HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Ordinance 1965-07VILLAGE v�rr �'4P f OF PLYMOUTH Y _ . ORDINANCE NO. 65-7 - An Ordinance Regubding the In- sons employed or engaged by the Section 5, Construe ton I!e stalletion. Construction. Altera- council and assigned responsibil- quirements. lion. Extension. Repair and sty for administration of this or- 5.01 All individual sewage dis- Maintenance of individual Sew- dinance. posal systems installed subse- age Disposal Systema Angola Section 2, Liesartng. quant to the adoption of this or- ing Permits for, and L.ieensift 2.01 No person, firm or cor- dinance and all alterations, eaten - of Persons Engaged to fin Con• poration shall engage in the busi- sions and repairs to individual struclima Thereat; Providing for ness of installing and construct• sewage disposal systems irrespec- Inspection, and Prescribing Ing sewage disposal systems with- . tive of the date of original in21 Penalties in the municipality without first stallation shall be regulated in The -Village Council of the Vil- obtaining a license to carry on accordance with all of the re-, )age of Plymouth Do hereby Or. such occupation from the council quirements of this section. Exist- dain As Follows. and procuring and posting with ing systems which do not meet Section 1. Definitions. The fol- the clerk a bond in the amount of the requirements of this ordinance lowing definitions shall apply in $1000.00 in fa vor of the munici- may be repaired or extended if the interpretation and enforce- pality and the public, conditioned the repair or extension is made meet of this ordinance:upon the faithful performance of in accordance with the construe - 1.01 Sewage: "Sewage" is any contracts and compliance with tion requirements of this code, water -carried domestic waste, en- this ordinance. Such license 'shall 5.02 .eneraL elusive of footing and roof drain- be renewable annuaL•y on or be- A. Location and installation of age, of any residence, industry or fore May lst each yc:,r and may the individual sewage disposal ' commercial establishment, wheth- be revoked or refused by the system and each part thereof er treated or untreated, and in- council for cause. A.,y installa- shall be such that, with reason - eludes the liquid wastes produced tion, construction, alteration, or able maintenance, it will function by bathing, laundry and culinary repair of a sewage disposal sys- in a sanitary manner and will not operations, and from toilets end tem by a licensee in violation of create a nuisance nor endanger floor drains. Raw sewage is sew- the provisions of Section b of this Me safety of any domestic water Y°+' age which has not been subjected ordinance or refusal on the part supply. In determining a to any treatment process. of a licensee to correct such de- able location for the system, Con-, 1.02 Individual Sewage Dis- festive work performed by such sideration shall be given to the w posaI System: An 'individual licensee shall be cause for revoca- size and shape of the lot, slope of sewage disposal system" is a sew- tion of or refusal to renew a natural and finished grade, soil Me diapGzal system other than license• permeability. depth of ground a public or community system 2.02 Before any license issued water, geology, proximity to ex - which receives sewage from an under the provisions of this sec- isting or Suture water supplies. individual establishment. Unless tion may be revoked or its re- accessibility for maintenance, and otherwise indicated the word newal refused, the licensee shall possible expansion of the system. "system" as it appears in this or- be given a hearing to show cause B. No part of the system sha111 dinance means "individual sew- why such license should not be be located so that it is nearer to " age disposal system." revoked or refused. Notice of the any water supply than outlined 1.03 Building Drain• The time, place and purpose of such hereinafter, or so that surface "building drain" is that part of hearing shall be in writing. The drainage from its location may the horizontal piping o1 a build- annual license fee shall be $25.00. reach any domestic water supply. ing drainage system which re- Application for such license shall C. Raw sewage, septic tank ceives the discharge from all be made annually on a form fur- affluent, or seepage from a all other axil, waste and drainage ni shed by the Council. absorption system shall not be pipes inside the walls of any Section 3. Permits. discharged to the ground surface, building and conveys the same to 3.01 No person, firm or torpor- abandoned wells, or bodies of the building sewer. ation shall install, alter or extend surface water or, into any rock 1.04 