HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 1962-001VILLAGE OF PLYMOUTH RESOLUTION APPOINTING VILLAGN REPRESENTATIVE TO COMWNICATR NITS THE HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE AGENCY Trustee Yngve introduced the follow- ing Resolution and moved Its adoption: VMR8A8, the Village of Plymouth, is applying to the Housing and Home Finance Agency of the United States Government for a Preliminary loan to cover the costs of surveying and plan- ning for a. municipal water and sewage system, and TMOMAS,, the said Housing and Home Finance Agency re- quires that a representative of the Village of Plym mth be desig- nated by the: Counci l as as agent with whom the said agency may carry on correspondence and comeuniaation, and SAS, the Council believes that the project is in-• poortant to the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the Village of Plymouth and desires that the Council be advised of all correspondence and communications, NOW, TREP.SFttt P 83 IT RZ$OLVRD By the Village Council of the Village of Plymouth, Hennepin County, Winnesota: "THAT TH8 VILLAtt COUNCIL OF THS VILLA= OF FLYNOM CQQM tit . Hump", STATE 4P Ylttt l9ElTA, Dt68'HERtiBY APPQI NATM THOM ; .I !R Aft TW OFFICIAIL'AXPMt- 8X ITATI or THR VILLAG)tTO COO MRPOND AtAi' Gt110CItICA"1'E MI'1'8 THt BOOING AND STAT28 GQVF1t1ttQ1'Pl' :111TH REGABD` TO A LININAlty LOAM T6 coVRB 19K Com OF 39EY►R7fI NG AND K AWING F(S A NU1I1- CIPAL #APER AIfD BHI AOE MYSTIN." Adopted by the Council this 2nd day of January 1962, KAjVr or J- 1 ' Attest r , yam: ' "lark STATE OF i IWIESMA) COUNTr Of NEIN) as VIMAOF PLLgl TH) I, the undersigned, being the 4u3Ly qualified and noting cleric of the Vi1Up of FIV wuth, Munosota, hereby ou tifj that I have sarefu]1y compared the attached and foretoing axtraot of the sinates of a regular mating of the ViU&V Common of said VLIL4e hold an JaonarF 2, 19620, with the original thereof cs file in mW office end the sass is a full, trw and complete transcript tieratram. WITNM# my bard officially as fw& slarh and the ofrparate foal of the Village this -..&L "Y of Januars . 1912. TLUW Cleft Mugs of TIMM eii, itlenofete :i:SUUTIOU 62-1 Adopted: January 2, 1962 VILLAGE OF PLTMKM RESOLUTION APPODMING VILLAGE REPRESENTATIVE TO COMMUNICATE WITH THE HOLMING1 AND HOMIL FINANCE AMNCY Trustee a introduced the follow - Lag Resolution and Mored its adoption: 1101EEA6, the Tillage of Plymouth In applying to the Housing and Hose Finance Agency of the U"ted States Gov er>m ent for a preliminary loan to cover the costs of surveying and plan- ning for a municipal water and sewage system, and WHEREAS, the said Housing and Maine Finance Agency re- quires that a representative of the Village of Plymouth be desig- mated by the Cmwll as as agent with whom the said agiracy may carry an correspondence and commm4catUm, and wURNAB, the Cw 11 believes that the project is Im- portant to the bealth, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the Village of Plymouth and desires that the Council be advised of all correspondence and co nicatisms, NOW, T=REFM, S IT RESOLVED By the Village Council of the Village of Plymouth, Hennepin Consty, Minnesota: "TEAT TSE VILLAM COUNCIL OP ?IHS VILLA= OF Pl.TII M, COUNWT OF MMMPIN, STATE OF MIMMOTA, DOW MMMT A"OXNT MATOR THOOAS A. It! AS M WTICIAL UP - AND COIol MCATB ■M '"M ROWING AND HOSN FINAM AGENCY of TS W""D SIAM 6OVERNMYr WrM RZ"LU TO A �►ELxrxNART LOW To COVER TUR cam Of RYJRVSTIli AND PLANNING FOR A NM- CUAL RAM AND SSZAGX STSM." Adopted by the Council this 2od day of January , 1M. Attoeti clerk MU OF A) Caum or Ib) VILLAGI Or PUN") m to Va q Ww"psd# b"ft the *Aj► gmUAed saki &stiag dark of the =^p of PIpww*o VAsonsta, bsrsu ssrtW that I have sarsf&W se■pand %be attad d mad for m4ft s:traot of tbs stmt" of a rspur assuft of the Tivap Owasil of said VIU^p bold m Jori rf 38 1920 vita tbs orlgtasi tbsrsof sa fits in q eMem mot Mo seas L a flail, tm svd sspLts trs *=Ut thershve. W13"30 y bsaffi offYeiallgl M snob slsrk AW the earporato Nal of tbs Tu"m tats .moi.. dy of AM= .1962a viusp Y1I.la6s o! P]�oe�tbi M�onwota (am) Adopted January .2, 1)oZ VILLAGE OF PLYMOUTH aSSt LUTION APPVIETIM TILLAGE REPMX14TATIVIC TO COMVNICATE WITH THE HOW DE AND HOHI 1 DUNCE AGUCY F.vugtee Yngve introduced the follow- ing Resolution and moved its adopticnt 1SMRSAS, the Tillage ci Plymuth is applying to the Housing and Rome Finance Agony of the United States Government for a preliainaary loan to cover the costs of Zurrey1A9 and plan- ning for a municipal water and sewage rystaaa, and W=RFAS, the said ming and 80" liaaace Agency re•- quirse that a representative of the T111age•et Plymouth be desIg- nated by the Cecil as as agent with wbam the said agency may carry an correspondence and ce nwadcatiou, and WSLUAS, the Council believes that the peosect is inp- portant to the bmalth, safety and welfare of the iahabitnate of the village of Plymouth and desires that the Council be advised of all correspondence and camma icatiorns, NOW, THRUFOBS, BE IT RMMVSD By the "tillage emmil of the village of Plynoutb, Manepin Covaty, thine ota7 "MAT THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF TER VILLAGE OF PLYMOUTH, COUNTY OF IMSO lPIX, STATS OF KMBSOTA, DMS HELY APPQIII'I' 1S IM TIMU J. IN1►F2 AS INS OFFICIAL 1L2NWBr- UENTATIVS CW TU VILLAGE TO Cti@RE POND AND CGMAMCA'8 I TO 110 08 i AND ROMB FIXM= AMACT aF TIM IIl1IM'A STAi?i GOTM=yr I'm as"RD TO A MBLINIMMY LOAN TO COVER To COSTS OF SURYSTIn AND PLARNM FM A MUNI- CIPAL WATT AND =WAGE ST&M." Adopted by the Council this 2nd day of January , 1962. r Attestl Clerk - 3zdTS OF j) COAM or I Ix) U VILLAGM of ?Law=) I, alar baht Ow ddy qu&UI sd earl 4etft olrt h of the VILLgr of tljaat*v # bu@4 eu%W "at I have w"t%W Smeared QW atUWM" aad f=*Pl g netrast of taw N Natve of a M*Wlsr aeetiet or the VALUP G�U of said VLLI&V MU so daoaarf z, 1962s with Um wUlml thereof oe fore in q offies &W ihs Ossa L a ibli, tM sad empLts tmnsorAo thorofrar. iamm, ip head ettietaw 4s swh ebwk vert the sanwrats seal of the VUUP 0" _ &L dq of . hU .�..,- 1962. TiLUAgo of i' tti, HianesoU (3001)