HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 02-20-2019Approved Minutes 1 of 4 Meeting of February 20, 2019 Approved Minutes Planning Commission Meeting February 20, 2019 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Marc Anderson, Commissioners Bryan Oakley, Julie Witt, and Justin Markell MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners Donovan Saba, David Witte and Jaspreet (Jesse) Narr STAFF PRESENT: Planning Manager Barbara Thomson, Senior Planner Shawn Drill, and Senior Engineering Technician Trevor Quast OTHERS PRESENT: Councilmember Ned Carroll 1. CALL TO ORDER - 7:00 P.M. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. PUBLIC FORUM 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION by Commissioner Oakley, seconded by Commissioner Witt, to approve the February 20, 2019 Planning Commission Agenda. Vote. 4 Ayes. MOTION approved. 5. CONSENT AGENDA A. APPROVAL OF THE FEBRUARY 6, 2018 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MOTION by Commissioner Oakley, seconded by Commissioner Markell, to approve the consent agenda. Vote. 4 Ayes. MOTION approved. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. WEST PLYMOUTH DEVELOPMENT (2018078) Chair Anderson introduced the request by West Plymouth Development for a rezoning, preliminary plat and PUD general plan for a subdivision containing 122 single-family lots to be called “Westin Ridge” on property located at the southeast corner of County Roads 47 and 101. Senior Planner Drill gave an overview of the staff report. Commissioner Oakley asked the location of Troy Lane relative to this development. Approved Minutes 2 of 4 Meeting of February 20, 2019 Senior Planner Drill identified the location of Troy Lane, which is to the east and continues south. Commissioner Witt referenced the tree survey and stated that a number of the trees proposed to be removed are the stronger trees and a number of the trees proposed to be saved are Ash, which will most likely be removed in the future. Senior Planner Drill stated that the City does not discriminate on tree species and instead reviews the total number of caliper inches. He stated that some of the higher quality trees happen to be in a location where they would be harder to save, while some of the Ash trees may be along the perimeter and that is why they would be saved. He stated that the City Council discussed Ash trees at a study session a year or two ago and the consensus was to continue to count those trees on inventories rather than eliminating them. Commissioner Oakley referenced the adjacent zoning in the cities bordering the subject site and asked if those are all residential or whether commercial development could occur. Senior Planner Drill stated that the area in Medina is open space associated with the Wild Meadows subdivision and that area will not be developed. He stated the area in Maple Grove is developed with single-family homes, but he was unsure of the land use in Corcoran. Chair Anderson stated that when he first reviewed this request against the 2030 and 2040 comprehensive plans, he was unsure why a comprehensive plan amendment was not being requested. Planning Manager Thomson explained that the approval would be contingent upon the 2040 comprehensive plan being adopted. She stated that clearly this is the type of development that the City intends for the site under the 2040 plan. Chair Anderson asked what action the City Council has taken on the 2040 plan. Planning Manager Thomson stated that the City Council authorized submission of the 2040 plan to the Metropolitan Council and that the council cannot adopt the plan until the Metropolitan Council has completed its review of the City’s plan. Commissioner Markell referenced the stub cul-de-sac located off outlot G and asked if there are other cul-de-sacs of that design in the city. Senior Planner Drill replied that there are a few similar cul-de-sacs located in other developments. He explained that outlot G would be owned by the homeowner’s association. He noted that the necessary turning radius for emergency vehicles and trash haulers would need to be provided. Commissioner Markell stated that he would be curious as to the intent for outlot G and the space between the cul-de-sac. Approved Minutes 3 of 4 Meeting of February 20, 2019 Chair Anderson introduced Dave Gonyea, representing the applicant, who stated that outlot G will include greenspace and a neighborhood mini-park/playground that would be maintained by the homeowner’s association. He stated that the cul-de-sac would be located within the right-of- way and they could include a landscape plan that the association would maintain, along with the entrance and other landscaping areas along the boulevards. He provided details on the different lot sizes and building pads that would be available, along with the different amenities that could be included in the development. Commissioner Markell stated that it sounds like the applicant would be willing to agree to a plat condition assigning maintenance responsibilities for the cul-de-sac bubble area to the homeowner’s association. Chair Anderson stated that most of the lots will be a mix of walk-out and look-out products and asked if the site balances that way or whether additional material would be hauled in. Mr. Gonyea estimated the amount of dirt on the site is currently short. He said he did not estimate hauling in that much material. Chair Anderson stated if there is going to be a lot of hauling, it would be important to let the public know. Commissioner Markell stated that there is an absence of a community clubhouse and pool and asked if that amenity would be included. Mr. Gonyea stated that at this point they are looking at greenspace with the playground and perhaps another outdoor activity area rather than a pool and clubhouse. He noted that the adjacent Enclave project does not have a pool or clubhouse. Chair Anderson continued the public hearing and closed the public hearing as there was no one present requesting to speak on this item. Chair Anderson referenced a written comment that was received relating to lighting. Mr. Gonyea stated that he is open to different types of lighting. He did not believe that the City policy would allow upgrades from the standard because of future maintenance and replacement. Planning Manager Thomson agreed that the City typically uses a single standard fixture for consistency. Commissioner Oakley stated that his interpretation of the comments in the letter were related to potential light pollution. He said he believed that is an important point of the City standard already. Planning Manager Thomson stated that shielding requirements are addressed for private lighting, but there is not the same type of shielding requirements for street lighting. Approved Minutes 4 of 4 Meeting of February 20, 2019 Chair Anderson referenced comments in a second letter relating to stormwater management and runoff concerns. Senior Engineering Technician Quast stated that the new development would not be allowed to create more runoff after construction than it currently does under pre-development conditions. He stated that if the ground slopes down, there would need to be perimeter control to capture and protect the adjacent private property. He stated that the private property should not be negatively impacted from the new development and its runoff. Commissioner Markell stated that this is a good use, and the developer has a lot of experience in the community. He stated he would like the proposed resolution to include a condition that would require the association to maintain the boulevard landscaping in the stub cul-de-sac. Commissioner Oakley noted there is a condition that states no trees shall be planted in the boulevard and stated that there may be trees desired in that particular location. Chair Anderson stated that the 2030 plan identified commercial and high density housing for this area, but he believes that the 2040 guiding of LA-2 would be more appropriate. He stated that because of the location between two busy streets, he agrees with the smaller lots sizes, which will help to decrease the prices of the homes. He noted that he supports the PUD and not going through a comprehensive plan amendment. Commissioner Witt echoed that this is a nice development for this property. MOTION by Commissioner Markell, seconded by Commissioner Oakley, to recommend approval of the request by West Plymouth Development for a rezoning, preliminary plat and PUD general plan for a subdivision containing 122 single-family lots to be called “Westin Ridge” on property located at the southeast corner of County Roads 47 and 101, with the added condition that the boulevard area in the cul-de-sac southeast of Outlot G be maintained by the homeowners association. Vote. 4 Ayes . MOTION approved. 7. NEW BUSINESS 8. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Chair Anderson, with no objection, to adjourn the meeting at 7:39 P.M.