Building Sewer- The any individual sewage disposal formation the structure of which "building sewer" is that part of system in the municipality with- is not conducive to purifl)cation the horizontal portion of the out first obtaining a permit there- of water by filtration, or into any ' building drainage system extend- for from the coupe:l for the spec- well or other excavation in the ing from the building drain to its ific installation, alteration, or ex- ground which does not comply connection with the septic tank tension. At the time of applying with the requirements of Sec. 5.05 and carrying the sewage of but for said permit, the applicant 1 (1). This requirement shall not one building. shall pay a fee therefor of $7.50. apply to the disposal of sewage ' 1.05 Municipality: The t e r m Such permits shall be valid for a in accordance with a process ap- "municipality" means the Village period of six months from date of proved by the State Board of of Plymouth. issue. Health or the Water Pollution 1.08 Council: The word "coun- 3.02 Applications for permits Cona-ol Commission. ciI" means the council of the Vil- shall be made in writing upon D. The lot size shall be suffi- loge of Plymouth.printed blanks or fors furnished m cient to permit installs'=on of the 1.07 Clerk: The word "clerk" by the council and shall bs, signed by the applicant individual sewage disposal sys. tem in accordance with all the means e- clerk of the Village of Section 4, Administration. The requirements pertaining thereto. Flymn council shall assign responsibility E. Installations of individual 1,08 inspector: The word "in- for administration of this urdi- sewage disposal systems shall . .Spector" means the person or per. nonce to a qualified inspector, be made in low swampy areas or , ` areas which may be subject to tem until there is a uniform Pres- establishment other than a dwell- . i5d ging, sure of five pounds per square ing shall be sufficient to provide F. In areas with a high ground- :inch in the section thing tested. a sewape detention period of not water table or where limestone or The. system shall be considered les., than 24 hours in the tank but any geological formation similar- satisfactorily air tested if the in no instance shall it be less than ly faulty is covered by less than 1pressure therein remains constant 750 gallons. 50 feet of earth, the final disposal i'for fifteen minutes without the Table 1 unit shall be not less than 4 feet a(Aition of air. Minimum Capacities for villoma the-higheist­ known or cal- B. The portions of any buried Septic Tanks cttlfi '>hater labli or the surfacesewer more than 50 feet from a (Provides for Use of Automatic or`M*faulfy rock formation. well or buried suction line shall Washers, and Other Household a.' Bulldozers, trucks or other, be of adequate size and construct- Appliances) heft`s` machinery shall not bet ed of cast-iron, vitrified -clay, ntTnkMimum 4 ` driven over the system after_ in -i - cement -asbestos, concrete or oth- to Number d of Bedrooms Capacity Capacity 1 750 stallation. 1 —W—The system or systems shall er pipe material acceptable the State Board of Health. Clay pipe 2 or less............ 501 3 .......................... 900 , 500 be designed to receive all sewage and clay pipe fittings shall con, 4 .......................... 1,000 500 from the dwelling, building or form to A.S.T.M. specifications for For each additional bedroom other establishment served, in- standard s t r e n g t h or extra add 210 gallons for the 1st tank. eluding laundry waste and base- strength clay pipe and clay pipe D. The liquid depth of any ment floor drainage. Footing or fittings. No building drain or septic t:ink or compartment there - root drainage shall not enter any building sewer shall be less than of shall be not less than 30 inches. part of the system. Where the 4 inches in diameter. A liquid depth greater than 6i;2 construction of additional bed- C. The space between the bell feet shall not be considered in de - rooms, the installation of mechan- and spigot of vitrified -clay pipe tcrmining tank rapacity. ical equipment, or other factors shall be packed with oakum, F. No tank or compartment - likely to affect the operation of hemp or jute or otherwise pre- thereof shall have an inside hori- the system can be reasonably an paled so as to form a concentric zontal dimension less than 24 ticipated, the installation of a opening uniform in width around inches. system adequate for such antici- the pipe, which opening shall be F. Inlet and outlet connections gated need shall be required. filled with Portland Cement mor- of the tank and of each compart- I, The system shall consist of mr -or other acceptable sewer- ment