT to 1 .or, -P-1. :. w.-d.d.) ftW COL-iM UMS 061101tted IhAkir into of Ukptom"r 1, 1M (Attar& r.11vr o/ .+F r.e..r.1 Jr•.. • Nor.. .r:• -'.Il Page I Of 4 t, tMMATW Ct16I OF PlaKta;cn MLIC SOFM — — — — 181 Architectural%EnR tnrrring Setelrea Prepwratloft or Preltrinary Plans _ 87,000,00 Preparselon of Floal Plans supervlsinn of ',,nrtruc+}on ���•� Sub -Total 1 sO.WAR.00 Sot Ings _ Surveys. Total ASE Ire f e• (b) Land and elgntt nr nay t 00 (c) construction _��.��`"'• (d) rqulpeent iae10i" in CO trwtlew (e1 All Qlher. 1N.�00.00 (Ot*Mt 2IM"=s IeW and adals. and In"ro rt) Total. gs -100,100 dur1a= d lllOe�Oa� (g) Yaalaum cost 11011 set by Arr!ltanT In lira W) of Para CFA -401, Applleatlona AJWWa.00 fl( 1(!) •r e•raer• rAn+ lftl, -. ..A �r.�,:,± n.r.cw } 0. Shoe approalsate month and year when applicant plays to undertake construction _ _ _.. e . (Ff e.1. d.ffrr& 1100 9AAvt w . It— Val -1 feu• fors CAA -API. atracA rwefanwt.ow.} IlsOtlOn any factor on which conatructlon depends other than those In Items S, 0, and I1: Mrs 91ALM we SMlid"ISMa tis iwof indm4sila &WNW a" the of OGwAP we& 2W seveml ssstiiatlai wel"Mats have ami an 68MOMMOMWk of Sssstmalm Mosso w W ilsisalLa. �. (a) Site for proposed publlt work has been L 1 ACpUlatil l ' tILEr Tte ( r.Atit leant■ option JK] Not OtV.NIT1LV at LECTED (b) Cbndeenatlon proceedings started 10. Go IDEP .AT® MMM of FINANCING MIMED PUBLIC et)ldcc A. Anticipated Cash* . . . . . . . . . . . 1. (1) General obligation bonds antl:orlzed 4utt _VW W.00 . 00 (i) Gmmetu obligation Domla to be autr:crized - . C. (1) 0let�BOO 100149 authorised . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _�— (i) Devesue bonds, to be authorized. . . . . D. (1) Assessment or Improvement bonds authorized. - 3(ft SmmeSMOt of Improvement bonds to be allthertted. I&MO 100 'i. OLkr Sources (.pecifr ..,h): Total - Lines (A) through (F.) . . . . . . . . g i sOli a 100.00 e Attack statement of sources of anticiFaled cash (building fund, etc.) (A((ewVeplaaati.a i/ sOlhod .f 1 —c iae sa.a. •6s,.. "Ifers (raw 96•9 &w 1108 a of peer ypliv.ti.e, fare CPA -601.) 11. Attack it statement describing actions required to accomplish financing shown above and scheduled date for each aetfem (&acted. .fret, sppretel.. 6..d rl=rt.. Oct... it 1.c61 C..rru.. r, sIt.) I eerl&/Y that the Information supplied or. the above form end In the attached eahlblts and statements Is true. CIC"Ct, and complete to the best of my knowie.sge and belief. that the amount of the advance requested does not In- t1111e faiefs (A) to refebutse the sppllcant for any disbursement made or to defray any costs Incurred prior to the hie Of the application; (B1 to defray the cost of any pian preparation performed prior to the date of the Federal Otfer; Or (C) to defray the cost of any contract entered Into by the applicant prior to approval of the application, if Is suck contract agreed to finance plan preparation from other than Federal funds. StakedNow (S Law at.rr-.( apot.r r'. A.e6.r uri (Tt tlr-- /Dat r) n.r... — r.wr} Page 2 Of 4 (SUGGESTED roar OF) RESOLUTION dp►►•.ies the Completed Pl-awlmg boe..rw L Prq.red .11th an Ad..srr From the Uwited Storer of Americo V.der the ter-• of Pwblir L.. J/e, Jr Cwwpr//er b 114.9'd Storer, .r .•ewdsd. L Whereas, n13� 4 nizg accepted An offer (Legal rsr►or.te w..e of .►►tarso!) ;from the United States Government for an advance for preparation of planning documents pertaining to a public work described as ret-- o-1rtle-lit-raibdt.._ btzd A) so !r "101001aJ� ---- — : ked •here&$.► ---- — was engaged to prepare the planslag documents for the aforesaid public Work. and said architect 611d/of engineer has completed doeements and submitted them for approval; and Whereas, the completed planning documents have been carefully studied and are eossidered to comprise ode mate laaning of the &$blit Werk essential to the community and within the financial ability of the t �!