HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 1961-020RESOLUTION 61-20 RISOLUTION WAIVING REQUIREMM OF SUBDIVISIOP ORDINANCE � HE IT RESOLVED by the Pillage Council of Plymouths That the requirements of thQ Ordinance of the Village of Plymouth passed on July 16, 1959, and filed August 7, 1059, in Hook 836 of Kis- seilaneous Records, page 55, Register of Deeds, Hennepin County, Minnesota relating to conveyance of parcels of land less Ulan two and me -halt 12j) acres in area, are hereby warned as to the following desoribe . lands Lots three W, four (4), five (5) and six (6), Bleak 2, Shorewood Acres Addition. Adoptid this 2nd day of May, 1961, VIUAOE COMCIL OF THE VILLACS O BY PLYMfX�TH r' i? Mayor ATTEST: f.l , Village C1srk I, H. T. Johnson, being the duly appointed Clerk of the Village of Plymouth, hereby certify that the above Resolution is a true and correct copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the Village Council of Plymouth an the 2nd day of May, 1961. C],vrk,Village" of Plymouth RMOLUTION 61-M RESOLUTION WAIVM REQUIREMENtS OF SUBDIVISION ORDNANCE BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of Plymouths That the requirements of the Ordinance of the Village of Plymouth passed on July 161, 1959, and filed August 7, 1959, in book 838 of Mis- cellanecus Records, page iS, RW -star of Deeds, Hennepin County, Minn- esota, relating to conveyance of parcels of land less than two and one -Ml! (21) acres in area, are hereby waived as to the following described lards : Lots three (3), fes' (4)9 five (50, and six (6), Block 20 Shorrmood Acres Addition. Adopted this 2nd d:y of My, 1961. ATTEM villa -go Clerk VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF PLYMOUTH BY 66 Mayor CERTIFICATION I, Paul E. Boot, being the &ay appointed Clerk of the Village of Plymouth, hereby certify that the Zove Resolution is a true and correct copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the Village Connoil of Plymouth on the 2nd day of May, 1961. a (' Clerk, Village of Plymouth y z i S4 vt Y FC . WOLU 'T: N 61-20 WOW11ON WAIVING HB1 QU,IRhKk T31.OF SUBDIVISI€1N 01MMANCF ]g GE OF PPT` UTkT b.IT RESOLVa bLy the Village Council of Plymouths That the requirements of the Ordinance of the Willa,T;e of Plymouth passed on July 16 1959, and riled August 7, 195.9, in 60ok 838 of Mis- cellaneous Records, page 55, Register of Deeds, Hennepin County, Minn- esota, relating to conveyance of parcels of land less than two and One-half (21) acres in area, are hereby waived as to the following, de�eribed'lands� :fats three (3), four (4), five (5), and six (6), Black. 2, Sher od -Acres Addition. A"pt d t6ia 2nd day of. Hay; '1.961, YIT i.AG 0� ' a BY Mayor - ATTEST- TT Tz ge ``ltrk 9e CERTIFIcATION I, Paul E, Moog, being the duly appoitnted Clerk of the Village of Plymouth, hereby certify that the above 'Resolution it a true and correct copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the 'Village Council. of Flymouth on the 2nd day of K-_y, 1961. (2-4f Clerk,- Village of Flynt I RIBOUMCR 61L -M RUMTION WAIVING Rawnuumm or SMITIUM (I MANCE M IT UWLYSO b7 the VUIM* Cam of Plynoutlu That the requirmunts of the Ordlawas of the ""illage of P3mth passed on Jv4 Up 1959p and filed August ?p 19"s In Book 838 of Mis- sellaneous Retards,, p"p 55,j Register of Deadso Hmaspom Comtyv Ximevota, rolaUng to eamwaMee of parcels of I=d loss Umn two and air -bait 12j) sorts in area, are hw*W wa:Lvvd as to the following domoribad Um*s Lot* the.. (3)9 few Wo five (5) and Ox (6)o Bl©* 2* $ha- smod AWm A*Utim, Ad*PU* this 20d dww of Mayp 1983S TIUAM COWGIL CF M VIUAM Kiwor ATTM: I# R. T. Jaimemp being the dupe Appointed C3A%rk Of the MAP of Pkv=rAth,, herdW certify that the abM Rosolutim Is a true and correct cow of a Resolution duU adopLed by the Village Coman of Plymmuth ca the 2nd day of *W# 1961. lwto viluge or Plymm 7 y 1 us=ION "..w REMU ON WAlrlra RaQUIRH On 0w SUBiIMI0K Ommmm 'a IT MOLVJM W the Village COM811 or Plyouth t ?bat the regoirments of the thdiaanoe of the Village of PI;Umth Wood on JW7 16, 19590 and filed A%guet ?. 19590 in 800it Kia of Nis- eellameous R440zdss Pate 5S, Register of Deede, Hennepin CouotyO Rip%. eav"O rslatin< to cOnvgFmms of parcels of land less dwa tw-., and half (2j) acres in area, are hereb7 valved as to the lollm dog dasardd laodea LOU thhm (3), four (4)1, fire (50s and eiz (6), Mack 2s o NOW Acres AddltIm, Adopted this 2 A- day of YASYs 1961. ATTM?: Village Glark vnjmz couvcIL OP Tu YILLAcm OF PLMOUMI By_�.��_....-.. CZRTIFICATION Is Paul R. Hsa-„ being the dol, appointed Clerk of the village Of Perth, here,W ae UAY that the above Resolution is a trte am correct copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the Village Owmall of Pl awth on the 2nd day of MV, 1961. Clerk, village of Ply