thereof shall be submersed a building sewer, septic tanks and 'joint'compoiiiid. Poured joints are by means of vented tees or baffled a soil absorption unit. The soil reemnmended. Where c e m e n t so as to obtain effective retention absorption unit shall consist of a joints are used they shall be care- of scum and sludge. sub -surface disposal field or one fully pointed on the outside and G. The space in the tank be - or more seepage pits, or a com- left smooth on the inside by draw- tween the liquid surface and the bination of the two. All sewage ing through them a swab or top of the inlet and outlet baffles - shall be treated in the septic tank scraper. Construction of the line or submerged pipes shall be not and the septic tank effluent shall shall be such as to secure water- less than 20 percen! of the total be discharged to the disposal field tight and root -tight joints, free of required liquid capacity, except or seepage pits. Where unusual obstructions, and shall provide a that in horizontal cylindrical conditions assist other systems of grade of not less than %' per tanks this space shall be not less dis) osal may be employed, pro- fool. The 10 feet of sewer imine- than 15 percent of the total re- "- vided that they comply with all diatela preceding the septic tank quir(d liquid capacity. other provisions of this code. shall not dope more than lea inch H. The inlet baffle or sub- - 5. D3 Constsaetie+n. 5No ,_per foot. No 90' ells shall be per- merged pipe shall extend at least A. buried or concealed por- miffed, and v►ht:re the direction of the sewer is changed in excess 0 inches but not more than 20 it flan of the building sewer, or , accessible cleanouts shall percent of the total liquid depth, to the nearest inch, below the _ ' t building drain branch thereof serving any establisl2ment shall x--22% - pro��� liquid surface .end at least one < be located less thali`efeet from fi' 04 Septic Tanks. inch above the crcwn of the inlet " ................... "' " aaq'>yater=supply. wei �Iw bur - Each system shall include a sewer. fed or concealed portions of any minimum minimum of two septic tanks of I. The outlet baffle or sub - building sewer, building drain or ,capacities 3s required by Table 1, merged pipe and the baffles or branches thereof located less than -.,B. The location of the septic submerged pipes between com- 50 feet from any well shall be ank shall be such as to provide partments shall extend below the i< Astructed" of extra -heavy cast- not less than the stated distances liquid surface a distance equal to '!M soi pipe withL-ad-caulked, m the following: 40 percent, to the nearest inch, of _- air -Tested joints The joints of (1) Property lines, buried pipe the liquid depth except that the such sewer, drain or branch distributing water under pres- penetration of the indicated ,_. locates less than 4D feet from" a sure and occupied buildings baflles or submerged pipes for ' - well shall be further protected ... .••-....................................... 10 feet horizontal cylindrical tanks shall agafnst leakage by means of bell- (2) Any source of domestic be 35 percent, to the nearest inch, joint clamps or 6 -inch concrete water supply or buried water of the total liquid depth. They encasement or by other equally suction line........................50 feet , also shall extend above the liquid effective imeans. The air test Shull C. The liquid capacity of a surface to provide for scum stor- be,made by attaching an air'com- septic tank serving a dwelling .igu as required in Sec. 5.04 of presgor -or-test apparatus to z shall be based on the number of above. In no case shall they ex- "' ' suitable opening and closing all bedrooms contemplated in the tend less than 6 in,hes above the - other inlets and outlets to the dwelling served and shall con- liquid surface. " sewer and/or drain under test by form to capacities given in Table J. There shall be at least one means of proper testing plugs. I which follows. The liquid ca- inch between the underside of the Aix shall be forced into the sys- - pacity of a septic tank serving an top of the tank and the highest point of the inlet and outlet de- vices and partitions so as to pro- vide the required ventilation of the system through the main building stack. K. The inlet invert shall be not less than 3 inches above the out- let invert. I. Construction of the tank shall be such as to assure its be- ing watertight and to prevent the entrance of rainwater, surface drainage, or ground water. M. The tank shall be construct- ed of sound and durable material not subject to excessive corrasion or decay. Metal septic tanks shall comply with commercial standard 177-62 of the