•�d�r --- to construct; (Lead corporate some of •ppI%VIM Noe, Therefore, be t: resolved by L-69 me be gave all Bodyof sale applicant, that the planning documents submitted by a_ �W as the basis for [_� detailed plansla[ [ ] construction 'foono of orthie.te/rtg:wetr) (Jkrk ►Fids•`` • /• -of tb "W (Pallie Work) dated and the a itewests 1n Form CFA -e30. Request for Review and A roval of plan uz 0181 DCCVMeats, 18 connection with Housing and Home Finance Agency Project No be and the some are hereby approved; and that certified copies of this resolutloa be tiled with the Hess/mg mod home Finance Agency. (SUGGESTED FORM OF) CERTIFICATE OF RECORDING OFFICRR 1. the •wdrr.igmed, the duly quellfled and acting TA1;11111111 (Title of rffleer) of the 1L��i (t.g.l csrp.r.te s ue of .pplie•.t) (herel■ called the ■m llesntwl tad the keeper of the records of the a��pplleant, la�mrmal Of Froeeedimgs or the _ d■■d1 t! 3r f113i! �Lr- aceta called the (Co►ermi.g body .f the .pplice.t) agovermlmg body•), do hereby certify: 1. That the attached resolution is a true and correct gopy of the resolution flaallp adopted at a meeting of the govwfaing body on the —_ day of it 1p_, and duly recorded Is of office; !. That sold meeting ns duly convened and held in all respects In accordance with law and to the tateat required by law doe orad proper notice of such meeting was given; that a legal quorum was present ISCO"00011 1140 Ovotlag, and a legally sufficient number of members of the governing body voted IN the pf"W9 etraoe mN for the adoption of said resolution; that all other requirements mad proceedings under tM lam katlGNl to the proper adoption or passage of said resolution, including publlcatlom, It re- NtN, save been duly fulfilled. carried out, and otherwise observed; and that I as awtkoristd to eteCwte Is" certificate, 9061111 MRRROr. I have hereunto set my hand this 4-1— day of ?tt-L�ln (lt .ppltr•a b• on •j/ie i.! sraf, tgrepo here.) tM.t•r• • s•r) Instructions For Preparation of Request For Review and Approval of Planning Ncuwents and Request For Payment Upon completion of the planning work described in the agreement, the plans and ofl/ar documents are to be submitted to the HHIPA Regional Office on or before the data Mwitied for such submission in the agreement between the applicant and the !Federal oovormmeat With the planning documents, there shall be submitted an original and tee medias of this /bum as formal notification of completion of planning work under the agreement and as the formal request for prrment of the amount due under the agreesamt. Please note that Item 411; of this Form requires attachment of a copy of the in- voice or other statement from the architect/engineer who prepared the plans, or of a statement of costs incurred by the applicant's own forces or both. Where work necessary to the planning, such as surveys or borings, was performed by others than the architect/engineer, and such work and costs were not included 10 the architeetiengineer contract, copies of the invoices and of the contracts or par - chase orders for such work also must be attached to support the Inclusion of those Items In the planning cost. When prepared and certified, Form CFA -430 serses as evidence of plan oosplation. and of plan approval by the applicant's governing body; in addition, it furnishes In- formation regarding the applicant's anticipated subsequent actions with rampant to sach matters as preparing detailed plans, arranging financing, and starting amstru0- tion. The dates shown for such actions in items S, g and 11 should be as firm as pos- sible; if the questions on the form do not permit an adequate reflection of the 0011 - cant's schedule of continued project action, a separate statement should be attached. Payment of the advance depends in part on prior formal approval of the planning documents by the governing body of the applicant. A suggested form Of resolution of approval is shown on page 3, together with a suggested form of certificate of the re- cording officer. if these forms are usable by the applicant, the words "Suggested Form Of" may be stricken at the top of each form which should then be filled out com- pletely by the authorized official of the applicant. Upon receipt of this fora and the other documents listed above, the HHFA Re- gional Office will review the planning documents. When the documents are approved. pgmetut of the advance will be made without further action by the applicant. page 4 of Amended Request for Review and Approval of Planning Documents IJid"dit'onalTnfo`rma on Item 5. The original Form CFA-430 submitted by the Village of Plymouth represented in the letter of transmittal that actual construction might be expected to occur from two to five years hence. Since that submission, however, pressure has been rising fnr an earlier comrencement of construction. Before ficai. ,i .rze- specs:ications can be pre red, how�Yer, Fib..., ,mrwn gs must be held before the V�.1):;$Lge Cou.f Il on the propowid projf-ct. Following such hoxi Ings +he Council would %.,I r the work done and roul d further oru he preparation final plans and ap, ficatx' ns. It is hoped that su-u, public hearings can be held in the autumn of 1962.