U. S. Department of Commerce and have the capacity required by Table 1. Precast or metal tanks are required where any portion of the tank will be below the water table. N. Adequate access to each compartment of the tank for in- �pecUon and sludge removal shall be provided by a manhole (not less than standard size) or remov- able cover and by a clean-out pipe of not las than 4 tach diam- eter extending through the cover to a point above the tank not more than 6 inches below finished groin level. The point at which the clean-out pipe passes through the cover shall be so located that a downward projection of the pipe clears the inlet and out- let device by not Ips than 2 inch- es. The top of the clean-out pipe shall be provided with a readily removable watertight cap and its location shall be marked by stake or other means at the ground surface. The inlet device shall be made accessible by either the re- movable cover or the manhole or by the addition of properly placed hand holes. 5.05 Subsodace Df spssal Ffelrls. A. LocaWM of the disposal held shall be in an unobstructed and preferably unshaded area, and the distances given below shall be the minimum horizontal separations between the disposal field snd the following - (1) Any water supply well, or buried water suction pipe ..... .....................................50 feet (2) Streams or other bodies of water....................................25 feet (3) Occupied buildings..15 feet (4) Large trees (see alternate Sec. 5.05 H (5) ..................10 feet (5) Property lines or buried pipe distributing water under pressure ............................ —.10 feet B. When coarse soil formations are encountered, the distances specified in items a (1) and (2) above shall be increased appro- priately. C. The area to be used for the disposal field shall be graded to within 4- of the finished grade. D. A distribution box with re- movable cover and of sufficient size to accommodate the neces- sary the field lateral lines shall be constructed at the head of each deposal held. (1) Each tile held lateral line shall be connected separately to the distribution box and shall not be subdivided. (2) The inverts of all outlets shall be at the same elevation and the inlet invert shall be at least one inch above the outlet inverts. (3) The outlet inverts shall be at least 4 inches above the distri- bution box floor for the purpose of securing equal distribution of the septic tank effluent to each tile lateral. (4) In the event that septic tank effluent is delivered to the distribution box by pump or siphon, a baffle wall shall be in- stalled in the distribution box. The baffle shall be secured to the bottom of the box and shall ex- tend vertically to a point at least level with the crown of the inlet pipe. The plane surface of the be le shall be perpendicular to the inlet how line. (5) Where the slope of the ground surface does not exceed 6 inches in any direction within the area utilized for the absorption field, the septic tank effluent may be applied to the absorption held through a system of inter-ccn- nected the lines and trenches in a continuous system. The bottom of the trenches and distribution lines shall be constructed on a relatively level grade, not to ex- ceed 6 inches difference in eleva- tion. (6) Where the slope of the ground surface exceeds 6 inches in any direction within the area utilized for the absorption held, serial distribution may be used. The bottom of the trenches and distribution lines shall be con- structed on a relatively level grade. The distribution tile sys- tem shall be arranged so that each trench shall be filled with septic tank effluent before effluent flows to succeeding trenches. The invert of the overflow pipe in the first relief line shall be at least 4 inches lower than the in- vert of the septic tank outlet. K The size of the drainheld necessary for each residence shall be a minimum of 200 square feet ar i an additional 100 square feet for each additional bedroom over two. F. The building official may, if he deems necessary, require a soil percolation test as described herein as a basis for determining the area of absorption field. The test will be made by the disposal system installer. The Percolation Rate measurement (3-C helow) shall b, witnessed by the building official. A special fee of $5.00 will be required for witnessing the Percolation Rate. Minimum seepage area of the disposal field (total flat area of trench bottom exclusive of aide - wall area) shall be determined by the following percolation test procedure as applied to Table 2. (1) Number and location of tests, Two or more tests shall be made in separate test holes spaced uniformly over the pro- posed absorption field elite. (2) Type of test hole. A hole with horizontal dimensions of 4 to 12 inches and vertical sides shall be dug or bored to the depth of the proposed absorption trench. The holes may be bored with an auger of not less than 4 -inch diameter. (3) Preparation of test hole. The bottom and sides of the hole shall be carefully scratched with a knife blade or sharp pointed instrument to remove any smeared soil surfaces and to provide a natural soil interface into which water may percolate. All loose material shall be removed from the hole and 2 inches of coarse sand or fine gravel shall be added to protect the bottom from scour- ing. (4) Saturation and swelling of the soiL The hole shall be care- fully filled with dear water to a minimum depth of 12 inches over the gravel. Water shall be kelt in the hole for at least 4 hours, and preferably overnight, by re- filling if necessary, or by supply- ing a surplus reservoir of water, such as in an automatic siphon. In sandy soils containing little or no clay, the swelling procedure shall not be required and the test may be made as described under item (5)C below after the water from one filling of the hole has completely seeped away. (5) Percolation rata mtrasura- mernt. With the exception of sandy soils, percolation rate measurements shall be made on the day following the procedure described under Sec. 5.05 F (4). (A) If water remains in the test hold after the overnight swelling period, the depth shall be adjusted to approximately 6 inches over the gravel- From a fixed reference point the drop in water level shall be measured over a 30 minute period. This drop shall be used to calculate the percolation rate. (B) If no water remains in "-e hole after the overnight swelling period, clear water shall be added to bring the depth of water in the hole to approximately 6 inch- es over the gravel. From a Axed reference point the drip in water level shall be measured at ap- proximately 30 minute intervals for four hours, refilling 6 inches over the gravel if necessary. The drop that occurs during the Anal Per¢ola (Titoe for water to Fats i m in Mlnu 1 or 1 2 3 4 5 lei 30 minute period shall be used to calculate the percolation rate. WC In sandy soils or other soils In which the first 6 inches of we ter seeps away in less than 30 minutes after the over -night swelling period, the time interval between measurements shall be taken as 10 minutes and the test shall be rum for one hour. The drop that occurs during the final 10 minutes shall be used to cal- culate the percolation rate. TABLE 2 Abaorptim Ares BORequirsmeab for Private Residences Per Bedroom Column Provides for Automatic Sequence Washing Machines) won Rats rcolatlon Rate Required tTtme Requirea for Required Absorption Area water to Required Absorptin cit. in Square Feet Standard Fal. I Inch, in square Feet St tea) Treneh I and Seepage Pits2) in Minutes) Trench I and Seepag Per Per Gallon of Per Per G Bedrooms Waste Per Day Bedroom d Waste P 70 .20 10 165 .6 a5 .30 15 190 .8 100 .35 250 1.1 115 .40 300 1.2 125 .45 330 1. G. Additional C r i t e r i a for Judging Sod Suitability. (1) In aetzes of shallow ground water, the depth of the water table shall be determined. No soil absorption system shall be installed in an area where the ess water table is at any time l titan 6% feet below pound level or 4 feet below the bottom of the drain field trench. Soil absorp- tion systems installed in areas wbere impermeable layers are found at depths of less than 6% feet shall be considered to be of special design. H. Construction of Disposal Trenches. (1) All trenches in a disposal Sold shall be constructed in ac - Cox , 1 with the following standards: (A) Minimum number of lines per field ................ .......... .... 2 (B) Mazimum length of indi- vidual lines ............100 feet (C) Minimum bottom width of trench ....................1a inches (D) Minimum depth of cover of tile lines ................IS inches (E) Preferred depth of cover of tile lines ................24 inches (F) Maximum depth of cover of f .77 Width at Bottom In Inebm 12 34 30 36 Absorption beds wider than 36 inches shall be provided with multiple distribution ole lilies e 65 n Arca Stall e Pits 2 on of r Da) 5 0 0 5 tile lines ................30 inches (G) Maximum uniform grade of tile lines .......6 inches per 100 feet (H) Preferred uniform grade of tile lines ._.2 to 4 inches per 100 feet a) Size and spacing of trench- es........__.conform to table 3 (J) Minimum filter material tmder tile..............12 inches (K) Preferred depth of Alter material under the ......................I7 to 24 inches (L) Minimum Alter material over tile ................... 4 inehes (M) The grade of file lines shall be established with a sur- veyor's level or transit. 1 Absorption area for standard trenches is figured as trench - bottom area. 2 Absorption area for seepage pits is figured as effective side- wall area beneath the inlet. 3 In every case sufficient area should be provided for at least 2 bedrooms. 4 Unsuitable for seepage F if over 30. 5 Unsuitable for absorption sys- tems if over 60. TABLE 3 andV%r Do= Spading gttire�nls !Abaorpnon 9q 77 Ltn. Ft s 1-5 2.0 225 L5 Idinlmum pacing of Linea C .o C to Feet 6.0 6.b 7.0 7.5 spaced not more than 36 inches nor less than 18 inches on center, and not more than 18 inches from the aide walls of the trench or bed, except that where the lines are supported on a satisfactory under -drain system these spac- ings may be increased. (2) The area of absorption beds coo constructed shall be 50% greater than the area required for trenches. (3) Pipe used ter the line be- tween the septic tank and the distribution box and between the distribution box and tile laterals to the point where the laterals are separated 6 feet, shall be vitrified -clay, cement -asbestos, or cast-iron. Joints in such pipe shall be watertight. Pipe used under driveways or other areas subject to heavy loads shall be bell and spigot cast-iron with lauded caulked joints. Such wa- tertight sections laid in the dispo- sal field shall not be considered in determining the effective absorp- tion area. (4) Field tile used in the dis- posal field shall be 4 -inch agricul- tural drair. tile 12 inches in length and shall be laid with % inch open joints. Alternate materials may be used if equivalent per- formance is indicated. (A) All open joints shall be protected on top by strips of asphalt -treated building paper at least 10 inches long and 3 to 6 inches wide or by other accept- able means. (B) All bends used in the dis- posal field shall have tight joints at each end of the bend. (5) Filter material shall be crushed stone, gravel, or similar insoluble, durable and acceptable material having sufficient voids. This material may vary from % to 2% inches in size and shall be free of dust, sand or clay. The filter materials shall completely encase the tile in accordance with Sec. 5.05 H (I) (J), (K) and (L). In any case disposal trenches con- structed within 10 feet of large trees or dense shrubbery shall have at least 12 inches of filter materials beneath the tile. (6) The top of the filter mate- rial shall be covered with un- treated building paper or a two- inch layer of hay or straw so as to prevent settling of backfi.1 ma- terial into the filter material. (7) Where it is necessary to fill an area for construction of tile lateraL-. the bottom of the tile trenches shall extend not less than one foot into the original soil. (8) The trench above the filter material shall be overfilled with 4 to 6 inches of earth. The back- fill shall be hand -tamped. (9) Before filter material is placed, all smeared or compacted soil in the trench bottom shall be broken up and removed by raking or other effective means to pro- vide natural soil conditions. I. Seepage Pits. (1) Seepage pits shall be used for disposal of septic tank effluent only when such use is indicated by favorable conditions of soil, ground -water level, or topog- raphy and where such use does not reduce the safety of surround- ing water supplies. The pit exca- vation shall terminate at le ,st 4 feet above the highest known or calculated ground -water table. The depth of the excavation shall not exceed 50 percent of the depth of any wall casing in the area or 20 feet, whichever is least. (2) A distribution box which is constructed ;ri ar­�,rdance with provisior_. bhall be re- quired wh more seepage pits are cc. and used in parallel. (3) The vocation of seepage pits, in addition to the general provisions herein shall be not less than the stated minimum distance from the following: (A) Any water supply well or buried water suction pipe ......................................75 feet (B) Occupied buildings.... 20 feet (C) Property lines and buried pipe distributing w a t e r under pressure .......... 10 feet (D) Other seepage pits .... 3 times the diameter of the largest pit (edge to edge) (4) Effective absorption area of a seepage pit shall be calculated as the sidewall area below the in- let, exclusive of any hardpan, rock, or clay formations. (A) Required seepage area shall be determined by the provisions herein or by the Percolation Test described above and from Table 2. A percolation test where re- quired shall be made in each ver- tical stratum penetrated by the seepage pit, and the weighted average of the results, exclusive of results from soil strata in which the percolation rate ex- ceeds 30 minutes, shall be com- puted and applied to Table 2 as indicated. (B) A minimum of 4 feet com- posite depth of porous formation for each installation shall be pro- vided in one or more pits. (C) All pits shall have a diam- eter of at least 4 feet. (5) Construction of all seepage pits shall conform to the follow- ing requirements: (A) To prevent cave-in, the pit shall be lined with brick, stone or block at least 4 inches thick, laid in a radial arch to support the pit walls. (B) The brick, stone or block shall be laid water -tight above the inlet and with open joint be- low the inlet to provide adequate passage of liquids. (C) A minimum annular space of 6 inches and preferably 12 inches between the lining and ex- cavation wall shall be filled with crushed rock or gravel. (D) The seepage pit shall be so constructed at the top as to be capable of supporting the over- burden of earth and any reason- able load to which it is subjected. Access to the pit shall be provid- ed by means of a manhole or in- spection hole equipped with a watertight cover. The seepage pit may terwinat^ in a conventional manhole top, frame and cover. The top of the seepage pit shall be not less than 12 inches below the ground surface. Where the top is more than 18 inches below the ground surface there shall be provided an inspection pipe of not less than 4 inch diameter extend- ing through the cover to a point above the tank not more than 6 inches below finished ground level. The top of the inspection pipe shall be provided with a readily removable water -tight cap and its location shall be marked at the ground surface. Section G. Inspection. 6.01 The inspector shall make such inspection or inspections as are necessary to determine :;om- pliance with this ordinance. No part of the system shall be cov- ered until it has been inspected and accepted by the inspector. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant for the permit to notify the inspector that the job is ready for inspection or re -inspection, and it shall be the duty of the inspector to make the indicated inspection within 48 hours after such notice has been given. It shall be the duty of the owner or occupant of the property to give the inspector free access to the property at reasonable times for the purpose of making such in- spections. Upon satisfactory com- pletion and final inspection of the system the inspector shall issue to the applicant a certificate of approval. 6.02 The applicant shall file with the inspector at the time of the system inspection, a diagram of the completed system. This diagram shall be on and in ac- cordance with a printed form fur- nished by the council_ A copy of this diagram shall be posted in the building by the applicant 6.03 If upon inspection the in- spector dis-covers that any part of the system is not constructed in accordance with the ninimum standards provided in :..s ordi- nance, he shall give the applicant written notification describing the defects. The applicant shall pay an additional fee of $5.00 for each re -inspection that is necessary. The applicant shall be responsible for the correction or elimination of all defects, and no system shall be placed or replaced in service until all defects have been cor- rected or eliminated_ Section 7. Objectives and Var- iances. 7.01 The objectives of this or- dinance are to provide adequate and Fate methods of sewage dis- posal and to prevent the contam- ination of any existing or future water supply by any existing or future sewage disposal system. Any system of special, unusual or new design which will satisfy the stated objectives may be accept- ed as complying with this ordi- nance, and any permit granted for the construction, installation, alteration, or repair of any such special system shall be subject to such conditions and guarantees as may be stated in the permit. 7.02 The Village Council may, upon a showing of hardship or in unusual circumstances, vary the provisions of this ordinance in conformance with the objectives as stated in 7.01 above. Section 8. Penalties. Any per- son, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this or- dinance shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $100.00 or imprisoned for not to exceed 90 days. Each day that any violation is continued shall constitute a separate offense. Section 9. Repeal and Effective Date. Ordinance No. 59-14, adopt- ed by the Village Council May 27, 1959 is hereby repealed. This or- dinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication. Passed by the Village Council this 1st day of March, 1965. (Sgd.) Loring H. Staples, Jr., (Seal) Mayor. Attest: H. T. Johnson, clerk. (3/11, '65)